Game on December 9, 2024 at 00:30, 1 player
1. 34 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 48 48
2. I2 69 117
3. 12H 40 157
4. 11A 76 233
5. 5D 86 319
6. 2I 40 359
7. O1 34 393
8. 13C 37 430
9. N8 55 485
10. 8L 33 518
11. A8 39 557
12. 3K 42 599
13. 4C 27 626
14. 3A 32 658
15. 7K 29 687
16. A1 36 723
17. 9L 29 752
18. D9 32 784
19. 15D 30 814
20. 10F 26 840
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7308 GLOBEMAN 0 1:25 -806 34 1.7308 GLOBEMAN 0 1:25 -806 34
On 1st draw, TRANQ H8 48 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: TRANQ H4 30, TRANQ H5 28, TRANQ H6 28, TRANQ H7 28, QAT H6 24
On 2nd draw, WEFTAGE I2 69 --- WEFTAGE texture [n]
Other tops: WEFTAGE G2 69
Other moves: WAFTAGE 10D 24, WEFTAGE 10D 24, FANTEEG 11F 22, FAWN 11E 20, FATWA 10G 19
On 3rd draw, QUEACH 12H 40 --- QUEACH a thicket [n]
Other moves: HUGE J6 36, HUG J6 35, AAH J4 34, HUE J6 33, AAH H1 28
On 4th draw, RIVERMEN 11A 76 --- RIVERMAN a man who works on a river [n]
Other moves: RIVETER 5E 40, MIEVE J6 34, VEHME M10 26, MEE 13M 24, MIR 13M 24
On 5th draw, BESOOT(H)E 5D 86 --- BESOOTHE to soothe [v]
Other moves: BOO(T)EES 13B 83, BESOO(T)HE M6 78, BE(H)OOVES C6 78, OBSO(L)ETE 5C 68, BO(R)ESOME F5 65
On 6th draw, WHALER 2I 40 --- WHALER a person engaged in whaling [n]
Other moves: ENHALO 13J 39, RHONE A11 36, RHONE 13K 35, FAHLORE 4I 34, HALON 4A 34
On 7th draw, ASTUNS O1 34 --- ASTUN to astonish [v]
Other moves: ASTUN O1 31, ASTUNS 13C 29, SAUNAS 13C 29, SAUNTS 13C 29, STAUNS 13C 29
On 8th draw, DAVITS 13C 37 --- DAVIT a hoisting device on a ship [n]
Other moves: VISARD A7 36, VISARD B10 36, TRAVIS 13C 35, VIRID B10 34, VIVDAS C9 34
On 9th draw, COZE(Y) N8 55 --- COZEY a covering for a teapot [n]
Other moves: CROZER A10 54, ZERO 4A 54, ZE(R)O 4A 52, Z(E)RO 4A 52, CROZER A6 51
On 10th draw, PACO 8L 33 --- PACO an alpaca [n]
Other moves: APOD 4D 31, PODAL 4C 31, NOPAL 4C 30, DOPA 4C 28, OPAL 4D 28
On 11th draw, JIRRE A8 39 --- JIRRE (Afrikaans) an exclamation expressive of surprise, admiration, shock, etc [interj]
Other moves: JUROR A7 36, RAJ M7 36, TAJ M7 36, JOUR A8 33, JOUSTER F2 32
On 12th draw, NIX 3K 42 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other tops: AXON 9L 42, EXON 9L 42, LAX 3K 42
Other moves: EXO 9L 39, AX 3L 38, ALEXIN 6B 36, ILEX 14A 34, ILEX J7 33
On 13th draw, IODIN 4C 27 --- IODIN a nonmetallic element [n]
Other tops: LODEN 4C 27
Other moves: DO 4L 24, LODE 4C 23, NODE 4C 23, NODI 4C 23, DELO 4A 22
On 14th draw, DOGY 3A 32 --- DOGY a stray calf [n]
Other tops: EDGY 3A 32
Other moves: GLID 3C 31, LOGY 3A 30, OLDY 3A 30, YOGI 3B 30, IDLY 3A 28
On 15th draw, BOK 7K 29 --- BOK a South African antelope [n]
Other moves: BO 4L 28, PO 4L 28, BLEAK J10 27, BOAK M6 27, OKTA B5 27
On 16th draw, FADING A1 36 --- FADING an Irish dance [n]
Other moves: FIREPAN D8 32, FOP 9M 30, FA 14F 28, FANEGA D8 28, FAGS 6L 27
On 17th draw, TWO 9L 29 --- TWO a number [n]
Other moves: WHID M11 27, WHINE M11 27, WHITE M11 27, EDIT 12A 26, WOE 9M 26
On 18th draw, APETALY D9 32 --- APETALY the state of having no petals [n]
Other moves: PHYLA M11 30, PLAY 14A 26, PAY 14B 24, PHIAL M11 24, PIETY J10 24
On 19th draw, YODLER 15D 30 --- YODLER one who yodels [n]
Other moves: YODEL 15D 27, YODLE 15D 27, DO 4L 24, DORY 15A 24, DREY 15A 24
On 20th draw, MEAL 10F 26 --- MEAL the food served and eaten in one sitting [n] --- MEAL to cover with a grain [v]
Other tops: MEAN 10F 26
Other moves: EM 6E 25, MNA 10F 25, EMO B1 23, NAM 6H 22, UNLIME 14I 22
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