Game on December 3, 2024 at 05:15, 1 player
1. 414 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. 8H 77 103
3. 6B 65 168
4. O1 83 251
5. 2J 28 279
6. 1F 45 324
7. C2 28 352
8. 9H 29 381
9. B1 33 414
10. D3 28 442
11. E4 33 475
12. N7 38 513
13. 11H 66 579
14. H11 39 618
15. O11 31 649
16. 9A 27 676
17. A7 48 724
18. 13H 22 746
19. 10F 50 796
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6354 fatcat 0 10:14 -382 414 1.6354 fatcat 0 10:14 -382 414
On 1st draw, FONDA H4 26 --- FONDA a tavern [n]
Other moves: FONDA H8 20, FONDA H5 18, FONDA H6 18, FONDA H7 18, DEAF H5 16
FEND H6 16 fatcat
On 2nd draw, ASSUA(G)ED 8H 77 --- ASSUAGE to make less severe [v]
Other moves: ASSU(M)ED 9G 71, ASSU(R)ED 9G 71, DE(G)AUSS 9C 71, ASSU(M)ED 9F 69, ASSU(R)ED 9F 69
FUSED 4H 18 fatcat
On 3rd draw, TREBLING 6B 65 --- TREBLE to triple [v]
Other tops: GILBERTS J1 65
Other moves: REBUILT K5 36, BEGIFT 4D 24, FILBERT 4H 24, BATGIRL L7 20, BRIEF 4D 20
FIBRE 4H 20 fatcat
On 4th draw, HOI(D)ENED O1 83 --- HOIDEN to act like a tomboy [v]
Other moves: E(T)HERION C2 74, NO(S)HERIE C1 72, ETHE(R)ION B5 62, HEREIN(T)O C4 62, HEROINE(S) C4 62
HOEIN(G) M3 18 fatcat
On 5th draw, BARRIO 2J 28 --- BARRIO a Spanish-speaking district [n]
Other moves: ABS N1 25, BARRIES D1 24, BRASIER D1 24, ALB N1 23, SIB N1 23
BA N2 18 fatcat
On 6th draw, SCHMOE 1F 45 --- SCHMOE a stupid person [n]
Other moves: SHAME 1H 44, CAMSHO 1E 43, SCHEMA 1E 43, CAMSHO 9E 41, CHAM 1H 41
CHEMO 1F 40 fatcat
On 7th draw, DREARY C2 28 --- DREARY a dismal person [n] --- DREARY dismal [adj]
Other moves: YAE 5D 27, ARGOSY I4 26, DAIRY C3 26, DEARY C3 26, DERRY C3 26
DIARY C3 26 fatcat
On 8th draw, STOPT 9H 29 --- STOP to discontinue the progress or motion of [v]
Other moves: STOP 9H 26, POSIT 9F 24, APO 5C 22, PSI 9G 22, PST 9G 22
POST 9F 21 fatcat
On 9th draw, VIEW B1 33 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: AWEE D4 28, VIEW 4A 28, MIEN D1 27, MIEVE 4A 26, WEEM 4A 26
VIEW 4A 28 fatcat
On 10th draw, FE D3 28 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: FOLIE G3 24, FOLIO G3 24, BEFOOL E6 22, BEFOUL E6 22, FONE 3I 21
FOB E4 16 fatcat
On 11th draw, KOBAN E4 33 --- KOBAN an old Japanese coin [n]
Other tops: KEBAR E4 33
Other moves: KAB E4 29, KEB E4 29, KOB E4 29, KAE A3 27, KAT A3 27
FREAK 4H 24 fatcat
On 12th draw, TEAZED N7 38 --- TEAZE to make fun of [v]
Other moves: TOAZED 5G 37, ADZE F8 36, CRAZED M1 36, FAZED 4H 36, TEAZE N7 36
TREZ M1 26 fatcat
On 13th draw, RETAINER 11H 66 --- RETAINER one that retains [n]
Other moves: AIRER O11 24, NARRE O11 24, NITER O11 24, NITRE O11 24, RAINE O11 24
RAIN M11 13 fatcat
On 14th draw, RUMPY H11 39 --- RUMPY a Manx cat [n]
Other moves: RUMLY H11 33, IMPLY L11 32, RIYAL O11 31, AMPLY D8 29, IMPLY D8 29
PRAY M1 18 fatcat
On 15th draw, ROWAN O11 31 --- ROWAN an Eurasian tree [n]
Other moves: QAT 3I 30, QUATE 5K 28, QUOTE 5K 28, TOQUE 5K 28, TRANQ M1 28
QUO(D) 4L 24 fatcat
On 16th draw, LOVAGE 9A 27 --- LOVAGE a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: MAGLEV 13H 26, VOGIE G3 26, VEGA 9C 25, VEGO 9C 25, FOVEAL 4H 24
GRAVEL M1 20 fatcat
On 17th draw, JOLING A7 48 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: SJOE F1 39, JO N14 38, GOUJON 5G 34, JOLE A7 33, JUPON 14F 32
JUPE 14F 29 fatcat
On 18th draw, MICELL 13H 22 --- MICELL a structural unit found in colloids [n]
Other moves: CEIL F3 20, SICE F1 20, CUPULE 14F 18, ICE 7J 18, SILE F1 18
CUP 14F 13 fatcat
On 19th draw, XI 10F 50 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU 10F 50
Other moves: FIXIT 4H 30, QUITE 5K 28, TUQUE 5K 28, EXIT F9 27, QI 3I 26
QI G3 26 fatcat
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