Game on December 3, 2024 at 15:55, 8 players
1. 225 pts sicilianc5
2. 189 pts LongJump22
3. 176 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 78 78
2. 3H 34 112
3. 2J 38 150
4. 1G 39 189
5. G6 80 269
6. H12 45 314
7. 13H 78 392
8. O7 69 461
9. 9D 60 521
10. 1L 34 555
11. 6D 74 629
12. 14A 76 705
13. 15A 33 738
14. N8 61 799
15. 8A 45 844
16. B2 70 914
17. A1 40 954
18. 12K 41 995
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.7672 sicilianc5 2 8:11 -770 225 1.9606 Pacific 1 3:56 -819 176
2.5912 LongJump22 4 3:33 -806 189 Group: advanced
3.9606 Pacific 1 3:56 -819 176 1.7672 sicilianc5 2 8:11 -770 225
4.7276 VVVVVV1112 0 0:45 -934 61 2.7276 VVVVVV1112 0 0:45 -934 61
5.5513 MMMMMM1112 0 1:16 -960 35 Group: novice
6.5622 NNNNNN1112 0 1:44 -960 35 1.5912 LongJump22 4 3:33 -806 189
7.5668 LLLLLL1112 0 1:05 -961 34 2.5513 MMMMMM1112 0 1:16 -960 35
8.5632 OOOOOO1112 0 1:49 -963 32 3.5622 NNNNNN1112 0 1:44 -960 35
4.5668 LLLLLL1112 0 1:05 -961 34
5.5632 OOOOOO1112 0 1:49 -963 32
On 1st draw, AMBRIES H3 78 --- AMBRY a recess in a church wall for sacred vessels [n]
Other tops: AMBRIES H2 78
Other moves: AMBRIES H4 74, AMBRIES H6 74, AMBRIES H7 74, AMBRIES H8 74, AMBRIES H5 72
AMBRIES H3 78 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, AVOWED 3H 34 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: WAE I3 27, WOE I3 27, AMOVED 4G 24, MEADOW 4H 24, AWE I2 23
AVOWED 3H 34 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, WORE 2J 38 --- WEAR to be dressed in clothing [v]
Other moves: TOWER 2J 37, WOE 2J 34, WOT 2J 34, WERE 4J 31, WERO 4J 31
WORE 2J 38 LongJump22
On 4th draw, JOLT 1G 39 --- JOLT to jar or shake roughly [v]
Other moves: JOT 1H 36, TAJ 1M 34, JATO 1K 33, JOLT 1K 33, JOTA 1K 33
JOLT 1G 39 LongJump22
On 5th draw, EMBAI(L)S G6 80 --- EMBAIL to encircle [v]
Other moves: BABE(L)ISM 5F 76, BABE(L)ISM 5H 76, BEAMIS(H) G7 76, MA(U)BIES G7 74, BIRAM(O)SE 6F 73
AMB(O) 1L 34 LLLLLL1112
On 6th draw, HADE H12 45 --- HADE to incline [v]
Other tops: HAED H12 45, HARD H12 45, HEAD H12 45, HERD H12 45, HOED H12 45
Other moves: HAET H12 42, HARE H12 42, HARO H12 42, HART H12 42, HATE H12 42
On 7th draw, ARCANELY 13H 78 --- ARCANELY secretly [adv]
Other moves: CALENDRY 14C 74, YOWLER K1 39, ARYL 1L 32, LAYER I11 32, ANCE I5 31
On 8th draw, PANICKY O7 69 --- PANICKY tending to panic [adj]
Other moves: CANOPY O8 48, PAIOCK F10 43, PYIC O12 42, KAIN F10 41, OAK F8 41
PANICKY O7 69 sicilianc5
On 9th draw, TREASURES 9D 60 --- TREASURE to value highly [v]
Other moves: SOWTER K1 30, SOWER K1 28, TEREK 12K 28, VEERS I3 26, SEE 4J 25
On 10th draw, UPGO 1L 34 --- UPGO to go up [v]
Other moves: UPON 1L 31, NIPA F4 28, OUPA F4 28, AGIN 1L 27, AGIO 1L 27
UPON 1L 31 sicilianc5
On 11th draw, ADVERTING 6D 74 --- ADVERT to call attention [v]
Other moves: VINTAGED 15B 64, DIVA 8A 30, VAGI 8A 30, VIAND I3 30, VIGA 8A 30
On 12th draw, (L)ENIFIED 14A 76 --- LENIFY to mitigate [v]
Other moves: FIEN(D)ISH 12A 34, FI(R)IE 8A 29, (W)IFIE 8A 29, FENI 8A 27, FINE 8A 27
FINE 8A 27 sicilianc5
On 13th draw, ALOD 15A 33 --- ALOD land held absolutely [n]
Other moves: QAID D12 32, QI 10N 31, QADI D11 28, TALAQ D3 28, D*G*DAGO 13B 27
QAID D12 32 sicilianc5
On 14th draw, YEX N8 61 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: AX N9 52, EX N9 52, OX N9 52, EX F9 50, XI 10F 50
YEX N8 61 sicilianc5
On 15th draw, QATS 8A 45 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: TASH 4K 35, HAO 14J 33, HA 14J 30, HOAST 5J 28, QAID D12 28
QATS 8A 45 Pacific
On 16th draw, NOTARIAL B2 70 --- NOTARIAL pertaining to a notary [adj]
Other tops: RATIONAL B2 70
Other moves: NOTARIAL B5 62, RELATION 15G 61, TORI 13B 26, LATINO 2B 25, RIALTO 2B 25
RELATION 15G 61 Pacific, VVVVVV1112
On 17th draw, HOGEN A1 40 --- HOGEN strong liquor [n]
Other moves: HIE 14J 33, HONE A1 31, HE 14J 30, HI 14J 30, OHO 13C 30
HI 14J 30 Pacific
HE K8 5 sicilianc5
On 18th draw, ZIT 12K 41 --- ZIT a pimple [n]
Other moves: ZO 13B 40, ZO 2F 40, ZO 5D 39, ZIFF E11 38, ZO 12K 37
ZO 2F 40 Pacific
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