Game on November 30, 2024 at 13:38, 11 players
1. 528 pts ArcticFox
2. 417 pts Chelsea
3. 289 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 82 82
2. 13H 80 162
3. K8 72 234
4. O10 30 264
5. 9B 62 326
6. D5 72 398
7. B6 65 463
8. 6H 77 540
9. A5 48 588
10. 15D 98 686
11. 14B 41 727
12. 5I 39 766
13. 7G 32 798
14. 8K 51 849
15. A10 32 881
16. E4 20 901
17. E11 38 939
18. F2 30 969
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7053 ArcticFox 5 16:00 -441 528 1.7053 ArcticFox 5 16:00 -441 528
2.7247 Chelsea 4 13:30 -552 417 2.7247 Chelsea 4 13:30 -552 417
3.5796 LongJump22 2 4:23 -680 289 3.7235 VVVVVV1112 2 4:59 -680 289
4.7235 VVVVVV1112 2 4:59 -680 289 Group: intermediate
5.6302 WWWWWW1112 2 5:28 -694 275 1.6302 WWWWWW1112 2 5:28 -694 275
6.6670 Discus22 1 8:35 -709 260 2.6670 Discus22 1 8:35 -709 260
7.6587 Hammer22 2 2:54 -891 78 3.6587 Hammer22 2 2:54 -891 78
8.5738 OOOOOO1112 0 1:30 -939 30 Group: novice
9.5697 MMMMMM1112 0 1:11 -942 27 1.5796 LongJump22 2 4:23 -680 289
10.5758 NNNNNN1112 0 1:37 -942 27 2.5738 OOOOOO1112 0 1:30 -939 30
11.5785 LLLLLL1112 0 0:53 -957 12 3.5697 MMMMMM1112 0 1:11 -942 27
4.5758 NNNNNN1112 0 1:37 -942 27
5.5785 LLLLLL1112 0 0:53 -957 12
On 1st draw, OATLIKE H7 82 --- OATLIKE resembling oats [adj]
Other tops: KEITLOA H4 82
Other moves: KEITLOA H2 74, KEITLOA H3 74, KEITLOA H6 74, KEITLOA H7 74, KEITLOA H8 74
OATLIKE H7 82 LongJump22, WWWWWW1112, VVVVVV1112
TILAK H8 28 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, EVIRA(T)ED 13H 80 --- EVIRATE to castrate [v]
Other moves: DERIVA(T)E 13G 78, (T)AIVERED 13B 78, EVIRA(T)ED 13B 76, READVI(S)E 13G 76, REI(N)VADE 13A 76
(T)AIVERED 13B 78 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
DERIVE 13C 28 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, CONELRAD K8 72 --- CONELRAD a system of defense in the event of air attack [n]
Other tops: COLANDER K6 72
Other moves: CELADON G2 67, CELADON I2 67, CELADON G1 65, CELADON I1 65, CANOODLE 7D 64
CELADON I2 67 WWWWWW1112, LongJump22
DANCED O8 33 ArcticFox
On 4th draw, (F)OGDOG O10 30 --- FOGDOG a nebulous arc of light sometimes seen in fog [n]
Other tops: EDGI(N)G 15J 30, GOOG(L)ED O7 30
Other moves: CIGG(Y) 8K 27, COGIE 8K 27, DOGGO 15K 27, GIG(G)ED O8 27, GI(G)GED O8 27
(H)OGGED 15F 24 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, DATOLITE 9B 62 --- DATOLITE a rock formed from boron and calcium silicates [n]
Other moves: DATOLI(T)E M7 61, CADET 8K 27, CADIE 8K 27, CALID 8K 27, CITED 8K 27
DATOLITE 9B 62 LongJump22, WWWWWW1112
DATED 15G 21 Chelsea
On 6th draw, PETITION D5 72 --- PETITION to make a formal request [v]
Other tops: PETITION D7 72
Other moves: PINITE 8A 39, NEPIT 8A 36, POTIN 8A 34, NOPE 8A 31, TIPI 8A 31
NOPE 8A 31 ArcticFox
POINTED 15E 30 Chelsea, OOOOOO1112, Discus22
On 7th draw, SEADROME B6 65 --- SEADROME an airport in the sea [n]
Other moves: REMISE 8A 35, EMERODS 15F 33, REMADES 15G 33, REMEADS 15F 33, SCREAM 8J 33
REMISE 8A 35 ArcticFox
REMEADS 15F 33 Discus22
On 8th draw, MARTINS 6H 77 --- MARTIN a small bird [n]
Other moves: MARTINS G1 64, MARTINS I1 64, TRANSMI(T) M6 61, SMART A11 43, SIMAR 14B 42
STAIN 14B 38 ArcticFox
MAIN A12 38 Discus22
SAM 14B 34 Chelsea
On 9th draw, RUBY A5 48 --- RUBY of a deep red colour [adj] --- RUBY to tint with the color of a ruby (a deep-red precious stone) [v]
Other moves: BURY A5 46, HYBRID 15F 45, CHIRU 8K 42, BY A7 40, BUHR C11 38
RUBY A5 48 ArcticFox, Chelsea
HYBRID 15F 45 Discus22
On 10th draw, OVERWIND 15D 98 --- OVERWIND to wind too much, as a watch [v]
Other moves: VOWED 15G 36, WIVED 15G 36, OWER A12 34, OWRE A12 34, WOVEN E11 34
VOWED 15G 36 Discus22
WIVED 15G 36 Chelsea, ArcticFox
On 11th draw, SEW 14B 41 --- SEW to mend or fasten with a needle and thread [v]
Other tops: SAW 14B 41
Other moves: SEWAN A11 39, SEWIN A11 39, WANES A11 39, WEANS A11 39, NAANS L11 37
SEW 14B 41 ArcticFox
WANES A11 39 Chelsea, Discus22
On 12th draw, JAIL 5I 39 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: JAI G7 37, JAI 5I 35, AJAR E3 32, JAIL E3 32, JARTA E1 32
JAIL 5I 39 Chelsea, Discus22
JAI G7 37 ArcticFox
On 13th draw, COBS 7G 32 --- COB a corncob [n] --- COB to strike [v]
Other moves: BANIAS L9 30, CABAS 8K 30, CABIN 8K 30, CACAS 8K 30, CASINO E4 30
COBS 7G 32 Chelsea, ArcticFox
On 14th draw, CHARY 8K 51 --- CHARY cautious [adj]
Other moves: CHANT 8K 42, CHARE 8K 42, CHART 8K 42, CHEAT 8K 42, CHERT 8K 42
CHARY 8K 51 ArcticFox
HE 14F 28 Chelsea
On 15th draw, EPHA A10 32 --- EPHA a Hebrew unit of dry measure [n]
Other moves: FAH E4 31, FEH E4 31, FAH E11 30, FEH E11 30, PAH E4 29
FA 14F 28 Chelsea
FEH 13A 28 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, TENE E4 20 --- TENE an injury [n]
Other tops: NETE E4 20
Other moves: ENE E5 18, ETEN E3 18, TEEN E3 18, TENUE E1 18, EEN E4 16
TENE E4 20 Hammer22
On 17th draw, XU E11 38 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: OFF E9 33, NIXE F12 27, FUG E11 26, FUN E11 24, GUFFS N2 24
XU E11 38 Hammer22, Chelsea, ArcticFox
On 18th draw, DUING F2 30 --- DUE to provide with [v]
Other moves: FIND F3 27, DING F3 25, FIAT L11 25, TIND F3 24, TING F3 24
FUNDIS N1 20 Hammer22
FINDS N2 18 Chelsea
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