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Game on December 3, 2024 at 12:55, 16 players
1. 210 pts LongJump22
2. 197 pts Pacific
3. 175 pts vendanges

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beorwxy   H7    36    36   owerby
 2. ?affors  12A    84   120   saffrony
 3. deerssy  13C    42   162   yeed
 4. aaennrt  14D    22   184   reata
 5. lmoorsw   8E    69   253   slowworm
 6. aegnost  15G    88   341   onstage
 7. aeiilnn   A5    74   415   anilines
 8. ?ggiiot   M3    32   447   gigots
 9. aiilntz   7G    50   497   zoa
10. adeipqu   K5    68   565   querida
11. bdeinnu  15A    40   605   unbed
12. aceilsu  12K    38   643   salic
13. eiilnpu   O8    33   676   penicil
14. cejkorx   N5    53   729   ox
15. emnprtu   O1    40   769   nempt
16. cdeirtu   E1    72   841   crudites
17. aehijtv   L1    45   886   jeat
18. hikoruv   1E    45   931   chukor

Remaining tiles: hivv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.5912 FileLongJump22  2  4:14  -721  210     1.9606 Pacific     1  4:10  -734  197 
  2.9606 FilePacific     1  4:10  -734  197            Group: advanced
  3.6830 Filevendanges   1  4:13  -756  175     1.7092 ArcticFox   0  3:21  -788  143 
  4.7092 FileArcticFox   0  3:21  -788  143     2.7616 queen66     1  1:10  -824  107 
  5.7616 Filequeen66     1  1:10  -824  107     3.7669 Mycophot    0  0:53  -874   57 
  6.6623 FileJavelin22   1  3:05  -859   72     4.7621 moonmonkey  0  1:37  -874   57 
  7.7669 FileMycophot    0  0:53  -874   57     5.7666 HollyIvy    1  1:16  -898   33 
  8.7621 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:37  -874   57            Group: intermediate
  9.5632 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:29  -895   36     1.6830 vendanges   1  4:13  -756  175 
 10.5668 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:52  -895   36     2.6623 Javelin22   1  3:05  -859   72 
 11.7666 FileHollyIvy    1  1:16  -898   33     3.6603 Hammer22    0  0:56  -901   30 
 12.5622 FileNNNNNN1112  0  0:25  -901   30     4.6681 ShotPut22   0  1:18  -901   30 
 13.6603 FileHammer22    0  0:56  -901   30     5.6671 Discus22    0  1:37  -904   27 
 14.6681 FileShotPut22   0  1:18  -901   30            Group: novice
 15.6671 FileDiscus22    0  1:37  -904   27     1.5912 LongJump22  2  4:14  -721  210 
 16.5513 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:46  -908   23     2.5632 OOOOOO1112  1  1:29  -895   36 
                                             3.5668 LLLLLL1112  1  1:52  -895   36 
                                             4.5622 NNNNNN1112  0  0:25  -901   30 
                                             5.5513 MMMMMM1112  0  1:46  -908   23 

On 1st draw, OWERBY H7 36 --- OWERBY a little way over [adv]
Other tops: BOWERY H7 36, OWERBY H3 36
Other moves: BOWERY H4 34, BOWYER H4 34, BOXER H4 34, OWERBY H8 34, BOXY H5 32
OWERBY H7 36 LongJump22
BOXER H4 34 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, SAFFRO(N)Y 12A 84 --- SAFFRONY coloured like saffron orange-yellow [adj]
Other moves: FORFA(I)RS 10B 73, FORFA(I)RS 10F 73, SAFFRO(N) I3 73, AFFOR(D)S G1 70, AFFOR(D)S I1 70
SAFFRO(N)Y 12A 84 LongJump22
OFF(E)R I5 31 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, YEED 13C 42 --- YEED to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: EYED 13C 39, DYE 13B 38, EYER 13C 36, EYES 13C 36, YEARDS B10 36
EYE 13B 35 LongJump22
DRESSY A8 30 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, REATA 14D 22 --- REATA a lasso [n]
Other moves: ANESTRA A9 21, ANNATES A6 21, NEAR 14D 21, NEAT 14D 21, REAN 14D 21

