Game on December 8, 2024 at 09:59, 7 players
1. 237 pts Chelsea
2. 169 pts LongJump22
3. 151 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 28 28 


5D 32 60 


9B 72 132 


J2 78 210 


8A 29 239 


8J 33 272 


4A 32 304 


O8 89 393 


N10 66 459 


15H 80 539 


M10 33 572 


B2 38 610 


10A 31 641 


1A 51 692 


11A 31 723 


3B 32 755 


1A 39 794 


L12 27 821 


14D 21 842 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 8:48 -605 237 1.7324 Chelsea 2 8:48 -605 237
LongJump22 2 4:03 -673 169 2.7307 VVVVVV1112 3 4:26 -691 151
VVVVVV1112 3 4:26 -691 151 Group: novice
MMMMMM1112 0 0:49 -810 32 1.5630 LongJump22 2 4:03 -673 169
NNNNNN1112 0 1:09 -810 32 2.5498 MMMMMM1112 0 0:49 -810 32
OOOOOO1112 0 1:28 -810 32 3.5477 NNNNNN1112 0 1:09 -810 32
LLLLLL1112 0 1:34 -812 30 4.5538 OOOOOO1112 0 1:28 -810 32
5.5539 LLLLLL1112 0 1:34 -812 30
On 1st draw, GYRATE H3 28 --- GYRATE to revolve or rotate [v]
Other moves: GOARY H8 26, GOATY H8 26, GOETY H8 26, YAGER H4 26, GYRATE H4 24
On 2nd draw, HEJIRA 5D 32 --- HEJIRA an exodus [n]
Other moves: ENJOY 4D 30, HEJRA 5E 30, HIJRA 5E 30, YOJAN 4H 30, JANE G6 27
On 3rd draw, ONBEATS 9B 72 --- ONBEATS
Other moves: ONBEATS I7 69, ONBEATS G8 63, BEANO 6B 33, BASON 4A 32, BATON 4A 32
On 4th draw, OU(T)SANG J2 78 --- OUTSING to surpass in singing [v]
Other moves: SAGOU(I)N J5 76, NONSUGA(R) C7 68, (H)OUNGANS C6 68, ANG(I)NOUS C8 66, GUANA(C)OS F7 62
On 5th draw, SLOAN 8A 29 --- SLOAN a snub [n]
Other moves: NAILS 10B 25, NOILS 10B 25, GOLIAS 8J 24, ILIA 8A 24, INIA 8A 24
On 6th draw, GAMUT(S) 8J 33 --- GAMUT an entire range [n]
Other moves: VATU 4A 32, VUM(S) 4A 32, ATM(A) 10D 30, MA(Z)UT 4A 30, MU(S)AR 4A 30
MA 6E 21 Chelsea
On 7th draw, MERER 4A 32 --- MERE nothing more, nothing better [adj]
Other moves: MERE 4A 28, MIRE 4A 28, MURE 4A 28, RIMER 4A 28, EME 10E 26
MURE 4A 28 Chelsea
On 8th draw, (S)COPELID O8 89 --- SCOPELID a deepwater fish [n]
Other moves: CLUPEOID M6 84, UPCOILED M8 82, COMPILED L6 80, COMPLIED L6 80, EPILOG 3C 35
UPDO 3J 14 Chelsea
On 9th draw, ZO N10 66 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: WORE N10 36, ZO 6E 36, AZOTE F9 34, ROZET N4 34, TOWZE 12K 34
ZO N10 66 Chelsea
On 10th draw, OUTLINED 15H 80 --- OUTLINE to indicate the main features or different parts of [v]
Other moves: MOULINET L8 72, ETOILE 12J 24, OILMEN A1 24, UNTILE 12J 24, ABLUTION D8 22
OUTLINED 15H 80 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 11th draw, APOD M10 33 --- APOD an animal without feet or fins [n]
Other moves: DOPA 3B 32, DOPA M10 32, PANADA 6E 32, DODMAN A1 30, POA 10B 30
DOPA M10 32 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
POD M11 19 Chelsea
On 12th draw, AREFY B2 38 --- AREFY to dry up [v]
Other tops: FAERY B2 38
Other moves: FAY 3B 36, FY 10E 35, FURAN 3B 34, FY 10A 30, AFARA 6F 28
FAY 3B 36 LongJump22
FY 10A 30 Chelsea
On 13th draw, AWE 10A 31 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: CONNIVE C7 30, WE 10B 30, WE 10F 28, AW 10A 27, INCAVO 12H 24
AWE 10A 31 Chelsea
On 14th draw, DRIVE 1A 51 --- DRIVE to urge or convey forward [v]
Other moves: DREW 1A 48, TREW 1A 45, ADVERT A10 42, WRIED 1A 42, WRITE 1A 39
WE 10F 28 Chelsea
On 15th draw, BESORT 11A 31 --- BESORT to match [v]
Other moves: AFTERS A10 30, BESOT 11A 29, STROBE 11A 29, TERFS 11A 29, BROOSE 12J 28
On 16th draw, REFIT 3B 32 --- REFIT to prepare and equip for additional use [v]
Other tops: FEINT 12D 32
Other moves: FE 10F 29, REF 3B 25, REH 3B 25, THIVEL K10 24, UNHIVE 3J 24
On 17th draw, DRIVELINE 1A 39 --- DRIVELINE [n]
Other tops: DRIVELED 1A 39
Other moves: DHOLE 12K 30, EKE N13 30, HEID 12D 30, HEIL 12D 28, HOIKED 2I 28
On 18th draw, KI L12 27 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other tops: DIKING 14D 27
Other moves: KING 14F 24, KID 14F 21, MINKS A4 21, AKING K8 20, KID G4 20
On 19th draw, DICING 14D 21 --- DICE to cut into small cubes [v] --- DICING dice-playing [n]
Other moves: (T)ICING 4J 20, ACTING F9 19, CIDING 14D 19, ICING 14E 19, INDIUM L3 18
DICING 14D 21 LongJump22
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