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Game on December 8, 2024 at 00:00, 5 players
1. 182 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 149 pts sunshine12
3. 113 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adfhuy   H8    34    34   huffy
 2. ?abeios   I3    71   105   boaties
 3. acikntw   H1    52   157   twank
 4. bfiosuy   6F    39   196   fisty
 5. adelrtx   J8    35   231   tex
 6. ailnoov   5H    25   256   kaolin
 7. eglnnot   4H    30   286   nonego
 8. dgoortu   2B    26   312   outgrow
 9. demnorz   1A    52   364   dzo
10. aadqrtt   3A    42   406   qat
11. adeilnn   K9    28   434   dinnle
12. adeeipu  15G    33   467   eupad
13. aeglmop  14J    40   507   pelma
14. aeijlnt  12C    32   539   jitney
15. abeeors   O8    96   635   aerobes
16. aehiorv  C10    32   667   hejira
17. deegisv   N2    45   712   vised
18. aceilmv   1L    43   755   viae
19. agloruw  14B    32   787   arrow
20. cegilru   B7    29   816   grice

Remaining tiles: clmrtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7230 FileGLOBEMAN    1  8:16  -634  182     1.7230 GLOBEMAN    1  8:16  -634  182 
  2.6945 Filesunshine12  1  5:27  -667  149     2.7297 roocatcher  1  5:27  -703  113 
  3.7297 Fileroocatcher  1  5:27  -703  113            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:33  -774   42     1.6945 sunshine12  1  5:27  -667  149 
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:31  -806   10            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:33  -774   42 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  0:31  -806   10 

On 1st draw, HU(F)FY H8 34 --- HUFFY easily offended [adj]
Other tops: HUF(F)Y H4 34, HUF(F)Y H8 34, HU(F)FY H4 34
Other moves: (S)HADUF H3 32, (S)HADUF H7 32, DAF(F)Y H8 30, DAY(C)H H8 30, DA(F)FY H8 30

On 2nd draw, BOA(T)IES I3 71 --- BOATIE a boating enthusiast [n]
Other tops: I(S)OBASE I4 71
Other moves: OBE(L)IAS I3 69, ABIO(S)ES I3 68, ISOBA(R)E I4 68, ISOBA(S)E I4 68, ABIO(S)ES G2 67

On 3rd draw, TWANK H1 52 --- TWANK a slap [n]
Other moves: CAWK H2 36, TWAIN H1 36, IKAN H1 34, IKAT H1 34, WACKY 12D 34

On 4th draw, FIS(T)Y 6F 39 --- FISTY like a fist [adj]
Other tops: BOYF J2 39, FUS(T)Y 6F 39
Other moves: BUS(T)Y 6F 36, BUYOFFS 11C 36, BUYOFFS 11D 36, FOYS J2 36, FUBSY J1 35

On 5th draw, TEX J8 35 --- TEX a unit of linear density of yarn, 1 gm per kilometre [n]
Other tops: REX J8 35
Other moves: FAXED 11H 32, EXALT J9 31, EXTRA J9 31, EX J9 28, FALX 11H 28

On 6th draw, KAOLIN 5H 25 --- KAOLIN a fine white clay [n]
Other moves: VAINLY 12C 24, VAN J2 22, KAAL 5H 21, KANA 5H 21, KAON 5H 21

On 7th draw, NONEGO 4H 30 --- NONEGO all that is not part of the ego [n]
Other moves: NONET N2 25, LONGE N1 23, NONET 4H 22, GOLE N2 21, GONE N2 21

On 8th draw, OUTGROW 2B 26 --- OUTGROW to grow too large for [v]
Other moves: DUG K9 24, DURO K9 24, TRUGO 11J 23, DUO K9 22, GOURDY 12C 22

On 9th draw, DZO 1A 52 --- DZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZONE 1A 49, DOZE 6L 42, MOZ 3M 38, ZONED 7C 37, NONZERO M3 36

On 10th draw, QAT 3A 42 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: DATA 3A 30, RAD 3A 28, RATA 3A 28, TAD 3A 28, TARA 3A 28

On 11th draw, DINNLE K9 28 --- DINNLE to shake [v]
Other moves: DINNA K9 26, DIAL K9 24, DIEL K9 24, DINE K9 24, NONIDEAL M3 24

On 12th draw, EUPAD 15G 33 --- EUPAD an antiseptic powder [n]
Other moves: APED 15H 30, PAID 15H 30, P**D 15H 30, PIED 15H 30, DEEPIE 14J 26

On 13th draw, PELMA 14J 40 --- PELMA the sole of the foot [n]
Other tops: PELAGE 14J 40
Other moves: PEAGE 14J 38, MOPE 14H 32, OMEGA 14I 28, EMPLOY 12C 26, MOE G9 25

On 14th draw, JITNEY 12C 32 --- JITNEY a small bus [n]
Other tops: TAJINE 14B 32
Other moves: TAJINE 5A 31, JANTY 12D 30, JA 14F 27, JANE 5C 27, NINJA 12K 26

On 15th draw, AEROBES O8 96 --- AEROBE an organism that requires oxygen to live [n]
Other moves: ABORTEES E8 70, REBATOES E8 70, AEROBES 7A 69, OBESE O11 40, OBESER N1 39

On 16th draw, HEJIRA C10 32 --- HEJIRA an exodus [n]
Other tops: HAO 13B 32
Other moves: AVO 13A 30, EVO 13A 30, HAO 13A 30, HAVIOR 14B 30, HEJRA C10 30
HAO 13B 32 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 17th draw, VISED N2 45 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v]
Other moves: VISEED N2 43, DEAVE 15A 39, GRIEVE 14B 38, EVADE 15A 33, VISE N2 33
DEAVE 15A 39 sunshine12, roocatcher
VADE 15B 10 chunk88

On 18th draw, VIAE 1L 43 --- VIA a way [n]
Other tops: CLAM 1L 43, VEAL 1L 43, VIAL 1L 43
Other moves: CLAVE 15A 42, CLAVI 15A 42, MALICE B6 37, MEAL 1L 37, CLAME 15A 36
CLAVE 15A 42 BadBoyBen, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 19th draw, ARROW 14B 32 --- ARROW to indicate the proper position of with an arrow (a linear figure with a wedge-shaped end) [v]
Other moves: LUGWORM M8 28, WIG 3M 26, AGLOW B7 23, AROW N8 22, AWOL N8 22
WARM M11 18 sunshine12

On 20th draw, GRICE B7 29 --- GRICE a little pig [n] --- GRICE to spot trains [v]
Other moves: RELIC B6 28, UREIC B6 28, LICE B8 27, LUCE B8 27, RICE B8 27
CRIME M11 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

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