Game on December 1, 2024 at 17:50, 11 players
1. 237 pts LongJump22
2. 179 pts ArcticFox
3. 159 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 46 46
2. 12H 32 78
3. J8 75 153
4. 15D 92 245
5. L5 63 308
6. M8 36 344
7. 14I 27 371
8. O9 42 413
9. G2 70 483
10. H1 27 510
11. 10F 32 542
12. I1 20 562
13. 5C 40 602
14. 4A 39 641
15. A1 57 698
16. 3C 42 740
17. D8 72 812
18. J1 34 846
19. B1 29 875
20. 8A 30 905
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5811 LongJump22 3 3:48 -668 237 1.7087 ArcticFox 0 7:27 -726 179
2.7087 ArcticFox 0 7:27 -726 179 2.7318 VVVVVV1112 1 2:31 -746 159
3.7318 VVVVVV1112 1 2:31 -746 159 3.7638 moonmonkey 3 4:40 -770 135
4.7638 moonmonkey 3 4:40 -770 135 4.7714 sicilianc5 0 0:31 -869 36
5.6302 WWWWWW1112 1 1:34 -813 92 5.7629 queen66 0 0:49 -869 36
6.7714 sicilianc5 0 0:31 -869 36 Group: intermediate
7.7629 queen66 0 0:49 -869 36 1.6302 WWWWWW1112 1 1:34 -813 92
8.5668 OOOOOO1112 0 0:35 -874 31 Group: novice
9.5669 LLLLLL1112 0 1:06 -874 31 1.5811 LongJump22 3 3:48 -668 237
10.5569 MMMMMM1112 0 1:28 -874 31 2.5668 OOOOOO1112 0 0:35 -874 31
11.5683 NNNNNN1112 0 1:53 -874 31 3.5669 LLLLLL1112 0 1:06 -874 31
4.5569 MMMMMM1112 0 1:28 -874 31
5.5683 NNNNNN1112 0 1:53 -874 31
On 1st draw, ASS(E)Z H8 46 --- ASSEZ as part of a musical direction, fairly, eg assez lent: fairly slowly [adv]
Other tops: ZO(E)AS H4 46
Other moves: JAS(P)S H4 38, JAZ(Y) H5 38, JAZ(Y) H6 38, JAZ(Y) H7 38, JAZ(Y) H8 38
ASS(E)Z H8 46 LongJump22
JAZ(Z) H5 38 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, ZUPAN 12H 32 --- ZUPAN a governor of a zupa [n]
Other moves: TABUN I11 22, NAPA I11 21, TABU I11 21, TAPA I11 21, TAPU I11 21
ZUPAN 12H 32 LongJump22
TABUN I11 22 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, (T)URNPIKE J8 75 --- TURNPIKE a highway on which tolls are collected [n]
Other moves: (F)UNKIER G5 74, (G)UNKIER G5 74, (H)UNKIER G5 74, (J)UNKIER G5 74, (P)UNKIER G5 74
SKUN(K)IER 9H 67 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
KINE 11K 30 ArcticFox
On 4th draw, CRATERED 15D 92 --- CRATER to form cavities in a surface [v]
Other moves: CRATERED 15F 86, RECRATED 15D 86, RETRACED 15D 86, TERRACED 15D 86, CEDRATE 15D 39
CRATERED 15D 92 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, WWWWWW1112
CREATED 15H 33 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, GYRATION L5 63 --- GYRATION the act of gyrating [n]
Other moves: YAR 14F 31, AY 14E 28, OY 14E 28, YA 14F 28, GYRATOR E9 22
YAR 14F 31 OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112, ArcticFox, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
On 6th draw, MENES M8 36 --- MENE to lament [v]
Other moves: INSEEM 13J 31, PIES 13I 31, PINS 13I 31, ENES M9 29, KEMPS 14J 29
SMEE 13L 25 ArcticFox
On 7th draw, AKENIAL 14I 27 --- AKENIAL relating to an achene [adj]
Other moves: ALANE K3 23, KALIAN 14J 23, LIANA K3 23, LIANE K3 23, ALIEN N6 22
On 8th draw, OUTWILL O9 42 --- OUTWILL to surpass in willpower [v]
Other moves: TWILL O11 36, OUTWILL O8 33, VILL O12 33, VOLT O12 33, WILL O12 33
TWILL O11 36 sicilianc5, queen66, moonmonkey
On 9th draw, BEACHED G2 70 --- BEACH to drive onto the shore by a lake or the sea [v]
Other moves: CHEBEC D10 30, AH 14E 28, BEACHES 10B 28, EH 14E 28, HA 14F 28
On 10th draw, GORI H1 27 --- GORI a white female (India/Pakistan) [n]
Other tops: GERT H1 27, GIRT H1 27, GITE H1 27, GOER H1 27, GORE H1 27
Other moves: RITE H1 24, ROTE H1 24, ROTI H1 24, TIER H1 24, TIRE H1 24
GERT H1 27 moonmonkey
On 11th draw, QIS 10F 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: OINT I1 20, INTRO I2 18, NORITIC 5A 18, NORITIC D9 18, TIRONIC 5A 18
QIS 10F 32 moonmonkey
On 12th draw, OONT I1 20 --- OONT a camel [n]
Other tops: ONER I1 20
Other moves: ONO F6 18, RENTE I2 18, TENOR I2 18, TERNE I2 18, NETE I2 17
On 13th draw, XEBECS 5C 40 --- XEBEC a Mediterranean sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: EXECS 5D 34, ABS J1 33, BES J2 33, XEBEC 5C 32, XEBEC D11 32
XEBECS 5C 40 moonmonkey
On 14th draw, WEED 4A 39 --- WEED to remove weeds (undesirable plants) [v]
Other moves: WEXED C3 36, WEET 4A 35, DEW 4B 33, TWEED F3 32, GEED 4A 31
On 15th draw, JETWAY A1 57 --- JETWAY a telescoping corridor that extends from an airport terminal to an aircraft -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: JA 14F 52, JOEY 6B 51, FY 3B 47, EYOT 3B 46, JOY 6B 46
On 16th draw, VOL 3C 42 --- VOL two wings joined at the base (heraldry) [n]
Other tops: VIA 3C 42
Other moves: TAV 3A 40, LIP 3C 34, LOP 3C 34, TALI 3A 34, TIP 3C 34
On 17th draw, URANITIC D8 72 --- URANITE a mineral [adj] --- URANITIC pertaining to uranite [adj]
Other moves: TAI 6C 26, TAURIN(E) 11B 25, URANIT(E) 11B 25, RATIN(E) 11C 23, RAIN(E) 11D 21
On 18th draw, OH J1 34 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other moves: HIM C12 29, HONGI 11B 29, OF B1 29, OH B1 29, HI 14F 28
On 19th draw, OF B1 29 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: OD B1 21, OLID C11 21, DIG C12 20, GID C12 20, FIDO M2 19
On 20th draw, FILUM 8A 30 --- FILUM a threadlike anatomical structure [n]
Other moves: PILUM 8A 27, DIM C12 23, DIP C12 23, GIP C12 23, MID C12 23
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