Game on December 3, 2024 at 19:39, 12 players
1. 224 pts Pacific
2. 213 pts LongJump22
3. 63 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. 8A 89 115
3. D6 72 187
4. A8 83 270
5. 10F 36 306
6. B10 35 341
7. C3 29 370
8. D1 40 410
9. 5E 40 450
10. B3 28 478
11. J4 69 547
12. 1A 54 601
13. 8J 45 646
14. C12 27 673
15. 2F 26 699
16. O1 92 791
17. N7 105 896
18. 12L 58 954
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.9648 Pacific 0 5:25 -730 224 1.9648 Pacific 0 5:25 -730 224
2.5912 LongJump22 2 3:21 -741 213 Group: advanced
3.7080 ArcticFox 0 2:59 -891 63 1.7080 ArcticFox 0 2:59 -891 63
4.7671 Mycophot 0 2:28 -894 60 2.7671 Mycophot 0 2:28 -894 60
5.7647 moonmonkey 0 2:43 -894 60 3.7647 moonmonkey 0 2:43 -894 60
6.5632 OOOOOO1112 0 1:39 -897 57 4.7624 queen66 0 0:17 -908 46
7.7624 queen66 0 0:17 -908 46 5.7662 HollyIvy 0 0:54 -908 46
8.7662 HollyIvy 0 0:54 -908 46 6.7591 sicilianc5 0 1:46 -921 33
9.7591 sicilianc5 0 1:46 -921 33 Group: novice
10.5661 LLLLLL1112 0 1:17 -922 32 1.5912 LongJump22 2 3:21 -741 213
11.5485 MMMMMM1112 0 1:43 -922 32 2.5632 OOOOOO1112 0 1:39 -897 57
12.5622 NNNNNN1112 0 0:35 -924 30 3.5661 LLLLLL1112 0 1:17 -922 32
4.5485 MMMMMM1112 0 1:43 -922 32
5.5622 NNNNNN1112 0 0:35 -924 30
On 1st draw, FROISE H4 26 --- FROISE a thick pancake [n]
Other tops: FUEROS H4 26, FURIES H4 26
Other moves: FIERS H4 24, FIRES H4 24, FORES H4 24, FOUER H4 24, FOURS H4 24
FROISE H4 26 LongJump22
FOURS H4 24 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, GA(B)BARTS 8A 89 --- GABBART a barge [n]
Other moves: GAB(B)ARTS 8A 80, GAB(B)ART G7 79, RATBAG(S) 10B 72, BRAG(G)ART 5B 70, BRAG(G)ART 5G 70
GA(B)BARTS 8A 89 LongJump22
RATBAG(S) 10B 72 Pacific
On 3rd draw, NOBODIES D6 72 --- NOBODY an unimportant person [n]
Other moves: NO(B)ODIES C6 70, ODORISE 5E 32, SODAINE E5 32, NOISED 10E 23, NOOSED 10E 23
ODORISE 5E 32 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
On 4th draw, GUARDA(G)E A8 83 --- GUARDAGE the state of being under a guardian [n]
Other moves: GRADUA(T)E A8 80, (M)ARAUDER 5F 66, (M)ARAUDER F1 64, AURA(T)ED I9 61, RADU(L)AE I9 61
(M)ARAUDER 5F 66 LongJump22, Pacific
On 5th draw, JUS 10F 36 --- JUS a legal right [n]
Other moves: JURELS F6 31, JURIES F6 31, FUJIS 4H 30, JIVE C3 30, JIVE E3 30
On 6th draw, WEAL B10 35 --- WEAL a mark left by a whip lash [n]
Other moves: DWALE C11 30, DWELT C11 30, (B)LOATED C8 30, DEAW B10 29, WE B10 28
AWED C11 27 OOOOOO1112
On 7th draw, ENTOM(B) C3 29 --- ENTOMB to place in a tomb [v]
Other moves: MELT C12 27, MENO C12 27, MENT C12 27, MEL C12 25, MEN C12 25
On 8th draw, FLEY D1 40 --- FLEY to frighten [v]
Other tops: FLAY D1 40
Other moves: FYLE D1 34, LEVY C12 33, YEA B6 33, FAVELA E3 32, FAY C13 32
On 9th draw, HAIRIER 5E 40 --- HAIRY covered with hair [adj]
Other moves: FAITHER 1D 39, FATHER 1D 36, TREFAH 1A 36, FAITH 1D 33, FIRTH 1D 33
FAITHER 1D 39 ArcticFox
On 10th draw, TAIG B3 28 --- TAIG a catholic (derogatory), Northern Ireland [n]
Other moves: FETIAL 1D 27, GLIFT 1A 27, ALEFT 1A 24, ALGAE B1 24, FATAL 1D 24
FETIAL 1D 27 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 11th draw, DEPUTISE J4 69 --- DEPUTISE to act as a deputy [v]
Other tops: DEPUTIES J4 69
Other moves: FEUDIST 1D 33, FISTED 1D 30, FUSTED 1D 30, FETID 1D 27, FEUDS 1D 27
FEUDIST 1D 33 Mycophot, moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 12th draw, CONFIX 1A 54 --- CONFIX to fix firmly [v]
Other moves: FOXING 1D 51, TOXIC K9 50, TOXIN K9 46, NIX K9 42, NOX K9 42
FOXING 1D 51 Pacific
TOXIN K9 46 queen66, HollyIvy
On 13th draw, TOYMEN 8J 45 --- TOYMAN a seller of toys [n]
Other moves: TERMLY 8J 36, DERNLY 4J 30, TROELY 8J 30, MONEY K11 28, MOY C13 28
On 14th draw, LEVA C12 27 --- LEV a monetary unit of Bulgaria [n]
Other tops: LAVE C12 27
Other moves: LAV C12 25, LEV C12 25, TAV C12 25, VELVET 11I 24, LANE C12 21
On 15th draw, UNRIP 2F 26 --- UNRIP to rip open [v]
Other moves: MAUVIN M8 24, INVAR 2F 23, INVAR K10 22, PYURIA L7 22, UPRAN 2F 22
On 16th draw, BEVATRON O1 92 --- BEVATRON a proton accelerator [n]
Other moves: OVERBEAT N6 71, OVERBEAT N3 67, OBVERT 1J 49, ABOVE 1H 47, ABORE 1H 38
On 17th draw, DECKOING N7 105 --- DECKO to look [v]
Other moves: DECOKING N7 89, CODING 12H 39, D*CKDICK 12J 35, DOCK 12J 35, MOCKING M8 34
DOCK 12J 35 Pacific
On 18th draw, WHIZ 12L 58 --- WHIZ to move with a buzzing or hissing sound [v]
Other moves: HAZER F4 37, THEW K10 32, THEW I10 31, HEW K11 28, L*ZLEZ K11 28
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