Game on December 6, 2024 at 10:06, 5 players
1. 153 pts LongJump22
2. 38 pts MMMMMM1112
3. 38 pts NNNNNN1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 80 80
2. I8 30 110
3. 13C 85 195
4. 12A 36 231
5. 12G 31 262
6. 11K 49 311
7. 6F 62 373
8. N1 40 413
9. 1L 39 452
10. K4 28 480
11. 8K 57 537
12. O8 101 638
13. L3 38 676
14. A7 30 706
15. 9L 21 727
16. 14J 38 765
17. 15H 34 799
18. B6 24 823
19. F3 60 883
20. E9 31 914
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
1.5880 LongJump22 2 3:13 -761 153 1.5880 LongJump22 2 3:13 -761 153
2.5460 MMMMMM1112 1 0:54 -876 38 2.5460 MMMMMM1112 1 0:54 -876 38
3.5499 NNNNNN1112 1 1:15 -876 38 3.5499 NNNNNN1112 1 1:15 -876 38
4.5500 OOOOOO1112 1 1:36 -876 38 4.5500 OOOOOO1112 1 1:36 -876 38
5.5536 LLLLLL1112 1 1:58 -876 38 5.5536 LLLLLL1112 1 1:58 -876 38
On 1st draw, PINKOE(S) H4 80 --- PINKO a person who holds somewhat radical political views [n]
Other moves: PINKOE(S) H2 76, PINKOE(S) H3 76, PINKOE(S) H7 76, PINKOE(S) H8 76, PINKOE(S) H5 74
On 2nd draw, WHOLE I8 30 --- WHOLE all the parts or elements entering into and making up a thing [n]
Other tops: WHOLE G8 30
Other moves: WHEN G8 29, WHO G8 28, WHO I8 28, WHELP 4D 26, HEWN G9 24
On 3rd draw, LOGGATS 13C 85 --- LOGGAT a small log [n] --- LOGGATS loggets [n]
Other moves: LOGGATS J3 75, GALIOTS 5E 32, LATIGOS 5E 32, SALIGOT 5E 32, SALTO 13I 25
On 4th draw, PRAY 12A 36 --- PRAY to intercede or ask earnestly [v]
Other tops: PREY 12A 36
Other moves: YAE J10 31, YAR J10 31, PAY 12B 28, YA J10 28, PAPERY 4H 26
On 5th draw, BEENAH 12G 31 --- BEENAH a Sri Lankan form of marriage [n]
Other tops: BAH J10 31, HAE J10 31, HAN J10 31, HIE J10 31, HIN J10 31
Other moves: HA J10 28, HI J10 28, ABEIGH F9 26, RABI 14B 26, BAN J10 25
On 6th draw, ZU(Z) 11K 49 --- ZUZ an ancient Hebrew silver coin [n]
Other moves: LUZ 11I 48, Z(A) 11K 46, Z(O) 11K 46, LeZL(E)Z 11I 45, L(U)Z 11I 45
On 7th draw, ANNALISE 6F 62 --- ANNALISE to record [v]
Other tops: ALANINES 6C 62, ALANINES 6E 62, ANNALISE 6G 62
Other moves: SALPIAN A9 27, ALPINE A10 24, ASPINE A10 24, ESPIAL A10 24, LAPINS A10 24
On 8th draw, MILORD N1 40 --- MILORD an English gentleman [n]
Other tops: VIOLD N2 40
Other moves: IMPROV A10 39, MIRV 5K 30, MOIL 14D 29, MIRVED M2 28, DIOL 14D 27
On 9th draw, FAME 1L 39 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other tops: CRAMPET A8 39
Other moves: CAME 1L 33, CRAMP A8 33, FRAME 1K 33, EF O1 32, CRAME 1K 30
On 10th draw, QAID K4 28 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other tops: BOARD 5K 28, DOBRA 5K 28, QADI K3 28
Other moves: CRAB 14A 27, BARRO 5K 26, CAB 14B 25, DOAB 14A 25, DRAB 14A 25
On 11th draw, SEXED 8K 57 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other moves: SEXER 8K 54, AXED M1 40, PREX A12 39, AXES M1 37, SEDER 8K 36
On 12th draw, DERIVING O8 101 --- DERIVE to obtain or receive from a source [v]
Other moves: FIRIES L1 42, VIGS L3 41, VIES L3 38, VINS L3 38, FENI L1 36
On 13th draw, VIES L3 38 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v]
Other tops: VIAS L3 38
Other moves: AJEE M3 37, JOE 2J 31, JIVE 5C 30, PAVE A12 27, AI L3 26
On 14th draw, TOECAP A7 30 --- TOECAP a covering for the front of a boot or shoe [n]
Other tops: CAPOTE A10 30
Other moves: CAW 14B 28, EPACT A11 27, PACE A12 24, PACO A12 24, PACT A12 24
On 15th draw, DURE 9L 21 --- DURE to endure [v]
Other tops: DUNE 9L 21, NUDE 9L 21, RUDE 9L 21
Other moves: ARED 14A 20, READ 14A 20, RUED 14A 20, UNDRAPE 4C 20, AUNE 9L 19
On 16th draw, WARMEN 14J 38 --- WARMAN a warrior [n]
Other moves: SMEW 14A 30, SWAM 14A 29, WASM 14A 29, MAW 14B 28, MEW 14B 28
WARMEN 14J 38 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 17th draw, BYES 15H 34 --- BYE a side issue [n]
Other moves: BY G8 32, FUBSY 5B 31, BYE 15H 29, FIBS 14A 29, FUBS 14A 29
BY G8 32 LongJump22
On 18th draw, COIF B6 24 --- COIF to style the hair [v]
Other tops: COFT B6 24, COOF B6 24, CORF B6 24
Other moves: COIF 5C 23, COOF 5C 23, CORF 5C 23, CROFT 5B 22, OCTROI B2 22
COIF 5C 23 LongJump22
On 19th draw, ROTATION F3 60 --- ROTATION the act or an instance of rotating [n]
Other moves: NOIR 14D 25, NOO 14D 19, ION 14E 18, OON 14E 18, OOR 14E 18
ROTATION F3 60 LongJump22
On 20th draw, JUT E9 31 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other tops: JIN E9 31, JUN E9 31
Other moves: GJU F13 27, JUNTO 4B 24, JUT 14A 23, JUT 5D 20, TUTU 14A 17
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