Game on December 10, 2024 at 05:42, 1 player
1. 127 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 44 44
2. 4D 24 68
3. F3 71 139
4. E9 77 216
5. 15B 39 255
6. E3 34 289
7. 12A 26 315
8. 9H 34 349
9. J5 66 415
10. 14H 86 501
11. B8 26 527
12. M2 72 599
13. 8L 42 641
14. A6 39 680
15. B1 39 719
16. L1 54 773
17. K4 27 800
18. 1A 51 851
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7249 Chelsea 1 6:14 -724 127 1.7249 Chelsea 1 6:14 -724 127
On 1st draw, OX(Y)MEL H3 44 --- OXYMEL a mixture of vinegar and honey [n]
Other moves: EM(B)OX H8 42, X(Y)LEM H4 42, WOXE(N) H4 36, MOX(I)E H4 32, X(Y)LEM H8 32
On 2nd draw, RELAX 4D 24 --- RELAX to make less tense or rigid [v]
Other moves: AERIAL I5 18, ARIA I2 18, ILEA G2 18, ARIA G1 17, ARLE G1 17
On 3rd draw, ALEATORY F3 71 --- ALEATORY musical improvisation [n] --- ALEATORY pertaining to luck [adj]
Other moves: ALEATORY 8G 62, OYER G6 27, AYE G6 25, OYE G6 25, YARTA G7 24
On 4th draw, ENHALOS E9 77 --- ENHALO to surround with a halo [v]
Other moves: MANHOLES 6H 67, ENHALOES 7H 63, HALONS E6 34, ENHALO E4 33, ENHALO 8A 30
On 5th draw, CORSIVE 15B 39 --- CORSIVE a corrosive [n]
Other tops: VISCERA 15C 39
Other moves: CROOVE 14B 38, VESICA 15C 36, CALIVER 13C 34, CAVES 15A 33, CIVES 15A 33
On 6th draw, KERB E3 34 --- KERB to provide a street with a concrete border [v]
Other tops: BERK E3 34
Other moves: EKE D11 33, KERB G9 33, KERNE G9 33, BRACKEN 12C 32, KEB E3 32
On 7th draw, UPDRAW 12A 26 --- UPDRAW to draw up [v]
Other tops: WADI F12 26
Other moves: RAW G6 25, PULWAR 13C 24, UPWARD 12B 24, WAKA 3C 24, GADI F12 22
On 8th draw, SHAWED 9H 34 --- SHAW to show [v]
Other moves: WUSHU A8 33, HAWSED I7 32, WHAUR D8 32, WHERES 9C 32, HAWED I7 31
On 9th draw, FONTANGE J5 66 --- FONTANGE a tall head-dress worn in the 17th century [n]
Other moves: FENT 8L 45, FOEN 8L 45, FONE 8L 45, FONT 8L 45, GONEF 10J 38
On 10th draw, PARONYM 14H 86 --- PARONYM a word having the same root as another [n]
Other moves: YOMP 8L 57, MOPY 8L 52, YORP 8L 51, MANY 8L 46, MARY 8L 46
On 11th draw, (A)UTOPTIC B8 26 --- AUTOPTIC relating to an autopsy [adj]
Other tops: OU(S)T O12 26, TO(S)T O12 26
Other moves: (B)IOPTIC B9 24, TO(F)U 13K 22, TITI 8L 21, TOIT 8L 21, TOUT 8L 21
On 12th draw, STEEDIED M2 72 --- STEEDY to support [v]
Other moves: STEEDIED M5 61, DEIST O11 36, DESI O12 36, STEELED 13A 35, STEDDE C8 31
On 13th draw, FEIS 8L 42 --- FEIS an ancient assembly [n]
Other moves: SOFA 13K 38, WAIF K9 33, FAA 13M 32, FAS 13M 32, FOSSA 2J 32
On 14th draw, QAT A6 39 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: GATING A4 36, QATS 2J 33, Q(A)T 8A 33, QAT 13G 31, AGING A5 27
On 15th draw, INCAVI B1 39 --- INCAVO the hollowed portion of an intaglio [n]
Other moves: CLAVI B2 37, LINAC 13K 32, ACINI B2 31, VAIN L1 30, VINCA K1 30
FIVE 5J 20 Chelsea
On 16th draw, ZOEA L1 54 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: KAZOO 3E 50, ZOEAE 12H 48, ZOEAL 12H 48, ZEA 13K 47, ZOA 13K 47
ZOEA L1 54 Chelsea
On 17th draw, GED K4 27 --- GED a food fish [n]
Other tops: WEID K9 27
Other moves: DEI K4 24, GIED 1A 24, DE A1 20, DE K4 20, DI A1 20
DI A1 20 Chelsea
On 18th draw, JIBING 1A 51 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JIB 13K 49, JIN 13K 41, JUN 13K 41, JIB 1A 36, JIG 1A 33
JIG 1A 33 Chelsea
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