Game on December 8, 2024 at 21:28, 11 players
1. 242 pts ArcticFox
2. 220 pts LongJump22
3. 220 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 68 68
2. 8A 83 151
3. 9C 28 179
4. 14B 98 277
5. 15E 46 323
6. 12A 84 407
7. 10H 64 471
8. K4 94 565
9. O8 158 723
10. N12 47 770
11. 11B 27 797
12. 9K 37 834
13. 5F 59 893
14. H1 57 950
15. 4K 26 976
16. 6A 41 1017
17. O1 45 1062
18. M13 32 1094
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.7034 ArcticFox 1 6:33 -852 242 1.9284 Pacific 2 2:21 -875 219
2.5630 LongJump22 2 2:51 -874 220 Group: advanced
3.7276 VVVVVV1112 2 3:57 -874 220 1.7034 ArcticFox 1 6:33 -852 242
4.9284 Pacific 2 2:21 -875 219 2.7276 VVVVVV1112 2 3:57 -874 220
5.7455 queen66 0 4:33 -924 170 3.7455 queen66 0 4:33 -924 170
6.7766 HollyIvy 0 1:25 -1043 51 4.7766 HollyIvy 0 1:25 -1043 51
7.7557 sicilianc5 0 1:45 -1043 51 5.7557 sicilianc5 0 1:45 -1043 51
8.5507 OOOOOO1112 0 1:28 -1050 44 Group: novice
9.5504 LLLLLL1112 1 1:14 -1066 28 1.5630 LongJump22 2 2:51 -874 220
10.5444 MMMMMM1112 1 1:35 -1066 28 2.5507 OOOOOO1112 0 1:28 -1050 44
11.5439 NNNNNN1112 1 1:57 -1066 28 3.5504 LLLLLL1112 1 1:14 -1066 28
4.5444 MMMMMM1112 1 1:35 -1066 28
5.5439 NNNNNN1112 1 1:57 -1066 28
On 1st draw, SLO(G)GER H8 68 --- SLOGGER one that slogs [n]
Other tops: GLOR(I)ES H4 68, GLOS(S)ER H4 68, GLO(I)RES H4 68, GLO(S)SER H4 68, GLO(V)ERS H4 68, GLO(W)ERS H4 68, GOL(F)ERS H4 68, GOL(L)ERS H4 68, GO(L)LERS H4 68, GRO(V)ELS H4 68, G(A)LORES H4 68, G(A)OLERS H4 68, LOG(G)ERS H2 68, REGLOS(S) H2 68, REGLO(S)S H2 68, REGLO(W)S H2 68, REGOS(O)L H2 68, REG(O)SOL H2 68, REG(U)LOS H2 68, (P)ROLEGS H7 68
Other moves: GLOR(I)ES H2 66, GLOR(I)ES H3 66, GLOR(I)ES H6 66, GLOR(I)ES H7 66, GLOS(S)ER H2 66
G(A)LORES H4 68 Pacific
REGLOS(S) H2 68 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, FAIT(O)URS 8A 83 --- FAITOUR an imposter [n]
Other moves: FAU(L)TIER 13B 74, FIGURAT(E) 12F 72, FIGURA(N)T 12F 72, FI(G)URATE 13A 72, FI(L)ATURE 13A 72
FAIT(O)URS 8A 83 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
IFTAR(S) 15C 57 queen66
FAIR(S) 15D 54 Pacific
On 3rd draw, FEH 9C 28 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FOH 9C 28
Other moves: FIRTH 14F 27, FORTH 14F 27, FOUTH F6 27, PHI 7B 27, ETH 7A 26
FOH 9C 28 LLLLLL1112
FEH 9C 28 MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
On 4th draw, CROAKERS 14B 98 --- CROAKER one that croaks [n]
Other moves: CROAKERS 14G 82, CORKAGES 12C 80, CORKA(G)ES 11C 76, ACKERS 15C 69, OCKERS 15C 69
ACKERS 15C 69 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, queen66
RACKS 15D 60 Pacific, ArcticFox
On 5th draw, AITS 15E 46 --- AIT a small island [n]
Other tops: OAST 15F 46
Other moves: STOAI 15H 44, ITS 15F 41, SOOT 15H 38, STOA 15H 38, SIT 15H 35
OAST 15F 46 ArcticFox
STOAI 15H 44 queen66, OOOOOO1112
On 6th draw, COWERING 12A 84 --- COWER to cringe [v]
Other moves: COWERIN(G) 11A 74, CROW D12 38, ENOW D12 34, WEINER 13G 27, COW 10D 26
CROW D12 38 ArcticFox
On 7th draw, OBLATION 10H 64 --- OBLATION the act of making a religious offering [n]
Other tops: BOLTONIA 10G 64, LOBATION 10G 64
Other moves: BONA 11B 27, BOTA 11B 27, NOTAL 11B 25, TONAL 11B 25, *B*ABO 11C 23
On 8th draw, BIDENTAL K4 94 --- BIDENTAL a place struck by lightning then consecrated [n] --- BIDENTAL having two teeth [adj]
Other moves: BLINNED O6 36, BINNED O7 33, BLINNED O7 33, BINDLE O8 30, BINNED O8 30
BINNED O7 33 ArcticFox
On 9th draw, PINDAREE O8 158 --- PINDAREE an Indian mercenary [n]
Other moves: DIAPERED 6D 66, REPINED O6 36, RIPENED O6 36, REDIAE L3 35, PARED 11B 34
PAINED O7 33 ArcticFox
On 10th draw, JAY N12 47 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other moves: JAY L2 40, JEAT N12 39, JAR N12 35, JET N12 35, JEAT J2 33
On 11th draw, NOME 11B 27 --- NOME a province of modern Greece [n]
Other tops: MANE 11B 27, MANO 11B 27, MONA 11B 27, NAME 11B 27, NAMU 11B 27, NOMA 11B 27
Other moves: MAE M13 26, MAN M13 26, MANE L1 26, MANO L1 26, MEN M13 26
On 12th draw, TUX 9K 37 --- TUX a tuxedo [n]
Other moves: LOX M13 32, OUTBOX 4H 32, OXO J4 30, DOUX 6K 28, OXO 7E 28
TUX 9K 37 Pacific
On 13th draw, ANERGIAS 5F 59 --- ANERGIA lack of energy [n]
Other tops: ANGARIES 5F 59, ARGINASE 5H 59
Other moves: RANGE 7C 29, SANGA 7C 29, ARENAS L2 27, GENAS L3 27, AGAS 7B 26
On 14th draw, PIQUED H1 57 --- PIQUE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: PIQUE H1 51, APHID 4D 38, QUAG J2 38, PHI M13 35, QUASH M2 34
PIQUE H1 51 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
QUIPS M1 32 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, BLOOD 4K 26 --- BLOOD to stain with blood (the fluid circulated by the heart) [v]
Other moves: DOLIA L1 24, ELD 7A 22, OIDIA L1 22, OLD 7A 22, LOIDED 6C 21
On 16th draw, TWENTY 6A 41 --- TWENTY a number [n]
Other moves: WANEY 6B 40, WANTY 6B 40, WYE 3M 38, WAY M13 36, WEY M13 36
On 17th draw, AZIDE O1 45 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: HIZEN D2 34, IHRAM I3 34, HAZE C3 32, MAIZE C2 32, MIZEN D2 32
On 18th draw, VEG M13 32 --- VEG a vegetable [n] --- VEG to laze about, VEGGED, VEGGES, VEGGING [v]
Other moves: VOE M13 30, GOV M13 28, GEO M13 22, GOE M13 22, VEG 4D 21
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