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Game on December 4, 2024 at 13:57, 6 players
1. 166 pts LongJump22
2. 79 pts LLLLLL1112
3. 79 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?enrrsu   H7    64    64   ensurer
 2. ?ehinnt  11D    90   154   inthrone
 3. abcegin  13G    32   186   bracing
 4. aeglruw   G7    33   219   waugh
 5. aadlort   L8    28   247   lardon
 6. bdeooty  12A    39   286   boody
 7. aainotu   A9    27   313   ouabain
 8. eehlmst   N7    81   394   helmets
 9. adeiruw   O4    53   447   wired
10. afilort   J4    65   512   flatiron
11. adefptv   I6    29   541   eft
12. aeegiqt  14F    35   576   qi
13. giosttu  15D    34   610   toits
14. adginpr   B4    76   686   draping
15. cekoosv   A1    37   723   coke
16. aeejlmx   N2    35   758   exam
17. aeopsuz   M1    52   810   zeas
18. eijlpvv   I1    23   833   jive
19. eelopvy   1F    42   875   polje

Remaining tiles: euvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5839 FileLongJump22  4  2:21  -709  166     1.5839 LongJump22  4  2:21  -709  166 
  2.5661 FileLLLLLL1112  2  2:29  -796   79     2.5661 LLLLLL1112  2  2:29  -796   79 
  3.5485 FileMMMMMM1112  2  3:14  -796   79     3.5485 MMMMMM1112  2  3:14  -796   79 
  4.  -  FileLLLLLL1144  1  1:57  -833   42     4.5654 NNNNNN1112  1  1:05  -840   35 
  5.5654 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:05  -840   35     5.5662 OOOOOO1112  1  1:25  -840   35 
  6.5662 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:25  -840   35            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  LLLLLL1144  1  1:57  -833   42 

On 1st draw, (E)NSURER H7 64 --- ENSURER one that ensures [n]
Other tops: ENSUR(E)R H2 64, ENSUR(E)R H3 64, ENSUR(E)R H4 64, ENSUR(E)R H6 64, ENSUR(E)R H8 64, NURSER(S) H2 64, NURSER(S) H3 64, NURSER(S) H4 64, NURSER(S) H7 64, NURSER(S) H8 64, NURSER(Y) H2 64, NURSER(Y) H3 64, NURSER(Y) H4 64, NURSER(Y) H7 64, NURSER(Y) H8 64, NUR(S)ERS H2 64, NUR(S)ERS H3 64, NUR(S)ERS H4 64, NUR(S)ERS H6 64, NUR(S)ERS H7 64, NUR(S)ERS H8 64, RE(T)URNS H3 64, RE(T)URNS H4 64, RE(T)URNS H6 64, RE(T)URNS H7 64, RE(T)URNS H8 64, RUN(N)ERS H2 64, RUN(N)ERS H3 64, RUN(N)ERS H4 64, RUN(N)ERS H6 64, RUN(N)ERS H7 64, RUN(N)ERS H8 64, RU(I)NERS H3 64, RU(I)NERS H4 64, RU(I)NERS H6 64, RU(I)NERS H7 64, RU(I)NERS H8 64, RU(N)NERS H3 64, RU(N)NERS H4 64, RU(N)NERS H6 64, RU(N)NERS H7 64, RU(N)NERS H8 64, S(P)URNER H2 64, S(P)URNER H4 64, S(P)URNER H6 64, S(P)URNER H7 64, S(P)URNER H8 64, UNS(U)RER H2 64, UNS(U)RER H3 64, UNS(U)RER H4 64, UNS(U)RER H6 64, UNS(U)RER H7 64, UNS(U)RER H8 64, (B)URNERS H2 64, (B)URNERS H3 64, (B)URNERS H6 64, (B)URNERS H7 64, (B)URNERS H8 64, (E)NSURER H2 64, (E)NSURER H3 64, (E)NSURER H6 64, (E)NSURER H8 64, (I)NSURER H2 64, (I)NSURER H3 64, (I)NSURER H6 64, (I)NSURER H7 64, (I)NSURER H8 64, (M)URRENS H2 64, (M)URRENS H3 64, (M)URRENS H6 64, (M)URRENS H7 64, (M)URRENS H8 64, (P)RUNERS H2 64, (P)RUNERS H3 64, (P)RUNERS H6 64, (P)RUNERS H7 64, (P)RUNERS H8 64, (T)URNERS H2 64, (T)URNERS H3 64, (T)URNERS H6 64, (T)URNERS H7 64, (T)URNERS H8 64, (U)NSURER H2 64, (U)NSURER H3 64, (U)NSURER H6 64, (U)NSURER H7 64, (U)NSURER H8 64
Other moves: ENSUR(E)R H5 62, ENSUR(E)R H7 62, NURSER(S) H5 62, NURSER(S) H6 62, NURSER(Y) H5 62

