Game on December 5, 2024 at 14:45, 7 players
1. 216 pts LongJump22
2. 99 pts OOOOOO1112
3. 98 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 72 72
2. 10G 71 143
3. 13C 28 171
4. 15H 45 216
5. O4 83 299
6. M9 46 345
7. 5H 66 411
8. 6I 52 463
9. 14J 56 519
10. C8 67 586
11. 8A 51 637
12. 4B 69 706
13. 15A 84 790
14. 3B 32 822
15. N1 53 875
16. 1J 51 926
17. H1 30 956
18. 7I 31 987
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5787 LongJump22 4 3:27 -771 216 1.7710 Mycophot 1 2:26 -889 98
2.5587 OOOOOO1112 0 3:34 -888 99 Group: novice
3.7710 Mycophot 1 2:26 -889 98 1.5787 LongJump22 4 3:27 -771 216
4. - KKKKKK1144 1 1:56 -903 84 2.5587 OOOOOO1112 0 3:34 -888 99
5.5629 LLLLLL1112 0 2:45 -913 74 3.5629 LLLLLL1112 0 2:45 -913 74
6.5526 MMMMMM1112 0 1:35 -946 41 4.5526 MMMMMM1112 0 1:35 -946 41
7.5553 NNNNNN1112 0 0:47 -954 33 5.5553 NNNNNN1112 0 0:47 -954 33
Group: not rated
1. - KKKKKK1144 1 1:56 -903 84
On 1st draw, AEROBI(C) H8 72 --- AEROBE an organism that requires oxygen to live [adj] --- AEROBIC requiring free oxygen [adj]
Other tops: AEROBI(A) H8 72, (A)EROBIA H8 72
Other moves: AEROBI(A) H2 68, AEROBI(A) H3 68, AEROBI(A) H4 68, AEROBI(A) H7 68, AEROBI(C) H2 68
AEROBI(C) H8 72 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, TRAWLNET 10G 71 --- TRAWLNET the large net used in trawling [n]
Other moves: WENA G9 28, WETA G9 28, TWAL G8 26, TW*TTWAT G8 26, ALEW G6 23
TRAWLNET 10G 71 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, LEGUMIN 13C 28 --- LEGUMIN a plant protein [n]
Other moves: ENGLOOM 11C 26, LEGMAN I6 25, MELANO I7 23, BOGMEN 12H 22, EUGENOL M7 22
LEGUMIN 13C 28 LongJump22
On 4th draw, SAINE 15H 45 --- SAINE to say (Spencer) [v] --- SAY to utter [v]
Other tops: AEONS 15D 45, ANOAS 15D 45
Other moves: ANISE 15E 42, ANSAE 15F 42, EOSIN 15F 42, ISNAE 15G 42, NOISE 15E 42
ANOAS 15D 45 LongJump22
On 5th draw, ARE(O)LAS O4 83 --- AREOLA a small space in a network of leaf veins [n]
Other tops: AER(I)ALS O4 83, ALE(G)ARS O4 83, ARA(B)LES O4 83, EARLA(P)S O4 83, LAA(G)ERS O4 83, RA(F)ALES O4 83, (T)ARSEAL O7 83
Other moves: ARSE(N)AL O8 80, EAR(B)ALLS K4 78, EAR(B)ALLS K5 78, LA(T)ERALS K4 78, (P)ARELLAS K5 78
On 6th draw, JEWIE M9 46 --- JEWIE jewfish (Australian slang) [n]
Other tops: JEWEL M9 46
Other moves: JAW N4 45, J*WJEW N4 45, WILJA N1 41, JAILER N1 38, JAW 12B 38
On 7th draw, TROUTIER 5H 66 --- TROUTY abounding in trout [adj]
Other moves: TOUTIER I2 61, TORTILE K5 28, TOUTER N1 24, OTTER N2 22, OUTER N2 22
On 8th draw, EX 6I 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: AXLED N2 43, NOX L10 43, EXALT H1 39, RAX 12D 36, AXED 12A 34
EX 6I 52 Mycophot
On 9th draw, BURSA 14J 56 --- BURSA a bodily pouch [n]
Other moves: BAPS 14J 46, PUBS 14J 46, ARDEBS N2 44, BADS 14J 44, BUDS 14J 44
BAPS 14J 46 Mycophot
On 10th draw, OVERPLAN C8 67 --- OVERPLAN to plan to excess [v]
Other moves: PERV O12 44, VARE O12 41, VERA O12 41, PARE O12 35, PERN O12 35
On 11th draw, HOOFED 8A 51 --- HOOF to dance [v]
Other moves: HOUFED N1 46, GOOFED 8A 45, HOED O12 44, HUED O12 44, HOOF 8A 42
On 12th draw, INOSITE 4B 69 --- INOSITE an alcohol found in plant and animal tissue [n]
Other moves: EXTENSE 6I 26, NOES 4J 26, SNIT 4J 26, ISATIN 14A 25, NATIS 14B 23
On 13th draw, KANZU 15A 84 --- KANZU a long white garment worn in parts of Africa [n]
Other moves: ZONK 15A 66, HAZED N2 62, ZOUK 7I 59, ZOA 7I 54, ZUPA 12A 54
On 14th draw, DILATE 3B 32 --- DILATE to make wider or larger [v]
Other moves: ELATED N1 31, TAILED N1 31, TOILED N1 31, AILED N2 29, DALE O12 29
On 15th draw, PIONEY N1 53 --- PIONEY a showy flower [n]
Other moves: GOONEY N1 51, PINEY N2 51, PONEY N2 51, PIPY 12A 38, PONGY 7I 36
On 16th draw, CHIRPY 1J 51 --- CHIRPY cheerful [adj]
Other moves: HYPO 1L 48, CORY O12 44, YIRD O12 44, COPY 1L 42, HORI O12 41
On 17th draw, GODET H1 30 --- GODET a piece of cloth placed in a seam [n]
Other moves: COOM 7I 29, COMODO 3I 28, DOTCOM L3 28, MOC 7I 28, MOOD 7I 28
On 18th draw, FOG 7I 31 --- FOG to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth's surface) [v]
Other moves: MOC 7I 28, COD 7I 27, COG 7I 27, MOD 7I 27, MOG 7I 27
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