Game on December 10, 2024 at 11:42, 6 players
1. 208 pts Chelsea
2. 179 pts LongJump22
3. 159 pts NNNNNN1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 30 30
2. 12B 24 54
3. I2 68 122
4. H1 32 154
5. 5E 78 232
6. 4L 34 266
7. 3M 46 312
8. F3 69 381
9. O4 27 408
10. 13A 31 439
11. 8A 60 499
12. 2N 38 537
13. 1K 41 578
14. 14D 47 625
15. 11H 78 703
16. L8 84 787
17. 14J 32 819
18. 15A 48 867
19. N10 28 895
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7221 Chelsea 1 7:37 -687 208 1.7221 Chelsea 1 7:37 -687 208
2.5658 LongJump22 3 3:48 -716 179 Group: novice
3.5460 NNNNNN1112 2 4:24 -736 159 1.5658 LongJump22 3 3:48 -716 179
4.5534 OOOOOO1112 1 5:53 -737 158 2.5460 NNNNNN1112 2 4:24 -736 159
5.5546 LLLLLL1112 1 1:54 -854 41 3.5534 OOOOOO1112 1 5:53 -737 158
6.5506 MMMMMM1112 0 1:30 -855 40 4.5546 LLLLLL1112 1 1:54 -854 41
5.5506 MMMMMM1112 0 1:30 -855 40
On 1st draw, LUNACY H7 30 --- LUNACY insanity [n]
Other moves: LACEY H8 28, LUNACY H8 28, LEANY H8 24, LUNACY H3 24, LUNACY H4 24
On 2nd draw, TENANCY 12B 24 --- TENANCY the temporary occupancy of something that belongs to another [n]
Other moves: MECCA 11E 22, ACCENT 11F 20, ACCENT 11G 20, AMEN G7 20, AMEN I7 20
On 3rd draw, YEALDON I2 68 --- YEALDON eldin [n]
Other moves: ODYLE 13B 35, DENAY 11A 34, LAYED 11A 33, DELAY 13A 31, DENAY 13A 31
On 4th draw, IMP H1 32 --- IMP to graft feathers onto a birds's wing [v]
Other tops: AMP H1 32, PIMA 11C 32
Other moves: MAP H1 30, PAM H1 30, MAP 11C 28, PAM 11C 28, PIMA 13A 28
MAP H1 30 Chelsea
On 5th draw, STELLA(T)E 5E 78 --- STELLATE shaped like a star [adj]
Other tops: LA(K)ELETS 5E 78, LEA(F)LETS 5E 78, SATELLE(S) 5D 78, SATELLE(S) 5E 78, S(T)ELLATE 5E 78, TES(S)ELLA 5D 78, TE(S)SELLA 5D 78, (S)ATELLES 5D 78, (S)ATELLES 5E 78
Other moves: TEASA(B)LE 4E 75, TELE(R)ANS 9B 73, ALE(R)TEST B8 68, AT(H)LETES B7 68, A(I)LETTES B7 68
STALE 11B 22 Chelsea
On 6th draw, BISH 4L 34 --- BISH a blunder [n]
Other tops: BUSH 4L 34
Other moves: HUB 13C 32, HUB 11C 31, HUBS 4L 30, UNBITTS B8 30, SHUNT 4K 29
HUBS 4L 30 Chelsea
On 7th draw, QI 3M 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: WAQF E11 38, WOF 11C 35, WIFED C9 32, FIDO 11C 31, WITH O1 30
On 8th draw, WATERDOG F3 69 --- WATERDOG a large salamander [n]
Other moves: HOGWARD O4 45, REDOWA 13A 37, DOWAGER C7 36, HAGRODE O4 36, HAWED O4 36
On 9th draw, HOTTIE O4 27 --- HOTTIE a hot-water bottle, a sexually attractive person [n]
Other moves: HOTEN O4 24, INTOED 8A 24, OINTED 8A 24, TINTED 8A 24, TITTED 8A 24
On 10th draw, POTAGE 13A 31 --- POTAGE a thick soup [n]
Other moves: OPIATE N9 30, PIOTED 8A 30, POTAGE B10 30, PATTIE B10 28, GAITED 8A 27
On 11th draw, ZO(O)MED 8A 60 --- ZOOM to move with a loud humming sound [v]
Other tops: Z(O)OMED 8A 60
Other moves: H(U)MFED 8A 54, M(A)HOE 14B 49, HO(O)FED 8A 48, HO(U)FED 8A 48, HO(W)FED 8A 48
Z(O)OMED 8A 60 LongJump22
On 12th draw, XI 2N 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU 2N 38
Other moves: XI 9C 37, XU 9C 37, HOX N8 36, PIX A13 36, POX A13 36
XI 2N 38 LongJump22
On 13th draw, TROAD 1K 41 --- TROAD a track [n]
Other moves: DOAT 1L 38, DRAT 1L 38, ORAD 1L 38, ROAD 1L 38, TOAD 1L 38
TROAD 1K 41 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, LLLLLL1112
On 14th draw, BAKER 14D 47 --- BAKER one that bakes [n]
Other moves: BAKE 14D 46, KAB 11C 40, KEBAR 14F 40, AKE 14E 38, BLEAK 14F 38
KEBAR 14F 40 LongJump22
KAB 11C 40 MMMMMM1112, OOOOOO1112
On 15th draw, COVERLID 11H 78 --- COVERLID a bed covering [n]
Other moves: DEVOIR 15G 42, DIVER 15A 42, DOVER 15A 42, LIVER 15A 39, LOVER 15A 39
DEVIL 15G 36 Chelsea
On 16th draw, FAIRGOER L8 84 --- FAIRGOER one who attends a fair [n]
Other moves: GOFER 15A 42, ORFE 9A 36, FERIA 15G 35, DEFOG O11 33, GOIER 15A 33
FEAR 15G 32 Chelsea
FE 12K 19 OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112
On 17th draw, HUERS 14J 32 --- HUER a pilchard fishermen's lookout man [n]
Other moves: HINS 15A 31, HISS 15A 31, HUIS 15A 31, HUNS 15A 31, HUSS 15A 31
HUERS 14J 32 Chelsea
HE 14K 5 NNNNNN1112
EH 14L 5 OOOOOO1112
On 18th draw, WIVES 15A 48 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: WIVE 15A 40, IVIES 15A 39, VINES 15A 39, WINES 15A 39, DWINE 6I 36
NEW 15G 26 Chelsea
PEW A13 24 OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112
On 19th draw, JINNS N10 28 --- JINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JAGAS E11 26, JIN N10 26, FINO 9C 25, JINNI 1D 20, IF 9B 19
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