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Game on December 2, 2024 at 20:12, 2 players
1. 152 pts Pacific
2. 121 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeklsv   H2    86    86   vakeels
 2. delmoox   2H    31   117   voxel
 3. beinosw   7E    68   185   bowlines
 4. aefilru   G7    68   253   weariful
 5. ?ceoptv  11E    44   297   evictor
 6. dehopsy   8A    58   355   sophy
 7. aeiilsw   A1    86   441   lewisias
 8. aaadgnu   6D    24   465   gad
 9. adehity   8L    54   519   hyed
10. dnorrtu   N2    72   591   rotunder
11. eeimnno  14G    74   665   limonene
12. eioqrtt   5J    30   695   torque
13. aacegmt  15K    43   738   amate
14. adeinru   B7    75   813   douanier
15. afginot  A12    39   852   goaf
16. abgirtz  10I    67   919   izar
17. bcipttu   5C    39   958   cub
18. giijnpt   3G    30   988   jap

Remaining tiles: giintt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9606 FilePacific     0  2:53  -836  152     1.9606 Pacific     0  2:53  -836  152 
  2.7081 FileArcticFox   0  2:42  -867  121            Group: advanced
                                             1.7081 ArcticFox   0  2:42  -867  121 

On 1st draw, VAKE(E)LS H2 86 --- VAKEEL a native lawyer in India [n]
Other tops: LEKVA(R)S H2 86, VAK(E)ELS H2 86
Other moves: VAKE(E)LS H4 84, VAK(E)ELS H4 84, LEKVA(R)S H3 78, LEKVA(R)S H4 78, LEKVA(R)S H6 78
KE(E)LS H4 26 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, VOXEL 2H 31 --- VOXEL a three dimensional equivalent to a pixel (a point in a computer image) [n]
Other moves: LOX I3 29, VEX 2H 29, VOX 2H 29, MODE I3 27, MOLD I3 27
VEX 2H 29 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, BOWLINES 7E 68 --- BOWLINE a type of knot [n]
Other moves: SWOB M2 34, BOWES 1I 32, SEWIN M2 32, SINEW M2 32, SOWNE M2 32
SWINE M2 32 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, WEARIFUL G7 68 --- WEARIFUL tiresome [adj]
Other moves: FIBULAE E5 48, FIBULAR E5 48, FLUIER 8A 36, FARLE 1K 35, FERAL 1K 35

On 5th draw, EVICTO(R) 11E 44 --- EVICTOR one that evicts [n]
Other tops: COVETE(D) 5E 44, COVETE(R) 5E 44, COVE(L)ET 5E 44
Other moves: C(L)OVE 8A 43, ECOT(Y)PES 8A 43, P*oV* 8A 43, Po*V* 8A 43, P(R)OVE 8A 43
VO(I)CE 8A 40 Pacific

On 6th draw, SOPHY 8A 58 --- SOPHY a ruler of Persia [n]
Other moves: HYPE 8L 57, HYPO 8L 57, HYPS 8L 57, HOSEYED 5E 56, HYED 8L 54
HOY 6D 34 ArcticFox

On 7th draw, LEWISIAS A1 86 --- LEWISIA a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: LEWISIAS A4 62, SLAW 6C 36, LAW 6D 35, SAW 6D 35, WAILS 1K 35

On 8th draw, GAD 6D 24 --- GAD to roam about restlessly [v]
Other tops: DAG 6D 24
Other moves: NADA 1I 23, NAG 6D 23, AD 6E 22, AG 6E 22, DAUBY E4 22

On 9th draw, HYED 8L 54 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: HIYA 8L 51, HYTE 8L 51, HAYED 1K 47, HEADY 1K 47, HADE 8L 45
HEADY 1K 47 Pacific

On 10th draw, ROTUNDER N2 72 --- ROTUND marked by roundness [adj]
Other moves: UDON 3J 24, DON B2 21, DOT B2 21, RONT B2 21, DONUT 10J 20

On 11th draw, LIMONENE 14G 74 --- LIMONENE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: AMINO 3H 30, NOME 9B 30, MENO B2 29, OMEN B1 29, MENE O1 28

On 12th draw, TORQUE 5J 30 --- TORQUE to cause to twist [v]
Other moves: ROQUE 5K 28, TOQUE 5K 28, TIRE 15H 26, TIRO 15H 26, TORE 15H 26

On 13th draw, AMATE 15K 43 --- AMATE to daunt [v]
Other moves: AGATE 5D 39, GAME 5E 38, MATE 15L 38, MEAT 15L 38, META 15L 38

On 14th draw, DOUANIER B7 75 --- DOUANIER a custom-house officer [n]
Other moves: CANID H11 35, CERIA H11 32, DAINE 6K 30, RAINE 6K 28, AERIE O1 25

On 15th draw, GOAF A12 39 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: FAG 5C 37, FA 15H 34, GANE 5E 34, GATE 5E 34, FANG 13L 33

On 16th draw, IZAR 10I 67 --- IZAR an outer garment worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: ZAG 10J 65, ZATI 10J 65, ZA 10J 63, GAZE 5E 52, ZAG 5C 49
ZAG 10J 65 Pacific

On 17th draw, CUB 5C 39 --- CUB the young of certain animals [n] --- CUB to bring forth young [v]
Other tops: PUB 5C 39
Other moves: BUTE 5E 38, TUB 5C 35, CAPUT 3G 33, BAPU 3G 30, CAPI 3G 30

On 18th draw, JAP 3G 30 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: WIPING 3A 24, JAI 3G 22, JOG 3M 22, JUG D4 22, PIG H13 22

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