Game on December 5, 2024 at 06:31, 1 player
1. 492 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 6E 65 89
3. 5D 36 125
4. K2 76 201
5. G8 72 273
6. 13C 68 341
7. 14J 49 390
8. O9 84 474
9. 4A 36 510
10. N3 63 573
11. O1 57 630
12. 12A 28 658
13. 14A 24 682
14. M1 54 736
15. M7 43 779
16. A4 45 824
17. 11F 26 850
18. 15A 40 890
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6360 fatcat 4 13:24 -398 492 1.6360 fatcat 4 13:24 -398 492
On 1st draw, MASTED H4 24 --- MAST to provide with a mast (a long pole on a ship that supports the sails and rigging) [v]
Other tops: MATTED H4 24
Other moves: DEMAST H4 22, MASED H4 22, MASTED H7 22, MATED H4 22, MATTED H7 22
MASTED H4 24 fatcat
On 2nd draw, YEASTIER 6E 65 --- YEASTY like yeast [adj]
Other moves: AYRIE I3 24, EYRIE I3 24, METAYER 4H 24, EATERY G6 22, YATE I4 22
MEATY 4H 20 fatcat
On 3rd draw, DOBLAS 5D 36 --- DOBLA a former gold coin of Spain [n]
Other moves: BOLAS 5E 34, DOBLA 5D 32, BOLA 5E 30, BONA 5E 30, BLOND 5B 29
BONDS 5K 26 fatcat
On 4th draw, DARKENER K2 76 --- DARKENER one that darkens [n]
Other moves: DARKENER 8D 65, DARKENER 8B 64, KNEAD 4A 43, ARKED 4A 35, NAKED 4A 35
DANK 5K 26 fatcat
On 5th draw, PIPAGES G8 72 --- PIPAGE a system of pipes [n]
Other moves: PIPEAGES 8B 66, PAPES 4A 36, PIPAS 4A 36, PIPES 4A 36, PAGES 4A 34
PIPES 4A 36 fatcat
On 6th draw, LAUREATE 13C 68 --- LAUREATE to crown with a wreath of evergreen leaves [v]
Other moves: AREAR L2 25, ASTARE I4 25, AREAL 4A 24, ARTAL 4A 24, ARTEL 4A 24
RULER 4K 12 fatcat
On 7th draw, F(R)OWN 14J 49 --- FROWN to wrinkle the brow with displeasure [v]
Other tops: F(L)OWN 14J 49
Other moves: FOI(S)ON 14J 45, FINO(S) 14J 43, FOIN(S) 14J 43, FO(L)IO 14J 43, W(H)OOF 4A 43
WOF 12J 23 fatcat
On 8th draw, EGOTI(S)E O9 84 --- EGOTISE to talk about oneself a lot [v]
Other tops: GOETIE(S) O8 84
Other moves: GEODETI(C) 2H 72, EGOTI(S)ED 2D 63, EGOTI(Z)ED 2D 63, GOITE(R)ED 2D 63, EGE(S)TION N7 58
G(A)TE 15H 19 fatcat
On 9th draw, VINAL 4A 36 --- VINAL a synthetic textile fiber [n]
Other moves: ANVIL 4A 30, NIVAL 4A 30, VALI 4A 28, VIAL 12A 28, VINA 4A 28
VALID D1 26 fatcat
On 10th draw, EUCLASE N3 63 --- EUCLASE a mineral [n]
Other moves: CALVES A1 33, CAUVES A1 33, CLAVES A1 33, CLAVUS A1 33, CLEVES A1 33
VALUES A4 27 fatcat
On 11th draw, YODH O1 57 --- YODH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: HYMN O1 46, HOMINY B1 44, HOMY M7 38, HOMY M1 37, HOMO M7 35
YO 13L 25 fatcat
On 12th draw, FIAT 12A 28 --- FIAT an authoritative order [n] --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other tops: FRAT 12A 28
Other moves: ARF 15H 27, F*RTFART M7 27, RIF 15H 27, TRIVIA A1 27, ARF M1 26
TRIVIA A1 27 fatcat
On 13th draw, OUBIT 14A 24 --- OUBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other tops: BITOU M7 24
Other moves: BINT M7 23, BITO M7 23, BUNT M7 23, BIN M7 22, BIOTA 11C 22
TUB M1 22 fatcat
On 14th draw, COZ M1 54 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other tops: CUZ M1 54
Other moves: VIZOR A4 51, ZORI M7 51, RIZ M1 50, ZOIC M9 47, ZORI M9 45
COZ M1 54 fatcat
On 15th draw, JURE M7 43 --- JURE by law [adv]
Other moves: HM 15A 40, JEHU M9 40, GJU 12G 38, HUMERI M7 37, JURE M9 37
FROM A12 27 fatcat
On 16th draw, VIXEN A4 45 --- VIXEN a shrewish woman [n]
Other moves: EXO 15K 41, HEX J8 36, HOX J8 36, EX 15K 35, HISTONE I3 33
VIXEN A4 45 fatcat
On 17th draw, WAVING 11F 26 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v] --- WAVING the act of waving [n]
Other moves: WO 13L 25, GNOW L12 24, WO 15L 23, OW 3C 21, ONO F8 20
WAVING 11F 26 fatcat
On 18th draw, HM 15A 40 --- HM used to express thoughtful consideration [interj]
Other moves: HIM 3B 31, HOM 3B 31, MOOI 13L 28, FROM A12 27, OH 15A 26
FROM A12 27 fatcat
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