Game on December 3, 2024 at 00:42, 5 players
1. 336 pts sunshine12
2. 111 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 37 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 72 72
2. 9F 72 144
3. N9 102 246
4. O12 39 285
5. 2C 80 365
6. 1I 76 441
7. 1A 56 497
8. K5 102 599
9. L12 50 649
10. 5A 68 717
11. 10A 81 798
12. 4A 37 835
13. A10 39 874
14. J4 57 931
15. 15H 45 976
16. A4 24 1000
17. 8K 37 1037
18. 3B 32 1069
19. 14J 32 1101
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6976 sunshine12 1 12:00 -765 336 1.7264 GLOBEMAN 1 3:51 -990 111
2.7264 GLOBEMAN 1 3:51 -990 111 2.7220 roocatcher 0 1:59 -1064 37
3.7220 roocatcher 0 1:59 -1064 37 Group: intermediate
4. - chunk88 0 0:54 -1069 32 1.6976 sunshine12 1 12:00 -765 336
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:33 -1084 17 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 0:54 -1069 32
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:33 -1084 17
On 1st draw, SPE(C)IAL H3 72 --- SPECIAL a special person or thing [n] --- SPECIAL of a distinct or particular kind or character [adj] --- SPECIAL distinctive [adj] --- SPECIAL to sell at a special price [v]
Other tops: ALPI(N)ES H2 72, APLI(T)ES H3 72, AP(P)LIES H3 72, A(P)PLIES H2 72, ESPIAL(S) H2 72, E(S)PIALS H2 72, IL(L)APSE H8 72, I(L)LAPSE H8 72, I(M)PALES H2 72, LAPISE(S) H2 72, LAPI(D)ES H2 72, LAPI(S)ES H2 72, LAP(P)IES H2 72, LIPASE(S) H2 72, LIPA(S)ES H2 72, PAISLE(Y) H4 72, PAI(D)LES H4 72, PAI(G)LES H4 72, PALIES(T) H4 72, PALSIE(D) H4 72, PALSIE(R) H4 72, PALSIE(S) H4 72, PAL(M)IES H4 72, PAL(S)IES H4 72, PA(R)LIES H4 72, PI(N)EALS H4 72, PLAI(C)ES H4 72, PLA(T)IES H4 72, PLEIA(D)S H4 72, SPA(N)IEL H3 72, SPLE(N)IA H3 72, (T)ALIPES H8 72
Other moves: ALIPE(D)S H2 68, ALIPE(D)S H3 68, ALIPE(D)S H4 68, ALIPE(D)S H6 68, ALIPE(D)S H8 68
On 2nd draw, QALAMD(A)N 9F 72 --- QALAMDAN a Persian writing-case [n]
Other moves: QAL(A)MDAN 9F 71, QA(L)AMDAN 8G 71, Q(A)LAMDAN 9F 71, QA(L)AMDAN 8E 70, QA(L)AMDAN 8B 69
QI 7G 21 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, SMEARED N9 102 --- SMEAR to spread with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance [v]
Other moves: SMEARED 10H 91, REMADES N3 82, REMEADS N3 82, AMENDERS M6 78, REMEADS 2E 75
On 4th draw, DERO O12 39 --- DERO a derelict (Australian slang) [n]
Other moves: REDO O12 35, NODDER M9 32, FEOD M11 30, FODDER 13I 30, F(A)DGED L8 30
On 5th draw, WINCHES 2C 80 --- WINCH to raise with a winch (a hoisting machine) [v]
Other moves: WHINS 10D 37, CHINS 10D 36, HIES 10E 33, HINS 10E 33, WINS 10E 33
WHINS 10D 37 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 6th draw, ETAERIO 1I 76 --- ETAERIO an aggregated fruit like a blackberry [n]
Other moves: EATERIE 5E 28, ETAERIO 5E 28, IRATE 1A 28, ORATE 1A 28, REATE 1A 28
On 7th draw, YEAH 1A 56 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n] --- YEAH yes [adv]
Other moves: J(A)KEY L8 52, HAJ 8J 47, JINK D1 46, HYEN 10I 42, JA(C)KY 6F 42
On 8th draw, RINGDOVE K5 102 --- RINGDOVE a European pigeon [n]
Other moves: VIROGENE 11G 74, VIROGENE 5A 74, VIROGENE 5C 74, (C)OVERING 6H 71, REMOVING J7 70
OVEN 3A 32 chunk88
GO M12 17 BadBoyBen
On 9th draw, LUTZ L12 50 --- LUTZ a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: ZEL 3A 36, ZOL 3A 36, TOZE J12 35, ZITE 6J 33, ZITI 6J 33
ZITE 6J 33 sunshine12
On 10th draw, ETOURDIE 5A 68 --- ETOURDIE thoughtless (feminine form) [adj]
Other moves: UREDO 3A 33, REDO 3B 31, IRED 3A 29, ROED 3A 29, RUED 3A 29
RID 10E 22 sunshine12
On 11th draw, POLYNIA 10A 81 --- POLYNIA open water surrounded by sea ice [n]
Other moves: PALY 4A 45, PILY 4A 45, PINY 4A 45, PIOY 4A 45, LOAMY J6 42
YAP J4 26 sunshine12
On 12th draw, BITOU 4A 37 --- BITOU as in bitou bush, a sprawling woody South African shrub. [adj]
Other tops: BIOG 4A 37
Other moves: BEGAT A4 33, BEGOT A4 33, BITO 4A 33, PIGOUT A10 33, BEAUT A4 30
BEGOT A4 33 sunshine12
On 13th draw, PICOTS A10 39 --- PICOT to edge with ornamental loops [v]
Other tops: TOPICS A8 39
Other moves: TOPIC A8 36, BEFOG A4 33, BEFIT A4 30, CLIFTS C9 28, FLICS C9 28
FOPS A8 27 sunshine12
On 14th draw, KEX J4 57 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other moves: AXE J5 55, EAUX J3 54, KRANZ 15H 54, RAX J4 53, REX J4 53
KEX J4 57 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 15th draw, GRENZ 15H 45 --- GRENZ as in grenz rays, X-rays of long wavelength produced in a device when electrons are accelerated through 25 kilovolts or less [adj]
Other moves: NERTZ 15H 42, BE 3B 29, BLUNGER C9 26, BUYER D8 26, BEGET A4 24
On 16th draw, BELGA A4 24 --- BELGA a former currency unit of Belgium [n]
Other tops: BEGAN A4 24, BEGUN A4 24
Other moves: LA 3B 23, NA 3B 23, BEANO A4 21, BELON A4 21, GLUON 14F 21
On 17th draw, GJU 8K 37 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: JIAO 14F 32, YOJAN D10 30, AJUGA 8H 29, CAJON 12A 28, CAJUN 12A 28
JA L4 21 sunshine12
On 18th draw, FA 3B 32 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: FATTER 14J 32, WATTER 14J 32
Other moves: FLAWN C9 30, FLOWN C9 30, BA 3B 29, FAT 14J 29, WAT 14J 29
FAT 14J 29 sunshine12
On 19th draw, FITTER 14J 32 --- FITTER one that fits [n]
Other tops: WITTER 14J 32
Other moves: FLOWN C9 30, FIT 14J 29, WIT 14J 29, WOT 14J 29, OF 14I 28
FLOWN C9 30 sunshine12
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