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Game on December 2, 2024 at 20:56, 2 players
1. 267 pts Pacific
2. 239 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. imooqsu   H4    52    52   quims
 2. degmoos   8H    92   144   smoodges
 3. ?eensvw   K8    76   220   oversewn
 4. bdfilru  13G    36   256   filberd
 5. aainorv  14B    81   337   ovarian
 6. ?aehnor   O1    92   429   senhoras
 7. aeijotu  H10    63   492   tajine
 8. adeeips  N10    44   536   peased
 9. abclnoy   2J    34   570   bylane
10. aggiknp   1G    34   604   pika
11. aaeilor   2A    72   676   olearia
12. deinrtt   C1    70   746   retinted
13. fginort   5F    74   820   foutring
14. eeiltuy  L12    40   860   trey
15. cegouwz   A1    78   938   cooze
16. eiltuwx  O14    45   983   xi
17. ceghltu   4K    38  1021   heuch
18. gilotuw   8A    45  1066   godwit

Remaining tiles: luu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9606 FilePacific     3  4:13  -799  267     1.9606 Pacific     3  4:13  -799  267 
  2.7074 FileArcticFox   2  5:27  -827  239            Group: advanced
                                             1.7074 ArcticFox   2  5:27  -827  239 

On 1st draw, QUIMS H4 52 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: QUIMS H8 34, QUIMS H5 32, QUIMS H6 32, QUIMS H7 32, QUIM H5 30
QUIMS H4 52 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, SMOODGES 8H 92 --- SMOODGE to kiss [v]
Other moves: SMOODGES 8A 89, SMOODGE G6 78, SMOODGE I6 78, SMOOGED G6 78, SMOOGED I6 78
SMOODGES 8H 92 Pacific

On 3rd draw, OVE(R)SEWN K8 76 --- OVERSEW to sew overhand [v] --- OVERSOW to sow over [v]
Other tops: UNWE(A)VES 5H 76
Other moves: INWE(A)VES 6H 73, OVE(R)SEWN J8 73, (R)EWOVEN K5 48, EN(M)OVES K5 36, EV(Z)ONES K5 36

On 4th draw, FILBERD 13G 36 --- FILBERD a hazel nut [n]
Other moves: BLIND 15H 30, BIRD I3 26, FIELD 13I 26, DIREFUL 13H 24, FIR I3 23

On 5th draw, OVARIAN 14B 81 --- OVARIAN pertaining to an ovary [adj]
Other moves: AVIAN H11 36, AVION H11 36, NIRVANA 15F 33, VINA H12 33, VINO H12 33
AVIAN H11 36 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, (S)ENHORAS O1 92 --- SENHORA a married Portuguese or Brazilian woman [n]
Other moves: HOAR(S)ENS O1 83, SENHORA(S) O8 83, SHORE(M)AN O8 83, (M)ENORAHS O1 83, HOR(S)EMAN 7C 75

On 7th draw, TAJINE H10 63 --- TAJINE a clay pot [n]
Other moves: JOINT H11 39, JA 12H 37, JO 15A 29, EEJIT N8 28, JETE N5 28
JA 12H 37 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, PEASED N10 44 --- PEASE to weigh [v]
Other tops: PEISED N10 44
Other moves: PAISE N10 40, PEASE N10 40, PEISE N10 40, PEASE N2 39, DEEPIES N7 33

On 9th draw, BYLANE 2J 34 --- BYLANE a side lane [n]
Other moves: BAC N2 31, CLOYE N4 30, BOAB J10 27, YA J10 27, YO J10 27

On 10th draw, PIKA 1G 34 --- PIKA a small mammal [n]
Other moves: IKAN 1H 33, KLANG L1 30, KLAP L1 30, KIP I3 29, KINA 1G 28

On 11th draw, OLEARIA 2A 72 --- OLEARIA an Australian daisy-tree [n]
Other moves: RAOULIA 5E 28, AREOLA 2B 20, REALIA 2B 20, ARVO 9I 18, EMAIL I7 18

On 12th draw, RETINTED C1 70 --- RETINT to tint again [v]
Other moves: NERD 1A 36, TEND 1A 36, DENT 1A 34, DERN 1A 34, TREND 3C 34

On 13th draw, FOUTRING 5F 74 --- FOUTRE to mess around [v]
Other moves: ROOFING A1 45, FOOTING A1 36, FORGOT A1 36, FORTING A1 36, GOOF A1 36
ROOFING A1 45 Pacific

On 14th draw, TREY L12 40 --- TREY the three in cards, dice, or dominoes [n]
Other moves: TEDY 8A 36, TIDY 8A 36, TITELY 6A 35, TOEY A1 33, UNTIDY 15J 33

On 15th draw, COOZE A1 78 --- COOZE (colloquial) Italian-American taboo slang word for the female genitals [n]
Other moves: ZOIC 4A 50, COZE A1 48, COZ A1 42, OOZE A1 42, ZED 8A 39
COOZE A1 78 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 16th draw, XI O14 45 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EX 15A 36, EX O11 36, XI 4K 31, XU 4K 31, EXULT D8 30
EX O11 36 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, HEUCH 4K 38 --- HEUCH a steep cliff [n]
Other moves: CUDGEL 8A 36, HEUGH 4K 36, LEUCH 4K 29, TEUCH 4K 29, HE J10 27

On 18th draw, GODWIT 8A 45 --- GODWIT a wading bird [n]
Other moves: WO J10 27, OUTLAW D10 26, OW 3F 23, WIT I3 21, WUD 8A 21

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