Game on November 29, 2024 at 23:55, 5 players
1. 245 pts sunshine12
2. 101 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 75 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. 11D 94 158
3. 10C 34 192
4. 12A 48 240
5. K4 84 324
6. 8A 83 407
7. 8J 39 446
8. 12K 42 488
9. A10 39 527
10. O10 48 575
11. L1 40 615
12. 1L 39 654
13. 2J 30 684
14. 1E 32 716
15. C1 70 786
16. 4A 48 834
17. N12 42 876
18. 14A 28 904
19. M10 36 940
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6989 sunshine12 1 5:38 -695 245 1.7331 GLOBEMAN 1 2:11 -839 101
2.7331 GLOBEMAN 1 2:11 -839 101 2.7073 roocatcher 1 2:39 -865 75
3.7073 roocatcher 1 2:39 -865 75 Group: intermediate
4. - BadBoyBen 0 0:07 -914 26 1.6989 sunshine12 1 5:38 -695 245
5. - chunk88 0 0:29 -923 17 Group: not rated
1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:07 -914 26
2. - chunk88 0 0:29 -923 17
On 1st draw, ISO(B)ASE H7 64 --- ISOBASE a contour line of equal upheaval of the land [n]
Other tops: A(B)IOSES H2 64, A(B)IOSES H4 64, A(B)IOSES H6 64, A(B)IOSES H7 64, A(B)IOSES H8 64, A(N)OESIS H2 64, A(N)OESIS H4 64, A(N)OESIS H6 64, A(N)OESIS H7 64, A(N)OESIS H8 64, ISO(B)ASE H2 64, ISO(B)ASE H3 64, ISO(B)ASE H4 64, ISO(B)ASE H6 64, ISO(B)ASE H8 64, SOA(P)IES H2 64, SOA(P)IES H3 64, SOA(P)IES H4 64, SOA(P)IES H6 64, SOA(P)IES H7 64, SOA(P)IES H8 64, SOSA(T)IE H2 64, SOSA(T)IE H3 64, SOSA(T)IE H4 64, SOSA(T)IE H6 64, SOSA(T)IE H7 64
Other moves: A(B)IOSES H3 62, A(B)IOSES H5 62, A(N)OESIS H3 62, A(N)OESIS H5 62, ISO(B)ASE H5 62
On 2nd draw, PRERADIO 11D 94 --- PRERADIO preceding the development of radio [adj]
Other moves: DROOPIER 9E 65, DROOPIER 9F 64, DOPER I7 30, PEDRERO 13G 30, DOPE I7 27
On 3rd draw, NOAH 10C 34 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other moves: H*b*HE(B)E 10F 32, HONE 10J 30, HONE 12A 30, HIE 10J 29, HIN 10J 29
On 4th draw, LOVEYS 12A 48 --- LOVEY a term of endearment [n]
Other moves: LOVEY 12A 40, VOLES 12A 37, YOUSE 12A 37, YULES 12A 37, LEYS 12C 36
On 5th draw, (F)ORZANDO K4 84 --- FORZANDO a suddenly emphasised passage of music [n]
Other moves: (F)ORZANDI J4 73, (F)ORZANDI 7A 70, (F)ORZANDO 9G 70, ZEDOAR(Y) 13G 56, REZON(E)D 13G 54
NAZI J8 33 sunshine12
On 6th draw, PELTRIES 8A 83 --- PELTRY an animal skin [n]
Other tops: PERLITES 8A 83, REPTILES 8A 83
Other moves: PERLITE G2 66, REPTILE G2 66, APERT 8K 30, APTER 8K 30, PALIER 8J 27
APERT 8K 30 sunshine12
On 7th draw, LAMBIE 8J 39 --- LAMBIE a small lamb [n]
Other moves: AMBLE 8K 36, BEDIM I9 33, ABELE 8K 30, AMENE 8K 30, AMINE 8K 30
AMINE 8K 30 sunshine12
On 8th draw, SNATH 12K 42 --- SNATH the handle of a scythe [n]
Other tops: SAITH 12K 42, SHIVA 12K 42, VISTA 3I 42
Other moves: SHIVA 3K 40, SHIV 12K 38, SHIV 3K 38, NASHI 3I 36, SAVIN 12K 36
LATH A12 21 sunshine12
On 9th draw, KELVIN A10 39 --- KELVIN a unit of temperature [n]
Other moves: UNHIVE O10 36, VAHINE O10 36, KIVA L1 34, HAIK O12 33, HAKE O12 33
UNHIVE O10 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 10th draw, FEHMIC O10 48 --- FEHMIC pertaining to the fehm [adj]
Other moves: CHIMB O11 42, CHIEF O11 39, CHIME O11 36, BEDIM I9 33, METIF N10 32
EF L4 17 chunk88
On 11th draw, JOTA L1 40 --- JOTA a Spanish dance [n]
Other moves: RIOJA J2 30, RIOJA 6K 28, AJEE B5 27, JAI J2 27, JEER B6 27
On 12th draw, JAGG 1L 39 --- JAGG to cut unevenly [v]
Other moves: JANE 1L 33, JEAN 1L 33, JEAT 1L 33, AREG M1 28, ARET M1 25
JAGG 1L 39 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 13th draw, ADOBO 2J 30 --- ADOBO a Philippine dish of fish or meat [n]
Other moves: ROADBED G3 29, ABOARD M1 28, BOARDED G3 28, ABATOR M1 26, ABORD M1 26
TAB N12 22 sunshine12
On 14th draw, REFUGE 1E 32 --- REFUGE to give or take shelter [v]
Other moves: REFUGEE B2 30, GRUFE 1F 29, UNFREE 1E 29, ENUF 1G 26, REEF 1G 26
On 15th draw, NONIDEAL C1 70 --- NONIDEAL not ideal [adj]
Other moves: INNED 2B 29, ONNED 2B 29, TAED 3L 24, TOAD 3L 24, TOED 3L 24
On 16th draw, QUITE 4A 48 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v] --- QUITE to the fullest extent [adv]
Other tops: QUIET 4A 48, QUIRE 4A 48, QUIRT 4A 48
Other moves: QUIT 4A 46, QUIRE N6 43, QUITE N6 43, QUOTER 2A 40, EQUATE F1 37
On 17th draw, TUX N12 42 --- TUX a tuxedo [n]
Other tops: TAX N12 42
Other moves: TAX 3L 41, AX 13L 38, XU 5E 36, AXE G6 35, WYE B6 35
On 18th draw, ITALIC 14A 28 --- ITALIC a style of print [n]
Other tops: IATRIC 14A 28
Other moves: LAC M11 24, CLAT M10 22, DARIC 5C 22, DIACT 5C 22, TART 3L 22
On 19th draw, TWAY M10 36 --- TWAY a set of two [n]
Other moves: WYE B6 35, WAY M11 34, TRAY M10 30, RAY M11 28, TAY M11 28
WAY M11 34 sunshine12
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