On 2nd draw, INTHR(O)NE 11D 90 --- INTHRONE to place on a throne [v]
Other tops: INHER(E)NT 11D 90, INH(E)RENT 11D 90, INTREN(C)H 11E 90
Other moves: THINNER(S) 13B 72, HENNIE(S)T 12C 70, HENNIE(S)T 12G 70, INHE(R)ENT 12C 70, INHE(R)ENT 12E 70

On 3rd draw, BRACING 13G 32 --- BRACING a brace or reinforcement [n]
Other moves: ABEIGH G6 30, CUBING 10G 29, CUBANE 10G 28, GRECIAN 13G 26, RIBCAGE 13H 26

On 4th draw, WAUGH G7 33 --- WAUGH damp [adj] --- WAUGH to bark [v]
Other moves: WALIER D8 26, GNAW L12 24, WAE G7 24, ANEW L12 22, EARWIG D7 22

On 5th draw, LARDON L8 28 --- LARDON a thin slice of bacon or pork [n]
Other moves: RADON L9 24, DANT L11 22, DONA L11 22, TARDO 12A 22, DAN L11 20

On 6th draw, BOODY 12A 39 --- BOODY the buttocks -- usually considered vulgar [n] --- BOODY to sulk [v]
Other moves: BOOTY 12A 35, BYDE I6 35, BYTE I6 33, TYDE I6 33, BYE I7 32

On 7th draw, OUABAIN A9 27 --- OUABAIN a cardiac stimulant [n]
Other moves: ABOUT A11 21, ABUNA A11 21, ATONIA 14B 20, AGUTI 10F 19, BAIT A12 18

On 8th draw, HELMETS N7 81 --- HELMET to supply with a helmet (a protective covering for the head) [v]
Other moves: HELMETS F3 79, HELMETS B3 70, SHMO B9 36, SHEOL B9 35, EHS 14I 33

On 9th draw, WIRED O4 53 --- WIRE to fasten with wire (a slender rod, strand, or thread of ductile metal) [v]
Other tops: WARED O4 53, WRIED O4 53
Other moves: WADER O4 50, WIDER O4 50, WAIRED O3 47, WAURED O3 47, DEWAR O4 44

On 10th draw, FLATIRON J4 65 --- FLATIRON a device for pressing clothes [n]
Other moves: FIRLOT 3J 28, LOAF B11 28, ROLF B11 28, FIRLOT M2 27, AFRIT 3K 26

On 11th draw, EFT I6 29 --- EFT a newt [n]
Other tops: AFT I6 29
Other moves: DEFAT 3K 28, PAVED F4 28, DEFAT M3 27, ADEPT 3K 26, DAFT 3L 26

On 12th draw, QI 14F 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT 3M 34, QI I3 26, GIFTEE 4H 24, ATE K5 23, GAIT K3 22

On 13th draw, TOITS 15D 34 --- TOIT to saunter [v]
Other moves: TIGS 15E 32, GIOS 15E 31, GIST 15E 31, GITS 15E 31, GIUSTO 15G 30

On 14th draw, DRAPING B4 76 --- DRAPE to arrange in graceful folds [v]
Other moves: PROIN B10 44, GROAN B10 35, GROIN B10 35, INROAD B9 34, GRAIP B6 30

On 15th draw, COKE A1 37 --- COKE to change into a carbon fuel [v]
Other moves: COVE A1 34, COKES M3 31, COOK N2 31, COOKS M3 31, SKEO A1 31
COKE A1 37 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112

On 16th draw, EXAM N2 35 --- EXAM an examination [n]
Other moves: AXE 13A 33, FALX 4J 28, FLAX 4J 28, FLEX 4J 28, MEE 13C 28
EXAM N2 35 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 17th draw, ZEAS M1 52 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZEA M1 44, ZOA M1 44, APES M1 40, APOS M1 40, EPOS M1 40
ZEAS M1 52 LongJump22

On 18th draw, JIVE I1 23 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other tops: VLEI K2 23
Other moves: JIZ 1K 20, PE 13C 20, JIVE K1 19, VIVE I1 19, APE 13A 18

On 19th draw, POLJE 1F 42 --- POLJE (Serbo-Croat) a large elliptical depression in karst regions, sometimes containing a marsh or lake [n]
Other moves: REPLEVY 5B 30, PEE 13C 28, YE 13C 24, AYE 13A 21, OY C8 21
POLJE 1F 42 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1144

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