Game on December 5, 2024 at 23:38, 5 players
1. 151 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 96 pts sunshine12
3. 48 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 5D 94 118
3. L5 78 196
4. J3 76 272
5. 12H 52 324
6. 8A 77 401
7. M6 42 443
8. 13B 70 513
9. N2 61 574
10. O4 39 613
11. B10 40 653
12. 15A 84 737
13. 4A 34 771
14. A1 27 798
15. M1 34 832
16. 2A 22 854
17. 1F 27 881
18. 6B 31 912
19. 3A 21 933
20. F10 36 969
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7222 GLOBEMAN 3 6:24 -818 151 1.7222 GLOBEMAN 3 6:24 -818 151
2.6955 sunshine12 1 5:55 -873 96 2.7297 roocatcher 0 3:20 -921 48
3.7297 roocatcher 0 3:20 -921 48 Group: intermediate
4. - chunk88 0 1:55 -945 24 1.6955 sunshine12 1 5:55 -873 96
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:46 -953 16 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 1:55 -945 24
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:46 -953 16
On 1st draw, BEGOES H4 24 --- BEGO to beset [v]
Other tops: BEGETS H4 24
Other moves: BEGET H4 22, BEGOT H4 22, BEETS H4 20, BEGETS H3 20, BEGETS H7 20
On 2nd draw, AUDIENCE 5D 94 --- AUDIENCE a group of listeners or spectators [n]
Other moves: AUDIENCE 8A 86, AUDIENCE 5A 72, GUIDANCE 6H 70, AUDIENCE 8D 62, CANID I3 27
On 3rd draw, STEWPAN L5 78 --- STEWPAN a pan used for stewing [n]
Other moves: STEWPAN G7 73, STEWPAN I8 69, WASPNEST 9F 68, WASPNEST 9B 66, STEWPANS 9A 65
On 4th draw, (R)ECODIFY J3 76 --- CODIFY to put into the form of a code [v] --- RECODIFY to insert a new code [v]
Other moves: FEOD(S) 12H 48, FIDO(S) 12H 48, FOID(S) 12H 48, DEFI(S) 12H 44, (S)EIF 12L 44
On 5th draw, PYNES 12H 52 --- PYNE to pine [v]
Other moves: PONEYS 12G 50, YUPONS 12G 50, PEONS 12H 46, POESY 12I 46, PONES 12H 46
On 6th draw, TONALITE 8A 77 --- TONALITE a coarse rock [n]
Other moves: ALOIN M6 24, LOTTING 6B 23, APIOL H11 21, LOAN M7 21, LOIN M7 21
On 7th draw, AXE M6 42 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other tops: EXO M6 42
Other moves: XOANA D1 40, PREX H12 39, AX M6 36, AXE 4D 36, EX M6 36
On 8th draw, ROG(A)LLO 13B 70 --- ROGALLO a light and flexible hang glider wing [n]
Other moves: ROG(A)LLO 11B 68, LOGROLL(S) E8 66, GILL(A)ROO F7 62, LOL(I)GO N2 38, LOGO(N) N4 32
On 9th draw, SHANK N2 61 --- SHANK to hit sharply to the right, as a golf ball [v]
Other moves: KONS N6 51, KON N6 50, SHAKO N3 49, MAKO N4 47, MONKS N6 46
On 10th draw, DEAIR O4 39 --- DEAIR to remove air from [v]
Other moves: RAIDER O4 37, RAIRD O4 34, REIRD O4 34, ARIDER O6 29, ARRIDE O6 29
On 11th draw, FOURTH B10 40 --- FOURTH one of four equal parts [n]
Other moves: HAUF M1 39, HOUF M1 39, HAUF 4A 38, HOUF 4A 38, HAFT 4A 32
On 12th draw, CHEZ 15A 84 --- CHEZ at the home of [prep]
Other moves: CUZ 4B 50, CHUM 15A 42, MEZE 14H 42, MEZE 4A 40, MZEE 4A 40
On 13th draw, WARM 4A 34 --- WARM moderately hot [adj] --- WARM to raise the temperature [v]
Other moves: QORMA 11A 32, LEAM M1 30, REAM M1 30, WAME 4A 30, WEAL M1 30
On 14th draw, GROWN A1 27 --- GROW to cultivate [v] --- GROWN mature [adj]
Other moves: GOER M1 26, ERINGO 6A 24, GENRE 6B 24, GENRO 6B 24, GERNE 6B 24
On 15th draw, BEAM M1 34 --- BEAM to emit in beams (rays of light) [v]
Other moves: BRAME 6B 31, BREAM 11E 30, REAM M1 30, RIEM M1 30, VIER M1 30
POEM H12 24 sunshine12, roocatcher, chunk88
On 16th draw, REVOTE 2A 22 --- REVOTE to vote again [v] --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other moves: VETO 6C 21, ENVOI 11K 20, VEE 6B 19, VET 6B 19, VIE 6B 19
On 17th draw, DIVI 1F 27 --- DIVI short for dividend [n]
Other moves: QORMA D1 26, DIV 1F 24, DIVI 14H 22, DIV 14H 21, VID 6B 21
DIV 1F 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 18th draw, JUT 6B 31 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other tops: JAR 6B 31, TAJ 14H 31
Other moves: JAIL F10 27, JARL F10 27, JURA 11E 27, JUT 7B 25, TAJ 7B 25
JAIL F10 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 19th draw, ORA 3A 21 --- OS an orifice [n]
Other moves: PLU 9L 18, POUR H12 18, RAIL 14E 18, RIAL 14E 18, AIL 14F 16
ORA 3A 21 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 20th draw, QUILL F10 36 --- QUILL to press small ridges in [v]
Other moves: QU(A)I E11 24, QU(A) E11 22, PLU 9L 18, POUR H12 18, ULU 12B 14
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