Game on December 7, 2024 at 23:16, 5 players
1. 272 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 152 pts sunshine12
3. 46 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 82 82
2. G5 22 104
3. F6 34 138
4. E9 72 210
5. 15D 24 234
6. 4H 30 264
7. 12A 38 302
8. A8 39 341
9. B3 75 416
10. M4 71 487
11. J1 64 551
12. N6 36 587
13. O6 51 638
14. 14H 41 679
15. 1I 45 724
16. 10J 44 768
17. L12 36 804
18. A1 35 839
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7242 GLOBEMAN 1 11:06 -567 272 1.7242 GLOBEMAN 1 11:06 -567 272
2.6972 sunshine12 0 3:42 -687 152 2.7297 roocatcher 0 2:30 -793 46
3.7297 roocatcher 0 2:30 -793 46 Group: intermediate
4. - chunk88 0 0:16 -820 19 1.6972 sunshine12 0 3:42 -687 152
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:46 -822 17 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 0:16 -820 19
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:46 -822 17
On 1st draw, SWIPERS H3 82 --- SWIPER one who sweeps for old anchors [n]
Other moves: SWIPERS H2 76, SWIPERS H4 76, SWIPERS H6 76, SWIPERS H7 76, SWIPERS H8 76
On 2nd draw, LOREAL G5 22 --- LOREAL pertaining to the head between the eye and the bill [adj]
Other moves: AREOLE I6 20, REALO G2 20, ALOE G4 19, WALLER 4H 18, ALLOW 4D 16
On 3rd draw, POSE F6 34 --- POSE to assume a fixed position [v]
Other moves: OPENS I4 30, PEONS I5 30, PES F6 30, POS F6 30, PUS F6 30
On 4th draw, COON(T)IE E9 72 --- COONTIE a tropical plant [n]
Other tops: CONIOSE(S) 3C 72, CO(L)ONISE 3B 72
Other moves: CONIO(S)ES 3A 70, COON(T)IES 3A 70, CO(L)ONIES 3A 70, COOSINE(D) 3E 61, CO(H)ESION 3D 61
On 5th draw, GENOA 15D 24 --- GENOA a large triangular sail [n]
Other tops: GENUA 15D 24
Other moves: AGONE 15A 21, NUGAE 15A 21, GOANNA 12A 18, WAGON 4H 18, WONGA 4H 18
On 6th draw, WHINGED 4H 30 --- WHINGE to whine [v]
Other moves: NEIGHS 3C 28, SHINED 3H 28, HEN I3 27, GHI D10 26, HENDING 12C 26
On 7th draw, HRYVNA 12A 38 --- HRYVNA a monetary unit of Ukraine [n]
Other tops: HYDRASE 3C 38
Other moves: HEAVY M3 36, REDDY N2 36, AHED 3L 32, DEA(T)HY 13B 32, HAVERED M1 32
On 8th draw, BOUCHE A8 39 --- BOUCHE the cooking staff in a large house [n]
Other moves: BELCH A8 36, LOUCHE A8 33, CORBEL B10 32, CHOLO A11 30, CORBE B10 30
On 9th draw, SQ(U)ARED B3 75 --- SQUARE to make square [v]
Other moves: Q(U)AYD C9 54, Q(U)AYS C9 52, Q(U)EYS C9 52, Q(U)ARE 3J 48, Q(U)AD 3J 47
On 10th draw, EXAMINER M4 71 --- EXAMINER one that examines [n]
Other moves: INDEX N2 58, RADIX N2 58, REMEX M3 44, REMIX M3 44, MAX 3M 35
On 11th draw, MILITANT J1 64 --- MILITANT a person who is aggressively engaged in a cause [n]
Other tops: MILITANT J3 64
Other moves: LIMINA 8J 33, DIM N4 31, MATIN C1 30, MINA N6 30, INTIMA 8J 27
LIMINA 8J 33 sunshine12
On 12th draw, WATE N6 36 --- WIT to know [v]
Other tops: MATLOW 1J 36, WETA N6 36
Other moves: WAT N6 33, WET N6 33, WIEL 8L 33, WILE 8L 33, WILT 8L 33
WITE 8L 33 sunshine12
On 13th draw, LEAK O6 51 --- LEAK to permit the escape of something through a breach or flaw [v]
Other tops: LAKED O7 51
Other moves: KADE O7 49, KAED O7 48, DAK O7 46, LAKE O7 45, TAKE O7 45
KADE O7 49 sunshine12
On 14th draw, FUZE 14H 41 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other moves: FEZ 14H 40, FUZE L10 39, FEZ L10 37, GJU A1 35, FURZE 11K 34
FEZ L10 37 sunshine12
On 15th draw, AMEBOID 1I 45 --- AMEBA a one-celled animal of ever-changing shape [adj] --- AMEBOID resembling an ameba [adj]
Other moves: BORIDE L10 44, BROMIDE 1G 42, ARDEB L11 41, BARED L10 40, BEARD L10 40
REBID 15K 29 roocatcher
On 16th draw, VINERY 10J 44 --- VINERY a place in which grapevines are grown [n]
Other moves: UNSQ(U)ARED B1 36, NITERY 10J 35, TINY C3 35, VERY 10L 34, NITRY 15K 29
YIN 13K 17 roocatcher
On 17th draw, FIDO L12 36 --- FIDO a defective coin [n]
Other moves: FUGIO 15K 35, QUOIF 4B 34, FID L12 32, FUD L12 32, GID L12 28
FIG 13K 19 chunk88
FIT 13K 17 BadBoyBen
On 18th draw, GJU A1 35 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: QUIT 4B 26, TIG C3 25, JUT C1 24, JIG K9 22, TIT C3 22
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