Game on December 3, 2024 at 15:12, 6 players
1. 307 pts LongJump22
2. 159 pts HollyIvy
3. 128 pts NNNNNN1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 76 76
2. G7 35 111
3. F10 39 150
4. 8A 95 245
5. 15H 104 349
6. E11 41 390
7. D12 39 429
8. N10 28 457
9. O7 30 487
10. J6 47 534
11. 5D 88 622
12. N1 72 694
13. B8 78 772
14. H1 36 808
15. 2E 74 882
16. M11 44 926
17. A14 42 968
18. 1K 39 1007
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5912 LongJump22 3 3:33 -700 307 1.7666 HollyIvy 3 4:00 -848 159
2.7666 HollyIvy 3 4:00 -848 159 Group: novice
3.5622 NNNNNN1112 0 3:38 -879 128 1.5912 LongJump22 3 3:33 -700 307
4.5513 MMMMMM1112 0 1:43 -953 54 2.5622 NNNNNN1112 0 3:38 -879 128
5.5632 OOOOOO1112 1 0:31 -968 39 3.5513 MMMMMM1112 0 1:43 -953 54
6.5668 LLLLLL1112 1 0:30 -977 30 4.5632 OOOOOO1112 1 0:31 -968 39
5.5668 LLLLLL1112 1 0:30 -977 30
On 1st draw, NIL(G)HAU H8 76 --- NILGHAU a large antelope [n]
Other tops: HAULIN(G) H4 76, INHAUL(S) H2 76
Other moves: HAULIN(G) H2 70, HAULIN(G) H3 70, HAULIN(G) H7 70, HAULIN(G) H8 70, INHAUL(S) H3 70
HAULIN(G) H4 76 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, YIKE G7 35 --- YIKE (Australian) a fight [n] --- YIKE to squabble [v]
Other moves: YAK G7 32, KYE G13 31, HANKY 12H 30, HINKY 12H 30, KILEY 10F 30
On 3rd draw, MAHEWU F10 39 --- MAHEWU in South Africa, fermented liquid mealie-meal porridge, used as a stimulant [n]
Other moves: MEATH F10 35, MUTHA F10 29, THAW F5 29, HAW F6 28, HAWM F4 27
On 4th draw, OVERPAINT 8A 95 --- OVERPAINT
Other moves: EVAPORATE 13F 92, TEPA E11 30, EPHAH 12D 26, PA I9 25, PAR E11 25
OVERPAINT 8A 95 LongJump22
On 5th draw, (S)ORBATE 15H 104 --- SORBATE a sorbed substance [n]
Other moves: BOATER(S) J2 80, BORATE(S) J2 80, ABORT(I)VE B2 78, OVERB(E)AT B7 78, OV(E)RBEAT B7 78
(S)ORBATE 15H 104 LongJump22
On 6th draw, DERAY E11 41 --- DERAY disorderly revelry [n] --- DERAY to go wild [v]
Other moves: DECAYER C3 36, DECAYER C7 36, RELAYED C3 34, CAD(G)Y 11E 33, DELAYER C3 32
YAD E11 32 LongJump22
On 7th draw, FER D12 39 --- FER for [prep]
Other tops: FET D12 39, FUR D12 39
Other moves: REF D12 36, FERULE N10 34, FEUTRE N10 34, FE D12 31, LEFT 14L 28
FET D12 39 OOOOOO1112
On 8th draw, PENILE N10 28 --- PENILE pertaining to a penis [adj] --- PENIS the male organ used for copulation [adj]
Other tops: OPINE 14K 28, PEONY 7C 28, PINOLE N10 28, VOLPINO B8 28
Other moves: OPEN 14K 26, LIPE 14L 24, LIPO 14L 24, VIOLONE B8 24, HOLPEN 12H 22
On 9th draw, OOLITE O7 30 --- OOLITE a variety of limestone [n]
Other moves: TOILE O8 27, VIOLATE B8 24, OOLITE O5 22, LOOIE O7 21, TELIA O7 21
On 10th draw, ZOS J6 47 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZOA F6 37, ZIT N6 36, ZOS N6 36, IS O14 35, OS O14 35
ZOS N6 36 NNNNNN1112
On 11th draw, IMBASED 5D 88 --- IMBASE to lower [v]
Other moves: IMBASED N1 81, BEDIMS 5H 36, BEDIMS N2 36, BEMADS 5F 36, IMBEDS 5F 36
On 12th draw, GLUTAEI N1 72 --- GLUTAEUS a hip muscle [n]
Other moves: GEAL 4D 26, GEAT 4D 26, TEGUA 4B 26, VULGATE B8 26, AGEIST H1 24
On 13th draw, VERTIGOS B8 78 --- VERTIGO a disordered state in which the individual or his surroundings seem to whirl dizzily [n]
Other moves: IS O14 35, OS O14 35, VOGIEST B8 30, TROGGS 1J 27, (S)ORBATES 15H 27
On 14th draw, NAIFS H1 36 --- NAIF a naive person [n]
Other tops: FIGO 1L 36, FONDA 4A 36
Other moves: FOODY 7C 34, DOONA 4D 33, FANDS H1 33, FINDS H1 33, FOIDS H1 33
FIGO 1L 36 HollyIvy
On 15th draw, UNCARVED 2E 74 --- CARVE to form by cutting [adj] --- UNCARVED not carved [adj]
Other moves: DUNE A12 37, CRUDE 4A 32, CERVID D1 30, VEND 4A 30, VERD 4A 30
DUNE A12 37 HollyIvy
On 16th draw, NOX M11 44 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other tops: SOX M11 44
Other moves: TOXIN 1A 41, OX I12 39, OX M12 39, NIX 4B 38, NOX 4B 38
NOX M11 44 HollyIvy
On 17th draw, JA A14 42 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: GADI A12 41, DJIN 6A 30, JAG M5 30, JAG 4B 28, JIG 4B 28
JA A14 42 HollyIvy
On 18th draw, WONGI 1K 39 --- WONGI to chat [v]
Other tops: WINGS 1K 39
Other moves: DISCO 1A 35, IS O14 35, OS O14 35, DINGO 1K 31, DINGS 1K 31
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