Game on December 10, 2024 at 01:12, 5 players
1. 150 pts Papa_Sloth
2. 98 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 22 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 52 52
2. 8H 86 138
3. 4D 34 172
4. 6B 68 240
5. K2 66 306
6. 5C 38 344
7. O8 92 436
8. N2 81 517
9. 2E 71 588
10. O1 50 638
11. 1A 62 700
12. L4 23 723
13. F6 64 787
14. G8 30 817
15. E11 40 857
16. D12 32 889
17. 15D 36 925
18. 15A 51 976
19. 13L 30 1006
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6956 Papa_Sloth 0 5:09 -856 150 1.7202 GLOBEMAN 1 5:15 -908 98
2.7202 GLOBEMAN 1 5:15 -908 98 Group: intermediate
3.6988 sunshine12 0 0:21 -984 22 1.6956 Papa_Sloth 0 5:09 -856 150
4. - chunk88 0 0:48 -996 10 2.6988 sunshine12 0 0:21 -984 22
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:15 -996 10 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 0:48 -996 10
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:15 -996 10
On 1st draw, ZANIED H4 52 --- ZANY to play the zany to [v]
Other moves: LAZIED H7 36, ZANIED H7 36, DIZEN H4 34, LAZED H8 34, LAZIED H3 34
On 2nd draw, EMULATED 8H 86 --- EMULATE to try to equal or surpass [v]
Other moves: EMULATED 8B 62, LAMED I3 33, MATED I3 33, TAMED I3 33, LATED I3 29
On 3rd draw, WAREZ 4D 34 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other tops: ZARFS 4H 34
Other moves: FAW I3 29, AWARE I2 27, SWARE I2 27, FARE I3 26, WARE I3 26
On 4th draw, CARELINE 6B 68 --- CARELINE a telephone service set up by a business to supposedly care for customers [n]
Other tops: CINEREAL 6F 68
Other moves: RELIANCE 6C 64, REALLIE K5 28, RELACE 5E 24, CERE 5C 23, CREEL 5A 23
On 5th draw, TONNELLS K2 66 --- TONNELL a tunnel [n]
Other tops: TONNELLS K3 66
Other moves: STOLLEN K5 28, STOLEN 3B 26, STONEN 3B 26, NONET 3C 24, LENTOS J1 23
On 6th draw, PAW 5C 38 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other moves: WIPE L1 36, TAW 5C 32, TAPET 3C 30, AW 5D 28, TAP 5C 28
On 7th draw, DEERSKIN O8 92 --- DEERSKIN the skin of a deer [n]
Other moves: KERNITES M3 78, KERNITES 2F 74, KINE L1 34, KIORE 3I 28, KRONE 3I 28
On 8th draw, EMBAT(H)ED N2 81 --- EMBATHE to bathe [v]
Other moves: BEDMAT(E)S 12H 80, B(E)DMATES 12H 80, C(O)MBATED B6 66, D(J)EMBE N6 36, MED 7C 34
On 9th draw, ALIQUOTS 2E 71 --- ALIQUOT a number that divides equally into another [n]
Other moves: SQUALOID 9A 70, QI N14 46, QUOIST 2F 37, SQUAILS 12I 32, SQUALOR 11I 32
QI N14 46 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, TROY O1 50 --- TROY a system of weights [n]
Other tops: TREY O1 50
Other moves: TRYE O1 38, EYRE O3 30, RYE 7C 30, TYE 7C 30, YE 7C 28
On 11th draw, B(E)VVY 1A 62 --- BEVVY an alcoholic drink [n] --- BEVVY to engage in a drinking session [v]
Other tops: B(I)VVY 1A 62
Other moves: (P)OOVY 1A 47, (B)OOBY 1A 41, (G)OOBY 1A 41, (L)OOBY 1A 41, (P)OBOY 1A 35
On 12th draw, AUF L4 23 --- AUF an elf's child [n]
Other moves: FAIK 13L 22, FANK 13L 22, FINK 13L 22, FUNK 13L 22, IF 2A 22
On 13th draw, LITHOING F6 64 --- LITHO to make prints by lithography [v]
Other moves: TITHING M8 29, TONIGHT M8 29, THINK 13K 24, AHING L8 23, TOITING M8 23
On 14th draw, RAIS G8 30 --- RAI a style of popular Algerian music [n]
Other moves: RAI G8 27, RAS G8 27, SOUARI E10 23, AORIST 8A 21, AURIST 8A 21
On 15th draw, XU E11 40 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: EX 2A 38, XU N14 38, EXPUGN 13B 34, HE 7C 28, TEUGH 13C 26
XU N14 38 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, DEIF D12 32 --- DEIF deaf (Scots) [adj]
Other tops: FEED D12 32, FR*GFRIG D12 32
Other moves: FEER D12 28, FERE D12 28, FIER D12 28, FIRE D12 28, FREE D12 28
EF 2A 22 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, FIGHT 15D 36 --- FIGHT to contend in war, battle or single combat [v]
Other moves: PHI C13 34, PHO C13 34, PITHOI 14J 34, HOE C13 29, HOI C13 29
HO N14 22 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HI 14N 10 chunk88, BadBoyBen
On 18th draw, PREFIGHT 15A 51 --- PREFIGHT preceding a fight [adj]
Other moves: PE 7C 24, PRONK 13K 22, TONGER M8 21, GENIP 14A 20, GREEK 13K 20
PE 7C 24 GLOBEMAN, Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, JOOK 13L 30 --- JOOK to duck [v]
Other moves: JONGS 12K 26, JOGS 12L 24, JONES 12K 24, JOES 12L 22, BENJ A1 21
JOR B13 20 Papa_Sloth
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