Game on December 4, 2024 at 01:02, 5 players
1. 107 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 28 pts sunshine12
3. 28 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 78 78
2. H7 39 117
3. 13C 72 189
4. G7 32 221
5. 6A 75 296
6. 14G 80 376
7. M9 50 426
8. A4 39 465
9. N6 34 499
10. I1 78 577
11. O1 85 662
12. J2 46 708
13. 12J 51 759
14. 7L 32 791
15. 1G 39 830
16. D8 30 860
17. D1 28 888
18. 2A 34 922
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7239 GLOBEMAN 1 3:29 -815 107 1.7239 GLOBEMAN 1 3:29 -815 107
2.6965 sunshine12 0 1:03 -894 28 2.7208 roocatcher 0 1:45 -894 28
3.7208 roocatcher 0 1:45 -894 28 Group: intermediate
4. - BadBoyBen 0 1:30 -901 21 1.6965 sunshine12 0 1:03 -894 28
5. - chunk88 0 0:48 -910 12 Group: not rated
1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:30 -901 21
2. - chunk88 0 0:48 -910 12
On 1st draw, ENLIGH(T) H7 78 --- ENLIGHT to shed light on [v]
Other tops: ENGLI(S)H H6 78, HEIL(I)NG H4 78, HEL(L)ING H4 78, HEL(M)ING H4 78, HEL(P)ING H4 78, HEL(V)ING H4 78, HE(A)LING H4 78, HE(E)LING H4 78, HE(I)LING H4 78, HE(L)LING H4 78, HE(R)LING H4 78, HIN(D)LEG H4 78, H(E)ELING H4 78, (S)HINGLE H3 78
Other moves: ENGLI(S)H H2 74, ENLIGH(T) H8 74, HEIL(I)NG H6 74, HEL(L)ING H6 74, HEL(M)ING H6 74
HEL(P)ING H4 28 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 2nd draw, ENLIGH(T)ED H7 39 --- ENLIGHT to shed light on [v]
Other moves: YEAD G7 30, YEED G7 30, DEATHY 12D 26, TYEE G6 26, YAE G7 25
AYE G6 21 BadBoyBen
DE I7 12 chunk88
On 3rd draw, UNBIT(T)EN 13C 72 --- BITE to seize with the teeth [adj] --- UNBITTEN not bitten [adj]
Other moves: BUNTLINE 9D 62, UNBI(T)TEN 13D 61, HENBIT 12H 22, BUNTING 11B 20, UNBEING 11B 20
On 4th draw, MEEK G7 32 --- MEEK having a mild and gentle temper [adj]
Other tops: PEEK G7 32
Other moves: PREMUNE D8 28, KREEP G3 26, PREMEN D8 26, KREEP G6 25, KEMB E10 24
On 5th draw, WORRITS 6A 75 --- WORRIT to worry [v]
Other moves: WORRITS I2 71, WORRITS I1 68, TROWS 6C 27, TROWS I4 27, ROWS 6D 26
On 6th draw, AEROGELS 14G 80 --- AEROGEL a highly porous solid [n]
Other moves: GLOATERS F2 74, GALORES I2 69, GASOLIER E1 68, GALORES I1 66, GAOLERS I1 66
On 7th draw, JARFULS M9 50 --- JARFUL the quantity held by a jar (a cylindrical container) [n]
Other moves: JARFUL M9 48, FATS 15L 46, JARSFUL M8 36, SWARF A5 33, WAFTS A6 33
On 8th draw, COW(M)EN A4 39 --- COWMAN one who owns cattle [n]
Other moves: COWE(D) A4 36, COWE(R) A4 36, COW(A)N A4 36, NEF(S) I7 36, ONF(L)OW A1 33
On 9th draw, BREAD N6 34 --- BREAD to cover with crumbs of bread (a baked foodstuff made from flour) [v]
Other moves: NABE N8 33, BEANS N10 32, BEARS N10 32, DRAB N7 32, NIQAB E5 32
On 10th draw, MOPHEAD I1 78 --- MOPHEAD a person with shaggy hair [n]
Other moves: HOAED O4 54, APODE O8 49, HM O8 48, HAEM O5 45, APOD O8 43
On 11th draw, CLIQUE O1 85 --- CLIQUE to form a clique (an exclusive group of persons) [v]
Other moves: CLIED O4 48, QI 5E 46, QUELCH 4D 46, QUIM 1F 45, CLIQUED 4A 38
On 12th draw, WAITS J2 46 --- WAIT to stay in expectation of [v]
Other tops: WAIST J2 46
Other moves: SWOT O8 44, TWOS O8 44, TWO O8 41, WAIS J2 39, WAIT J2 39
On 13th draw, OUTFOX 12J 51 --- OUTFOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: ONYX D12 44, AX 5D 38, OX 5D 38, XU 5E 38, AY H1 36
On 14th draw, VERY 7L 32 --- VERY absolute [adj]
Other tops: LIVERY C2 32, PITHILY 4F 32, PRY 7M 32
Other moves: PELTRY C2 30, PLENTY D10 30, ENVY D12 28, PINEY D11 28, TRY 7M 28
On 15th draw, DEMAIN 1G 39 --- DEMAIN a manor house and its untenanted land [n]
Other moves: INMATE 1G 36, DEMAN 1G 33, ETNA K2 31, INDRAFT D3 30, TANDEM 1D 30
On 16th draw, FAILING D8 30 --- FAILING a minor fault or weakness [n]
Other moves: CAFILA 4A 22, FILARIA C2 22, FILARIA D2 22, IFS 15K 22, CALIF 4A 20
On 17th draw, PAVIOR D1 28 --- PAVIOR one that paves [n]
Other moves: NAP K4 27, TAP K4 27, VIATOR D1 26, CAPTION 4A 22, OPT C8 22
On 18th draw, RATANY 2A 34 --- RATANY a South American shrub [n]
Other tops: NOTARY 2A 34
Other moves: OTARY 2B 32, ATOPY 1A 30, OVARY 3C 30, YRAPT 1A 30, RANGY 14A 27
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