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Game on December 10, 2024 at 07:12, 5 players
1. 175 pts LongJump22
2. 40 pts LLLLLL1112
3. 29 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeefint   H4    24    24   faine
 2. agnnoot   G3    21    45   tonga
 3. ?eiinpv   F7    65   110   fivepin
 4. aaeelrs  14A    30   140   leears
 5. aeelorz   9E    90   230   overzeal
 6. acdeilr  11F    76   306   placider
 7. ?bhinos   A8   158   464   hobnails
 8. abeglux   8K    52   516   beaux
 9. fkoprtu  D11    32   548   uptak
10. aemortt   M1    76   624   teratoma
11. adimnou  H11    33   657   amido
12. adoosty   B6    42   699   toady
13. egnruwy   C2    39   738   gurney
14. aefijos   A1    75   813   feijoa
15. cilorsw   2H    40   853   cowries
16. dhilnsu   9E    34   887   overzeals
17. eiltuvw   N4    31   918   lew
18. ghinqtu   F2    33   951   qi
19. dghntuv   L4    34   985   duh

Remaining tiles: gntv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5658 FileLongJump22  3  4:06  -810  175     1.5658 LongJump22  3  4:06  -810  175 
  2.5586 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:32  -945   40     2.5586 LLLLLL1112  1  1:32  -945   40 
  3.5550 FileMMMMMM1112  0  0:58  -956   29     3.5550 MMMMMM1112  0  0:58  -956   29 
  4.5470 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:17  -956   29     4.5470 NNNNNN1112  0  1:17  -956   29 
  5.5530 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:40  -956   29     5.5530 OOOOOO1112  0  1:40  -956   29 

On 1st draw, FAINE H4 24 --- FAINE to feign [v]
Other tops: FAINT H4 24, FEINT H4 24, FIENT H4 24, FITNA H4 24
Other moves: FAINE H8 18, FAINT H8 18, FEINT H8 18, FIENT H8 18, FITNA H8 18

On 2nd draw, TONGA G3 21 --- TONGA a light cart used in India [n]
Other moves: FAGOT 4H 18, FANGO 4H 18, GANOF 4D 18, GONOF 4D 18, ANNO I4 17

On 3rd draw, (F)IVEPIN F7 65 --- FIVEPIN used for playing fivepins [adj]
Other moves: (F)IVEPIN I8 64, INNA(T)IVE 5E 40, PE(R)V I6 24, NIEV(E) I6 22, PEIN I5 22

On 4th draw, LEEARS 14A 30 --- LEEAR a liar [n]
Other tops: LAREES 14A 30, LEARES 14A 30, REALES 14A 30
Other moves: AREAS 14B 28, ARLES 14B 28, EALES 14B 28, EARLS 14B 28, LAERS 14B 28

On 5th draw, OVERZEAL 9E 90 --- OVERZEAL excess of zeal [n]
Other moves: AZOLE A11 72, REZONE 13B 51, ROZELLE A9 51, AZON 13C 43, REZ 13B 41

On 6th draw, PLACIDER 11F 76 --- PLACID calm or peaceful [adj]
Other moves: EPACRID 11E 48, CANARIED 5E 44, IRADE 15A 41, CANALED 5E 40, RADICEL A8 39

On 7th draw, HOBN(A)ILS A8 158 --- HOBNAIL to put hobnails (short nails with a broad head) on a shoe sole [v]
Other moves: SHINBO(N)E C7 78, SHI(N)BONE C7 78, HI(P)BONES C8 76, HO(P)BINES C8 76, (F)ISHBONE C7 76

On 8th draw, BEAUX 8K 52 --- BEAU a boyfriend [n]
Other moves: AXEL 12K 45, AXE 12K 43, GALAX D11 42, AX 12K 39, AXE 15C 39

On 9th draw, UPTAK D11 32 --- UPTAK the act of being quick to understand [n]
Other moves: APORT H11 30, POUFTER C9 30, OFFPUT 4G 28, PUTOFF 4D 28, TROAK D11 28

On 10th draw, TERATOMA M1 76 --- TERATOMA a type of tumour [n]
Other moves: EMANATOR 5D 40, AMATE H11 30, AMORT H11 30, TAMER 12J 29, ARNATTO 5E 28

On 11th draw, AMIDO H11 33 --- AMIDO containing an amide united with an acid radical [adj]
Other tops: NOMAD L2 33
Other moves: MAUND N6 32, MOUND N6 32, DUNAM L2 31, MONAD L2 31, ADMAN H11 30

On 12th draw, TOADY B6 42 --- TOADY to engage in servile flattering [v]
Other moves: TODY B7 39, OOSY B7 37, YAUDS N6 36, TODAY L2 35, OVERZEALS 9E 34

On 13th draw, GURNEY C2 39 --- GURNEY a wheeled cot [n]
Other moves: YEWEN 2J 38, WEY N4 37, WYE C7 37, YEW N4 37, WEY L2 35

On 14th draw, FEIJOA A1 75 --- FEIJOA a green edible fruit [n]
Other moves: JEFES 2J 62, JAI L4 42, JEELIES L6 41, JATOS 1K 39, JOTAS 1K 39
FEIJOA A1 75 LongJump22

On 15th draw, COWRIES 2H 40 --- COWRIE a glossy seashell [n] --- COWRY a glossy seashell [n]
Other moves: LOWRIES 2H 36, COWERS 2J 34, OVERZEALS 9E 34, OWLIER 2I 34, SWILER 2I 34
COWRIES 2H 40 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112

On 16th draw, OVERZEALS 9E 34 --- OVERZEAL excess of zeal [n]
Other tops: TERATOMAS M1 34
Other moves: SHELLED L6 31, HID L4 29, UNNAILS 5E 28, DUH L4 27, HELLED L7 27
HID L4 29 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 17th draw, LEW N4 31 --- LEW tepid [adj]
Other tops: TEW N4 31, VITE D1 31, WITE D1 31
Other moves: JUREL 4A 24, LEW L4 23, TEW L4 23, VIEW F1 23, WE 3I 23
TEW N4 31 LongJump22

On 18th draw, QI F2 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUITE 5J 28, GUN L4 25, GUT L4 25, QI D1 24, EHING L11 22

On 19th draw, DUH L4 34 --- DUH used to indicate that something just stated is too obvious [interj]
Other tops: GUV L4 34
Other moves: HELVED L7 33, DUN L4 25, GUN L4 25, GUT L4 25, HUNG E3 22

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