Game on December 10, 2024 at 04:58, 1 player
1. 515 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 52 52
2. 8H 77 129
3. N3 65 194
4. M7 35 229
5. O10 39 268
6. J6 74 342
7. 4G 30 372
8. O1 41 413
9. 13F 80 493
10. 3B 37 530
11. H10 39 569
12. 11E 44 613
13. B3 89 702
14. 2E 35 737
15. 7G 42 779
16. 15B 64 843
17. 14A 45 888
18. D2 89 977
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6356 fatcat 2 14:53 -462 515 1.6356 fatcat 2 14:53 -462 515
On 1st draw, QUOPS H4 52 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other tops: QU(I)POS H4 52
Other moves: QOP(H)S H4 50, QUOP(S) H4 50, QU(I)PO H4 50, QU(I)PS H4 50, QU(O)PS H4 50
QU(I)POS H4 52 fatcat
On 2nd draw, SORORATE 8H 77 --- SORORATE the marriage of a man usually with his deceased wife's sister [n]
Other moves: OPERATOR 7G 63, ROOTER I5 19, ROATE I5 18, ROOTER I6 17, OATER I6 16
ROUTER 5F 12 fatcat
On 3rd draw, LARIATED N3 65 --- LARIAT to catch with a long rope with a running noose [v]
Other moves: RADULAE 5E 32, PLEIAD 7H 26, LAIRD I2 23, DIRE I3 22, RADIALE M7 22
RAIDER L3 14 fatcat
On 4th draw, FAY M7 35 --- FAY slightly mad [adj] --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: AVISE O1 34, VERSIFY L6 32, VERIFY J6 31, EYAS O1 29, FEIS O1 29
FAY O2 24 fatcat
On 5th draw, ACTIVE O10 39 --- ACTIVE a participating member of an organization [n]
Other moves: CAKE M2 32, IKAT O1 32, KAIE O1 32, RACKET L8 30, RETACK L8 30
TEAK 4L 26 fatcat
On 6th draw, HERALDIC J6 74 --- HERALDIC pertaining to heraldry [adj]
Other moves: CHIDE O1 48, CHAD O1 43, CHID O1 43, HAILED O1 43, CHILE O1 40
CHIDE O1 48 fatcat
On 7th draw, EQUATE 4G 30 --- EQUATE to be regarded as equal [v]
Other tops: EQUANT 4G 30
Other moves: TWAE O1 29, WEAN O1 29, QUANT 4H 28, QUATE 4H 28, QUEAN 4H 28
QUEEN 4H 28 fatcat
On 8th draw, KHAT O1 41 --- KHAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: FAITH 3C 39, THIEF 3C 39, HEFTE O4 37, HACKIE 13H 32, IKAT O1 32
HIKE 12I 22 fatcat
On 9th draw, (S)EMICOMA 13F 80 --- SEMICOMA a coma from which a person can be aroused [n]
Other moves: (C)AMOMILE 10D 67, MEMO(R)IAL 10C 63, MI(S)MADE 11E 44, MAOM(A)O K6 38, M(A)OMAO K6 38
CAME 13J 16 fatcat
On 10th draw, GURNEY 3B 37 --- GURNEY a wheeled cot [n]
Other moves: GERUNDS 11E 36, SURGY 3C 35, RUSINE 12G 33, EMYS H12 30, GRUMES H10 30
YE G3 9 fatcat
On 11th draw, BAGMEN H10 39 --- BAGMAN a travelling salesman [n]
Other tops: RAPINE 12G 39
Other moves: REGINA 12G 36, PRANG 2F 34, BANGER 2F 33, BARMEN H10 33, BIGAE 12I 33
BEG 2F 28 fatcat
On 12th draw, FRIANDE 11E 44 --- FRIANDE a female epicure [n]
Other moves: FEINT 2F 37, FREIT 2F 37, WEFT 2F 37, WRITE 2F 37, FEW 2F 36
WET 2F 33 fatcat
On 13th draw, GLOZIN(G)S B3 89 --- GLOZING flattery [n]
Other moves: ZIN(E) 4A 51, ZON(E) 4A 51, ZIR(C)ONS D1 50, ZORILS D1 50, ZORIN(O)S D1 50
Z(E)ROS D1 46 fatcat
On 14th draw, OWN 2E 35 --- OWN to have as a possession [v]
Other tops: OWL 2E 35, OWT 2E 35
Other moves: WONT 2F 34, WON 2F 33, WOT 2F 33, WO 2F 32, INTOWN 8A 30
WON 2F 33 fatcat
On 15th draw, UPJET 7G 42 --- UPJET to spout up [v]
Other moves: DOUBT 1A 36, OUTBID A10 32, BOD C5 28, JIB 3J 27, OUBIT 1A 27
JUD 3J 25 fatcat
On 16th draw, WIELDING 15B 64 --- WIELD to handle or use effectively [v]
Other moves: WIDGIE 1A 48, WIELD 1A 34, WILED 1A 34, DWILE 1A 33, WAD 9I 32
GLIDE 12A 23 fatcat
On 17th draw, VOX 14A 45 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: TOXIN 1A 42, XI A7 42, NOX 14A 39, SOX 14A 39, OX 14B 37
VOX 14A 45 fatcat
On 18th draw, PREBINDS D2 89 --- PREBIND to bind in durable materials for library use [v]
Other moves: SNIPED 1G 40, SPINED 1G 40, BIPED 1A 37, PREBIND D2 37, DIEBS 1A 36
SPEND 1A 31 fatcat
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