Game on November 30, 2024 at 14:22, 9 players
1. 289 pts VVVVVV1112
2. 249 pts Hammer22
3. 246 pts WWWWWW1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
H6 78 78 ![o](./l/o1.png)
2. ![e](./l/e1.png)
7G 26 104 ![q](./l/q1.png)
3. ![a](./l/a1.png)
J4 65 169 ![s](./l/s1.png)
4. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
4C 72 241 ![h](./l/h5.png)
5. ![a](./l/a1.png)
K8 35 276 ![r](./l/r1.png)
6. ![e](./l/e1.png)
14H 78 354 ![n](./l/n1.png)
7. ![a](./l/a1.png)
C2 76 430 ![b](./l/b1.png)
8. ![b](./l/b1.png)
L3 80 510 ![b](./l/b1.png)
9. ![a](./l/a1.png)
15F 46 556 ![a](./l/a1.png)
10. ![a](./l/a1.png)
E2 74 630 ![p](./l/p1.png)
11. ![a](./l/a1.png)
14B 55 685 ![k](./l/k1.png)
12. ![c](./l/c1.png)
O10 50 735 ![e](./l/e1.png)
13. ![d](./l/d1.png)
15A 35 770 ![v](./l/v1.png)
14. ![a](./l/a1.png)
13C 41 811 ![s](./l/s1.png)
15. ![e](./l/e1.png)
F4 30 841 ![d](./l/d1.png)
16. ![d](./l/d1.png)
3G 30 871 ![d](./l/d1.png)
17. ![i](./l/i1.png)
M7 37 908 ![i](./l/i1.png)
18. ![e](./l/e1.png)
N2 34 942 ![j](./l/j1.png)
Remaining tiles: ![l](./l/l1.png)
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
VVVVVV1112 3 4:46 -653 289 1.7235 VVVVVV1112 3 4:46 -653 289
Hammer22 1 5:59 -693 249 2.7674 HollyIvy 1 5:03 -699 243
WWWWWW1112 3 5:21 -696 246 Group: intermediate
HollyIvy 1 5:03 -699 243 1.6587 Hammer22 1 5:59 -693 249
LongJump22 4 2:51 -701 241 2.6302 WWWWWW1112 3 5:21 -696 246
MMMMMM1112 0 1:24 -911 31 Group: novice
NNNNNN1112 0 1:56 -911 31 1.5796 LongJump22 4 2:51 -701 241
OOOOOO1112 0 0:50 -918 24 2.5697 MMMMMM1112 0 1:24 -911 31
LLLLLL1112 0 1:46 -918 24 3.5758 NNNNNN1112 0 1:56 -911 31
4.5738 OOOOOO1112 0 0:50 -918 24
5.5785 LLLLLL1112 0 1:46 -918 24
On 1st draw, OUTG(N)AW H6 78 --- OUTGNAW to surpass in gnawing [v]
Other moves: OUTG(N)AW H2 72, OUTG(N)AW H3 72, OUTG(N)AW H4 72, OUTG(N)AW H7 72, OUTG(N)AW H5 70
OUTG(N)AW H6 78 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, WWWWWW1112
On 2nd draw, QUOP 7G 26 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other tops: QUEP 7G 26
Other moves: EMONG 13E 22, GENOM G3 22, GENOM I3 22, GNOME 13G 22, GNOME G4 22
QUOP 7G 26 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, STAPEDII J4 65 --- STAPEDIUS the muscle of the middle ear [n]
Other moves: ADE(N)ITIS 10E 64, DAI(N)TIES 10E 62, TEIIDS K2 30, TIDIES K2 30, TEIIDS 13C 29
STAPEDII J4 65 LongJump22, WWWWWW1112, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, (H)EADAGES 4C 72 --- HEADAGE a subsidy payable to farmers [n]
Other moves: TEE(N)AGED 8H 32, EA(S)E K5 29, AD(S) K5 28, AG(S) K5 28, ED(S) K5 28
(H)EADAGES 4C 72 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, WWWWWW1112
On 5th draw, ROOFIE K8 35 --- ROOFIE a tablet of a powerful sedative [n]
Other tops: ROOFIE 3B 35
Other moves: OOFIER 5B 33, OOFIER K9 33, ROOF K8 31, ROOFIE 5A 31, AFORE K9 28
On 6th draw, NITRILE 14H 78 --- NITRILE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: LINTIER L3 74, LINTIER 14E 71, LINTIER L2 70, NITRILE L2 70, RETILING 9A 61
On 7th draw, BO(H)EMIAN C2 76 --- BOHEMIAN an unconventional person [n]
Other moves: BEMOAN 15D 47, BIOME 15D 42, MOBIE 15D 42, BEANO 15D 36, BONIE 15D 36
On 8th draw, BROODER L3 80 --- BROODER one that broods [n]
Other moves: BROODER L2 76, BORDE 15D 39, BOORDE 15C 36, DOBRO 15D 36, DORB 15L 36
BORDE 15D 39 HollyIvy, Hammer22
On 9th draw, AXONE 15F 46 --- AXONE axon [n]
Other moves: AXONE 15D 45, EXTRA 15D 45, TAXON 15E 44, EXEAT 5C 42, AXE 15M 41
TAXON 15E 44 Hammer22, HollyIvy
On 10th draw, PLATEMAN E2 74 --- PLATEMAN someone who is in charge of the silver-plate [n]
Other moves: PLATEMEN N8 64, AMPLE B5 37, TAMP 15L 36, PELMET 5B 35, EMPT B5 34
AMPLE B5 37 HollyIvy, Hammer22
On 11th draw, KAUGH 14B 55 --- KAUGH care or trouble [n]
Other moves: KAUGH D8 51, GERAH 14B 47, HAKE B6 44, HAKU B6 44, HUGER D8 39
KAUGH 14B 55 Hammer22, HollyIvy
On 12th draw, ENCYST O10 50 --- ENCYST to become enclosed in a vesicle [v]
Other moves: CYST 15A 44, CYST O12 44, YEST O12 41, EYEN 15A 38, EYES 15A 38
NYES 15A 38 HollyIvy
TYES 15A 38 Hammer22
On 13th draw, VIER 15A 35 --- VIER one that vies [n]
Other tops: DREVILL M8 35
Other moves: DRIVEL M5 34, DRIVE M5 33, DIVER M6 31, DIVE M6 30, RIVED M6 30
VID 15A 30 Hammer22, HollyIvy
On 14th draw, SCAW 13C 41 --- SCAW a low cape [n]
Other moves: VAILS D8 37, VALIS D8 37, WAILS D8 37, WALIS D8 37, SLAW 13C 35
WAN 11M 6 Hammer22
On 15th draw, DIF F4 30 --- DIF short for difference [n]
Other tops: DEF F4 30, LIFE N8 30, NIFE N8 30
Other moves: LIEF M2 29, NIEF M2 29, FE N10 28, LIEF N7 28, NEIF L12 28
On 16th draw, DUH 3G 30 --- DUH used to indicate that something just stated is too obvious [interj]
Other tops: HIATAL 8A 30
Other moves: DISH N7 29, DUSH N7 29, SH 12D 29, SHUL D7 29, SHUT D7 29
On 17th draw, IVY M7 37 --- IVY a climbing vine [n]
Other moves: IVY M1 32, VLY M1 32, VINY N7 31, IVY N8 30, NYALAS 8A 30
On 18th draw, JUSTLE N2 34 --- JUSTLE to jostle [v]
Other moves: BENJ 3L 26, JUTES N4 26, JEST 10A 25, JETS N5 25, JUST 10A 25
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