Game on November 29, 2024 at 21:34, 8 players
1. 588 pts LongJump22
2. 252 pts WWWWWW1112
3. 252 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 24 24
2. 13H 35 59
3. M7 112 171
4. 12K 39 210
5. O8 140 350
6. 15H 89 439
7. 12A 88 527
8. 13A 30 557
9. 14A 31 588
10. N2 43 631
11. 5H 70 701
12. N10 33 734
13. 3I 26 760
14. 9A 62 822
15. 8B 43 865
16. 10B 32 897
17. O1 35 932
18. 5E 26 958
19. 4A 30 988
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5538 LongJump22 6 8:45 -400 588 1.7235 VVVVVV1112 2 3:06 -736 252
2.6218 WWWWWW1112 2 2:04 -736 252 2.7714 sicilianc5 1 3:41 -909 79
3.7235 VVVVVV1112 2 3:06 -736 252 Group: intermediate
4.5657 NNNNNN1112 1 8:34 -801 187 1.6218 WWWWWW1112 2 2:04 -736 252
5.5698 MMMMMM1112 0 6:29 -875 113 Group: novice
6.7714 sicilianc5 1 3:41 -909 79 1.5538 LongJump22 6 8:45 -400 588
7.5677 OOOOOO1112 1 1:32 -949 39 2.5657 NNNNNN1112 1 8:34 -801 187
8.5698 LLLLLL1112 1 1:53 -949 39 3.5698 MMMMMM1112 0 6:29 -875 113
4.5677 OOOOOO1112 1 1:32 -949 39
5.5698 LLLLLL1112 1 1:53 -949 39
On 1st draw, RENAY H8 24 --- RENAY to renounce [v]
Other tops: ONERY H8 24, YEARN H4 24
Other moves: ONERY H4 18, RAYNE H4 18, RAYNE H8 18, RAYON H4 18, RAYON H8 18
RENAY H8 24 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, SQUAB 13H 35 --- SQUAB a young pigeon [n] --- SQUAB clumsy [adj] --- SQUAB to upholster thickly [v]
Other moves: SQUAD 13H 34, SQUAMA 11C 34, SQUAMA 11E 34, SQUAB 11E 32, DUMBS G9 31
SQUAB 13H 35 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112
On 3rd draw, FINA(L)IS M7 112 --- FINALIS a type of tone in medieval music [n]
Other tops: FINIA(L)S M7 112
Other moves: FIS(T)IANA 11A 70, FIS(T)IANA 11C 70, FIS(T)IANA K6 70, FIS(T)IANA K8 70, SINF(O)NIA 10C 70
FINIA(L)S M7 112 LongJump22, WWWWWW1112, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, HAIKA 12K 39 --- HAIK an outer garment worn by Arabs [n]
Other tops: HAIKA 8K 39, KINA 8L 39, KINO 8L 39, KIRN 8L 39
Other moves: HAKA G9 37, HANK G9 37, HOKA G9 37, HONK G9 37, RHINO 8K 36
KIRN 8L 39 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 5th draw, GE(S)TAPOS O8 140 --- GESTAPO a secret-police organisation [n]
Other tops: GESTAPO(S) O8 140, POSTAGE(S) O8 140, POT(T)AGES O8 140, PO(N)TAGES O8 140, PO(R)TAGES O8 140, PO(S)TAGES O8 140, PO(T)TAGES O8 140
Other moves: GE(S)TAPOS 11D 102, POT(T)AGES 11D 102, PO(N)TAGES 11D 102, PO(R)TAGES 11D 102, PO(S)TAGES 11D 102
GE(S)TAPOS O8 140 LongJump22
On 6th draw, REBODIES 15H 89 --- REBODY to renew the body of [v]
Other moves: ROBE 14J 35, BORIDE L4 34, BORIDE N2 31, BORED L4 30, BREED L4 30
REBODIES 15H 89 LongJump22
On 7th draw, MOTHERLY 12A 88 --- MOTHERLY maternal [adj]
Other moves: HELM G9 33, HOLM G9 33, MOHEL G7 32, MOHEL L6 32, MOHEL L4 30
MOHEL L4 30 LongJump22
On 8th draw, OREAD 13A 30 --- OREAD a mountain nymph in Greek mythology [n]
Other moves: DROOME A8 27, RADOME A8 27, REMOUD A10 27, REMUDA A10 27, OARED L4 26
DROOME A8 27 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112
On 9th draw, REGO 14A 31 --- REGO motor registration [n]
Other moves: COORIE B10 28, CRU 11D 28, ICE 14A 28, ECO 14B 27, CRORE B10 26
COORIE B10 28 MMMMMM1112, LongJump22, NNNNNN1112
On 10th draw, OCTAVE N2 43 --- OCTAVE a type of musical interval [n]
Other moves: AVOW 11H 38, AVOCET L3 32, AW(L) 11K 30, COVET L4 30, AVOW G6 29
MORE A12 18 LongJump22
MORT A12 18 NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112
On 11th draw, PERSONAL 5H 70 --- PERSONAL a brief, private notice in a newspaper [n]
Other moves: ES 15A 28, REPOLL G7 25, ALPS 11H 24, APES 11H 24, APOS 11H 24
MORE A12 18 LongJump22
MORN A12 18 NNNNNN1112
MORS A12 18 MMMMMM1112
On 12th draw, YAK N10 33 --- YAK to chatter [v]
Other tops: YOK N10 33
Other moves: AY N9 29, YUAN 4I 27, AYU G8 23, NOYAU 4D 23, NOYAU 4G 23
NY O1 20 NNNNNN1112
AY O1 20 MMMMMM1112
MORN A12 18 LongJump22
On 13th draw, INVOICE 3I 26 --- INVOICE to bill [v]
Other moves: NETOP H1 24, INVITE 6E 23, INVITED E7 22, NOVICE 3J 22, OVINE 6F 22
OE 2N 2 LongJump22
ON 10G 2 NNNNNN1112
IN 10G 2 MMMMMM1112
On 14th draw, LATITUDE 9A 62 --- LATITUDE freedom from narrow restrictions [n]
Other tops: ALTITUDE 9A 62
Other moves: IDEAL O1 27, TAL(L)AT 11J 27, AMORT A11 21, ATUA 11H 20, AULA 11H 20
EA I5 2 LongJump22
On 15th draw, MUX 8B 43 --- MUX to spoil [v]
Other moves: LUXE 8B 42, LEX 8B 39, LUX 8B 39, EX 8C 36, XU 8D 36
EN I5 2 LongJump22
On 16th draw, WE 10B 32 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other tops: ALEW 11H 32, ANEW 11H 32
Other moves: WE 11E 26, WINGE 2F 26, GWINE 6F 25, EWE O1 23, GINNEL 10F 23
WE 10B 32 sicilianc5
EN I5 2 LongJump22
On 17th draw, TWEEL O1 35 --- TWEEL to weave with a twill [v]
Other moves: ANEW 11H 32, WE 11E 26, EWE O1 23, TEW L8 21, WE N14 20
WE 11E 26 sicilianc5
EN I5 2 LongJump22
Other moves: JUNGLI 2E 24, JUNGLI 6C 22, JUD G7 21, GIN L8 19, GINN 10F 19
JUD G7 21 sicilianc5
On 19th draw, FICIN 4A 30 --- FICIN a medicinal product obtained from fig trees [n]
Other moves: FLING 4A 29, CLING 4A 25, GIF L8 25, FLING F2 21, ICING 4A 21
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