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Game on December 7, 2024 at 06:31, 1 player
1. 436 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adltuy   H6    78    78   duality
 2. ?deefqu  10F    43   121   quiff
 3. acistwy  11D    41   162   twisty
 4. beeiors   K5   102   264   ebriose
 5. deinorr   I1    66   330   dronier
 6. ahilmnr   8K    42   372   ihram
 7. ceknnop   1D    54   426   pocked
 8. aeglnrt   N8    76   502   argental
 9. eiimotx  15K    60   562   ixtle
10. aeginov  12A    35   597   vogie
11. adinopv  13B    34   631   pond
12. eghiior  B10    38   669   hooper
13. acdetuw  15A    39   708   craw
14. enostuz   A5    50   758   touzes
15. aabdegv   B2    35   793   begad
16. aeiilns   O1    83   876   alienism
17. aeijmot   A1    44   920   jam
18. efinotu  L11    32   952   enfix
19. aalnotu   C2    39   991   atonal

Remaining tiles: iuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6357 Filefatcat      3  9:24  -555  436     1.6357 fatcat      3  9:24  -555  436 

On 1st draw, DUAL(I)TY H6 78 --- DUALITY the state of being twofold [n]
Other tops: ADULT(L)Y H6 78, ADU(L)TLY H6 78
Other moves: ADULT(L)Y H3 74, ADU(L)TLY H3 74, DUAL(I)TY H4 74, ADULT(L)Y H2 72, ADULT(L)Y H4 72

On 2nd draw, QU(I)(F)F 10F 43 --- QUIFF a forelock [n]
Other moves: FEUT(R)ED 11E 40, QU(I)(R)ED 10F 36, QU(I)(T)ED 10F 36, EQU(I)(N)E 10E 35, EQU(I)(P)E 10E 35

On 3rd draw, TWISTY 11D 41 --- TWISTY full of curves [adj]
Other moves: WITTY 11E 39, SWAY E10 36, SWAY K10 36, CYST E8 34, CYST K8 34

On 4th draw, EBRIOSE K5 102 --- EBRIOSE drunk [adj]
Other moves: EBRIOSE I2 71, REBODIES 6D 69, BOREES 12A 43, BREES 12B 35, BRIES 12B 35

On 5th draw, DRONIER I1 66 --- DRONY monotonous [adj]
Other moves: DINERO 8J 24, DINERO L1 24, INDIE 8K 21, INDRI 8K 21, IODIN 8K 21
DINER L1 18 fatcat

On 6th draw, IHRAM 8K 42 --- IHRAM the dress worn of Muslim pilgrims [n]
Other moves: RHINAL 2I 34, LIMINA 8J 33, MANDRIL 1F 33, RIMLAND 1C 33, HARIM L1 32
HARD 1F 24 fatcat

On 7th draw, POCKED 1D 54 --- POCK to mark with pocks (pustules caused by an eruptive disease) [v]
Other moves: CONKED 1D 48, PONKED 1D 48, NOCKED 1D 42, PONCED 1D 42, COKED 1E 36
POCKED 1D 54 fatcat

On 8th draw, ARGENTAL N8 76 --- ARGENT silver [adj] --- ARGENTAL pertaining to argent [adj]
Other moves: ARGENTAL N2 72, GRANTER M7 22, TANGLE L1 22, TRANGLE 2H 22, ALNAGER N8 20
GLARE L1 18 fatcat

On 9th draw, IXTLE 15K 60 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other moves: EXO O13 47, MOXIE 12A 43, MINX 12L 42, XI O14 42, MIXTE L1 36
EXO O13 47 fatcat

On 10th draw, VOGIE 12A 35 --- VOGIE vain [adj]
Other moves: VINTAGE D8 30, VAGI 12A 28, VEGA 12A 28, VEGAN L1 28, VEGO 12A 28
PAVING D1 24 fatcat

On 11th draw, POND 13B 34 --- POND to collect into a pond (a small body of water) [v]
Other moves: VAPID L1 33, PAVID L1 31, VIVA A12 30, VIVO A12 30, PAVID 2A 29
VIVA A12 30 fatcat

On 12th draw, HOOPER B10 38 --- HOOPER one that hoops [n]
Other tops: HOER 2F 38
Other moves: RHO 2E 37, HI 2F 34, HO 2F 34, EH 2E 30, OH 2E 30
HO 2F 34 fatcat

On 13th draw, CRAW 15A 39 --- CRAW the stomach of an animal [n]
Other tops: CREW 15A 39
Other moves: DRAW 15A 36, DREW 15A 36, TRACED 15A 36, TRADUCE 15A 36, TRUCED 15A 36
CREW 15A 39 fatcat

On 14th draw, TOUZES A5 50 --- TOUZE to haul [v]
Other tops: ZONES L1 50
Other moves: TOUZE A6 47, TOZES A6 47, ZONES A6 47, TOZE A7 44, ZONE A7 44
ZONES 2A 34 fatcat

On 15th draw, BEGAD B2 35 --- BEGAD by God! [interj]
Other moves: BAAED B2 33, RAVAGED 2I 28, BEGAD L1 27, BADGE L1 26, BAAED L1 25
DAB B4 24 fatcat

On 16th draw, ALIENISM O1 83 --- ALIENISM the state of being foreign [n]
Other moves: SNAILIER M1 68, ALINES C2 32, ALINE C2 28, ANISE C2 28, LINES C3 26
SALE 14E 14 fatcat

On 17th draw, JAM A1 44 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JAM N1 41, JATO N1 39, JEAT N1 39, JOE 14J 37, JOE A1 36
JAM A1 44 fatcat

On 18th draw, ENFIX L11 32 --- ENFIX to fix in [v]
Other moves: FEINT M11 29, FIENT M11 29, FOUET M11 29, FOUNT M11 29, ONIE C2 29
FINE L2 16 fatcat

On 19th draw, ATONAL C2 39 --- ATONAL lacking tonality [adj]
Other moves: NOTAL C3 32, TONAL C3 32, LOTA C3 28, LUNA C3 28, NOTA C3 28
MENTAL 3A 16 fatcat

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