On 5th draw, SLOWWORM 8E 69 --- SLOWWORM a European lizard having no legs [n]
Other moves: SLOWWORM 8D 67, WORMS 15A 55, SOWM 15F 49, SOWM 15A 48, WORM 15A 48
WORMS 15A 55 LongJump22
WORMS 15H 48 ArcticFox, Pacific

On 6th draw, ONSTAGE 15G 88 --- ONSTAGE being on a part of the stage visible to the audience [adj]
Other moves: ESTRAGON K5 86, ONSTAGE M6 77, MAGNETOS L8 74, MEGATONS L8 74, MONTAGES L8 74

On 7th draw, ANILINES A5 74 --- ANILINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: BIENNIAL 11H 70, ANILINES E1 66, ALIEN 15A 30, LINEN 15A 30, INANE 14J 25

On 8th draw, GIGOT(S) M3 32 --- GIGOT a leg of lamb [n]
Other moves: TIGROI(D) K5 28, GIG(L)OT B2 25, GIG(S) M5 23, GOOG 7G 23, IGG(S) M5 23

On 9th draw, ZOA 7G 50 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other tops: ZONA G7 50
Other moves: AZON G6 48, ZOA G7 47, AZO 7F 45, LAZO G5 44, AZO G6 43
ZOA 7G 50 Pacific
ZONA G7 50 queen66

On 10th draw, QUERIDA K5 68 --- QUERIDA a female sweetheart [n]
Other moves: QUAD L1 57, EQUIPE M10 34, EQUIPS E3 34, PIQUE B1 34, PIQUES E3 34
QUAD L1 57 queen66, Mycophot, Pacific, moonmonkey

On 11th draw, UNBED 15A 40 --- UNBED to rouse [v]
Other moves: INNED 15A 34, BIDE 15A 32, BINNED B2 31, BEIN 15A 29, BIEN 15A 29

On 12th draw, SALIC 12K 38 --- SALIC pertaining to a group of igneous rocks [adj]
Other moves: SAICE 12K 34, SAUCE 12K 34, SCAIL 12K 34, SCALE 12K 34, SLICE 12K 34

On 13th draw, PENICIL O8 33 --- PENICIL a small tuft of hairs [n]
Other moves: INCLIP O10 30, PICINE O10 30, UNCLIP O10 30, LUPINE B1 26, NIP N4 26
PENICIL O8 33 HollyIvy
CLIP O12 24 vendanges

On 14th draw, OX N5 53 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: JOCKS E4 36, JOKER B1 34, JOKERS E3 34, JERKS E4 32, JOKE B2 32
OX N5 53 vendanges

On 15th draw, NEMPT O1 40 --- NEMN to name [v]
Other moves: ERUPT O1 34, MPRET O1 34, TURME O1 34, MUTER O1 28, PRENT O1 28
RIPE 4L 26 vendanges

On 16th draw, CRUDITES E1 72 --- CRUDITES pieces of raw vegetables served with a dip [n]
Other tops: CURDIEST E2 72
Other moves: CRUD L1 29, CURIET B2 28, CRUDE B2 27, CURITE B1 26, CREDIT B4 24
CRUDE B2 27 Discus22, Javelin22
CREED E11 16 vendanges

On 17th draw, JEAT L1 45 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: CHAVE 1E 39, CHIVE 1E 39, ACTIVE 1D 36, CHAV 1E 36, CHIV 1E 36
CHAVE 1E 39 vendanges
HAJI B2 30 Hammer22, ShotPut22

On 18th draw, CHUKOR 1E 45 --- CHUKOR a type of partridge [n]
Other tops: CHIKOR 1E 45, CHOKRI 1E 45
Other moves: CHIRK 1E 42, CHIK 1E 39, CHIV 1E 36, ICHOR 1D 33, CHIRO 1E 30
CHUKOR 1E 45 Javelin22
CHIRK 1E 42 Pacific
KIR D5 17 vendanges

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