Game on December 9, 2024 at 20:33, 2 players
1. 173 pts ArcticFox
2. 131 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 32 32
2. 5D 94 126
3. 10F 44 170
4. 9H 64 234
5. L1 53 287
6. O4 42 329
7. L8 82 411
8. 12F 64 475
9. 4A 54 529
10. A2 51 580
11. 14I 40 620
12. 1L 42 662
13. O12 33 695
14. 6F 57 752
15. 2J 32 784
16. 7F 42 826
17. 3K 26 852
18. 2A 72 924
19. 1E 37 961
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.7027 ArcticFox 1 3:33 -788 173 1.9284 Pacific 2 1:53 -830 131
2.9284 Pacific 2 1:53 -830 131 Group: advanced
1.7027 ArcticFox 1 3:33 -788 173
On 1st draw, KELOID H4 32 --- KELOID a scar caused by excessive growth of fibrous tissue [n]
Other moves: KIDEL H4 30, KELOID H7 26, KELOID H3 24, KELOID H8 24, LIKED H8 24
LIKED H8 24 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, STONERAW 5D 94 --- STONERAW a lichen [n]
Other moves: SANDWORT 9E 67, WAITRONS 8F 62, ANOW I4 30, AROW I4 30, NOWTS 10D 28
WAST 10F 27 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, QIS 10F 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BANCS L1 36, QIS L3 36, BASIC 10F 33, CAINS L1 32, NIQABS 10C 31
QIS 10F 44 ArcticFox, Pacific
On 4th draw, DOWELI(N)G 9H 64 --- DOWEL to fasten with wooden pins [v]
Other moves: WE(B)LOG 6J 37, WOG(G)LE 6J 37, WO(G)GLE 6J 37, WO(D)GE 6J 36, WO(N)GI 6J 36
On 5th draw, JAME(S) L1 53 --- JAMES a short crowbar [n]
Other moves: JANE(S) L1 49, JEAN(S) L1 49, JAME(S) 4A 47, JANG(L)ER O6 45, JAMES D1 44
On 6th draw, CUBING O4 42 --- CUBE to form into a cube (a regular solid) [v]
Other moves: BLUING O4 36, CLUING O4 36, BUTLING O3 33, JILT 1L 33, CUBIT 11C 31
On 7th draw, FLANNELS L8 82 --- FLANNEL to cover with flannel (a soft fabric) [v]
Other moves: ALEF M1 38, FLANES 2J 34, JANE 1L 33, JANN 1L 33, JEAN 1L 33
On 8th draw, TRAMPING 12F 64 --- TRAMP to walk with a firm, heavy step [v] --- TRAMPING the act of tramping [n]
Other moves: JIMP 1L 45, JARP 1L 39, AMIR M1 35, AIM M1 33, ARM M1 33
JIMP 1L 45 Pacific, ArcticFox
On 9th draw, ZORIS 4A 54 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: ZOOMS 3I 52, ZORI 4A 50, ZORIS D1 48, ROZITS 15G 45, ZOISTS 15G 45
JOTS 1L 33 ArcticFox
On 10th draw, RAZORED A2 51 --- RAZOR to shave or cut with a sharp-edged instrument [v]
Other moves: DOOZER A1 48, ADOZE A1 45, ZERDA A4 45, ZOOEA A4 42, ZORRO A4 42
On 11th draw, CHALLAN 14I 40 --- CHALLAN to send up [v]
Other moves: CHALAN 14I 38, CHALLA 14I 38, CHALANS 15F 36, AHA M1 34, AHI M1 34
On 12th draw, JOEY 1L 42 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: BY 15N 40, BOLETE 6F 39, EBONY O11 39, JIBE 1L 39, JOBE 1L 39
On 13th draw, FINE O12 33 --- FINE of excellent quality [adj] --- FINE to subject to a fine (a monetary penalty) [v]
Other tops: FENI O12 33, FENT O12 33
Other moves: FAINE 2K 27, FEINT O11 27, FIENT O11 27, NAIF 2K 26, FE 2N 25
On 14th draw, HOLEY 6F 57 --- HOLEY full of holes [adj]
Other moves: HYLEG 6F 51, HYE 13H 40, YOGH 15F 40, BYE 13H 38, HYLE 6F 38
On 15th draw, BEAUT 2J 32 --- BEAUT something beautiful [n]
Other tops: BODE 7G 32, REDOUBT 2A 32
Other moves: ABODE 3A 31, ADOBE 3A 31, BOUTADE 2H 31, BOOED 7G 30, BIODOT 7D 28
On 16th draw, OXO 7F 42 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: OX 7H 35, REX I5 35, AX 3C 32, OX 3C 32, ROUX B7 32
OXO 7F 42 Pacific
On 17th draw, AMP 3K 26 --- AMP an ampere [n] --- AMP to get excited (Australian slang) [v]
Other tops: VENA 11C 26
Other moves: AVE 3C 25, VENA 1G 25, NETOP B1 24, TEPA 11C 24, ATAP 3A 23
On 18th draw, REUNITED 2A 72 --- REUNITE to come together again [v]
Other tops: RETINUED 2A 72
Other moves: DETINUE B7 66, DIE 13H 24, UNTIED 13C 24, ENATE 10J 23, NIE 13H 22
On 19th draw, DERIG 1E 37 --- DERIG to dismantle [v]
Other moves: DEV 1G 33, DIV 1G 33, TIRED 1E 33, DIRE 1E 31, DITE 1E 31
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