Game on December 1, 2024 at 14:02, 13 players
1. 217 pts Pacific
2. 209 pts LongJump22
3. 184 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


4H 32 60 


9C 73 133 


K4 78 211 


8A 47 258 


12H 26 284 


J6 64 348 


13C 36 384 


12A 31 415 


A12 21 436 


10E 31 467 


M9 77 544 


A1 86 630 


B3 37 667 


15G 33 700 


N6 44 744 


O10 42 786 


O5 34 820 


11D 32 852 


C3 36 888 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1. -
Pacific 3 7:28 -671 217 1.7079 ArcticFox 3 5:43 -704 184
LongJump22 3 3:42 -679 209 2.7627 Mycophot 1 3:58 -731 157
ArcticFox 3 5:43 -704 184 3.7213 VVVVVV1112 2 2:54 -737 151
Mycophot 1 3:58 -731 157 4.7714 sicilianc5 1 1:34 -811 77
WWWWWW1112 2 2:18 -737 151 5.7607 queen66 1 0:35 -855 33
VVVVVV1112 2 2:54 -737 151 Group: intermediate
NNNNNN1112 3 2:29 -749 139 1.6302 WWWWWW1112 2 2:18 -737 151
sicilianc5 1 1:34 -811 77 Group: novice
OOOOOO1112 2 2:55 -813 75 1.5811 LongJump22 3 3:42 -679 209
LLLLLL1112 1 0:24 -841 47 2.5683 NNNNNN1112 3 2:29 -749 139
MMMMMM1112 1 1:40 -841 47 3.5668 OOOOOO1112 2 2:55 -813 75
12. -
KKKKKK1144 1 1:58 -846 42 4.5669 LLLLLL1112 1 0:24 -841 47
queen66 1 0:35 -855 33 5.5569 MMMMMM1112 1 1:40 -841 47
Group: not rated
1. - Pacific 3 7:28 -671 217
2. - KKKKKK1144 1 1:58 -846 42
On 1st draw, FARCE H4 28 --- FARCE to fill out with witty material [v]
Other tops: FACER H4 28, FECAL H4 28
Other moves: FALLER H4 26, FARLE H4 24, FELLA H4 24, FERAL H4 24, FLARE H4 24
FACER H4 28 LongJump22, ArcticFox, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 2nd draw, FIXERS 4H 32 --- FIXER one that fixes [n]
Other tops: FIXED 4H 32
Other moves: FIXER 4H 30, FIXES 4H 30, RADIXES 5G 30, AXISED 5H 28, GREX 6G 28
RADIXES 5G 30 LongJump22
DEX 9H 24 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, TORNADE 9C 73 --- TORNADE a thunderstorm [n]
Other moves: TORNADE 9F 71, CARTONED 7H 63, NOTECARD 7D 63, TORNADE G8 63, TORNADE I8 63
TORNADE 9C 73 LongJump22, WWWWWW1112, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, ELOI(G)NER K4 78 --- ELOIGNER one that eloigns [n]
Other tops: ELOINER(S) K4 78, RI(T)ORNEL E5 78
Other moves: ELOINER(S) 8C 71, ROO(F)LINE D8 68, (D)ISENROL M2 68, (M)ISENROL M2 68, O(U)TLINER C7 66
ELOINER(S) K4 78 LongJump22, WWWWWW1112, VVVVVV1112
On 5th draw, GNAW 8A 47 --- GNAW to wear away by persistent biting [v]
Other moves: ANEW 8A 44, AWETO 8A 34, WAGON J10 34, WONGA J10 34, WAGE J10 31
GNAW 8A 47 LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112, ArcticFox, OOOOOO1112, MMMMMM1112, Pacific
On 6th draw, OVIST 12H 26 --- OVIST a believer that the ovum has the germ of all future generations [n]
Other tops: AVISO 12H 26
Other moves: VISTA 12I 24, VISTO 12I 24, (G)AVOT 8K 24, VAST 12I 22, VISA 12I 22
VOX J2 21 ArcticFox
On 7th draw, ZO J6 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: BOOZE H11 48, OOZED H11 45, ZEP 10B 45, OOZE H12 39, ZEX J2 39
ZO J6 64 ArcticFox, NNNNNN1112, Mycophot, Pacific
On 8th draw, IMPAVE 13C 36 --- IMPAVE to set in a pavement [v]
Other moves: MOVIE H11 30, VOEMA H11 30, VOMIT H11 30, PASTIME M2 28, META(G)E 8G 26
MOVIE H11 30 Mycophot
On 9th draw, BEGO 12A 31 --- BEGO to beset [v]
Other moves: BEAU 12A 28, BRAE 12A 28, ABROGATE C3 26, ROBE 12A 26, RUBE 12A 26
On 10th draw, BAUD A12 21 --- BAUD a unit of data transmission speed [n]
Other tops: BIDI A12 21, BUDA A12 21, BUDI A12 21
Other moves: DA 3I 19, AD 14E 18, BAIT A12 18, BATT A12 18, BITT A12 18
On 11th draw, EYE 10E 31 --- EYE the organ of sight [n] --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: DEITY J10 30, YE 10F 28, TYEE 10A 24, YEDE 11D 24, YEED 11D 24
On 12th draw, OUTSAID M9 77 --- OUTSAY to surpass in saying [v]
Other moves: SUDATION B1 72, A(G)OUTI 8J 30, A(G)UTIS 8J 30, ODS 11D 27, DIS 11D 26
ODS 11D 27 Mycophot
On 13th draw, (J)EELYING A1 86 --- JEELY to make into a jelly [v]
Other tops: DYELINE(S) 15A 86
Other moves: (D)YELINE N5 77, (M)YELINE N5 77, (K)EYLINE N5 71, EYELIN(E)R 6A 70, EY(E)LINER 6A 70
On 14th draw, LAUF B3 37 --- LAUF a run in a bobsleigh contest [n]
Other moves: FUGLED 15H 36, GULFED 15H 36, AUF B4 34, FERIAL 14J 34, FLUIER 14J 34
FUGLED 15H 36 Mycophot
On 15th draw, TURBOND 15G 33 --- TURBOND a head covering [n]
Other moves: BOUDIN 15J 30, OBTUND 15H 30, OUTBID 15H 30, TURBID 15H 30, BINIOU 14J 28
TURBOND 15G 33 queen66
On 16th draw, QAIDS N6 44 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QADIS N6 43, QAID N6 37, SIMA 14D 37, QADI N6 36, QATS C1 35
QAIDS N6 44 Pacific
QATS C1 35 sicilianc5
On 17th draw, EIRACK O10 42 --- EIRACK a young hen [n]
Other moves: ICK C1 32, KA 3I 31, YUCKER 5A 30, KERRIA L1 29, ARK C1 28
EIRACK O10 42 sicilianc5, KKKKKK1144
On 18th draw, GIEN O5 34 --- GIE to give [v]
Other moves: HE 14F 32, HIE 11D 32, HOE 11D 32, JOIN O4 32, JENNY F6 31
JOIN O4 32 Pacific
On 19th draw, HM 11D 32 --- HM used to express thoughtful consideration [interj]
Other moves: JOLT C1 31, MOTH C1 30, OH 14E 30, HAJ F12 29, HOI J10 29
On 20th draw, TWP C3 36 --- TWP stupid [adj]
Other moves: JOLT C1 31, OW 14E 30, JOWS M1 28, JOE B10 26, JOL C1 26
OW 14E 30 Pacific
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