Game on December 10, 2024 at 14:50, 8 players
1. 292 pts Chelsea
2. 226 pts LongJump22
3. 152 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 6B 73 97
3. J6 79 176
4. B4 70 246
5. 8A 60 306
6. 4H 76 382
7. 10E 73 455
8. A11 31 486
9. A1 34 520
10. 11D 41 561
11. 8J 33 594
12. 5E 31 625
13. C1 34 659
14. 1C 36 695
15. 7L 38 733
16. N2 34 767
17. 12C 30 797
18. 2G 29 826
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7193 Chelsea 2 14:24 -534 292 1.7193 Chelsea 2 14:24 -534 292
2.5658 LongJump22 3 2:49 -600 226 2.7276 VVVVVV1112 2 2:57 -674 152
3.7276 VVVVVV1112 2 2:57 -674 152 3.7773 HollyIvy 2 5:04 -689 137
4.7773 HollyIvy 2 5:04 -689 137 Group: novice
5.5492 NNNNNN1112 0 0:29 -785 41 1.5658 LongJump22 3 2:49 -600 226
6.5520 OOOOOO1112 0 0:53 -785 41 2.5492 NNNNNN1112 0 0:29 -785 41
7.5546 LLLLLL1112 0 1:20 -785 41 3.5520 OOOOOO1112 0 0:53 -785 41
8.5506 MMMMMM1112 0 1:44 -785 41 4.5546 LLLLLL1112 0 1:20 -785 41
5.5506 MMMMMM1112 0 1:44 -785 41
On 1st draw, PARDAL H4 24 --- PARDAL a leopard [n]
Other tops: PANDAR H4 24
Other moves: PANDA H4 22, PLANAR H4 22, PANDAR H3 20, PANDAR H7 20, PANDAR H8 20
PANDAR H4 24 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, SYCAMORE 6B 73 --- SYCAMORE a North American tree [n]
Other moves: COSEY 10F 34, MOSEY 10F 34, CAMEOS I3 30, CYMES 10E 30, CYME 10E 29
SYCAMORE 6B 73 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 3rd draw, SIENITE J6 79 --- SIENITE an igneous rock [n]
Other moves: NICETIES D4 72, SIENITE 10B 71, SIENITE 10F 71, SIENITE 10H 71, SIENITE I8 64
SIENITE J6 79 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, MESQ(U)INE B4 70 --- MESQUINE mean [adj]
Other moves: Q(U)EENIE 12H 50, Q(U)EME 12H 50, Q(U)EEN 12H 46, EQ(U)INE 8J 42, QI(S) 10F 40
Q(U)EME 12H 50 LongJump22
On 5th draw, O(U)TJET 8A 60 --- OUTJET a projection [n]
Other moves: O(U)TJE(T) 8A 57, O(U)TJ(E)T 8A 57, O(U)TJ(U)T 8A 57, O(U)(T)JET 8A 57, (O)(U)TJET 8A 57
JOTA 5E 46 Chelsea
On 6th draw, PULVI(L)IO 4H 76 --- PULVILIO perfumed powder [n]
Other tops: PU(L)VILIO 4H 76
Other moves: OVUL(E) A11 35, OV(O)LI A11 35, (O)VOLI A11 34, JOVI(A)L D8 30, LIVO(R) A1 30
OV(O)LI A11 35 HollyIvy
On 7th draw, ALTERITY 10E 73 --- ALTERITY the state of being other or different [n]
Other moves: (L)ATTERLY M4 62, LAYETTE E5 40, ELYTRA 8J 39, TYLER A11 38, RELAY A1 37
RATTY A11 29 Chelsea
On 8th draw, BRAID A11 31 --- BRAID broad [adj] --- BRAID to weave together [v]
Other tops: BRIAR A1 31
Other moves: ABHOR O1 30, HORRID O3 30, HYBRID L9 30, RABID A11 29, BARDIC D1 28
HAD 3L 24 Chelsea
On 9th draw, HONER A1 34 --- HONER one that sharpens [n]
Other tops: HERON A1 34
Other moves: BONER A1 31, BORER A1 31, HONORER O1 30, HONORER O3 30, HERO A1 29
HONER A1 34 Chelsea
On 10th draw, TWAES 11D 41 --- TWAE two [n]
Other moves: WAES 11E 39, OUTSAW 2A 34, STEWY C2 33, TAWAS 5E 32, BESAW 11A 30
STEW 13J 22 Chelsea
On 11th draw, ERBIAS 8J 33 --- ERBIA erbium oxide [n]
Other moves: BUNAS 5E 31, RUBY C3 28, BOURSIN O3 27, BUNA 5E 26, BUSY C3 26
BANS 12C 25 Chelsea
On 12th draw, POLAR 5E 31 --- POLAR a straight line related to a point [n]
Other moves: GOLP 12C 29, POGY C3 29, ROPY C3 28, ALGA 12D 27, ALP 12D 25
GAP 3L 21 Chelsea
On 13th draw, VOGUEY C1 34 --- VOGUEY modish [adj]
Other moves: GAUDY C2 29, DOGY C3 27, VODOU O1 27, GAED 12C 26, GOAD 12C 26
GAED 12C 26 Chelsea
On 14th draw, VENGED 1C 36 --- VENGE to take retribution for [v]
Other moves: VEINED 1C 33, DEKING N1 32, DIKING N1 32, KIND 12C 32, KING 12C 32
VENGED 1C 36 HollyIvy
KED 3L 27 Chelsea
On 15th draw, OX 7L 38 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: TOXIN K10 37, DOUX 2G 34, TIX K10 33, OXID 2F 31, ENFIX 12J 30
OX 7L 38 Chelsea, HollyIvy
On 16th draw, ANIGH N2 34 --- ANIGH nigh [adv]
Other moves: HANG 12C 30, HING 12C 30, AINGA 12C 29, AAH 12D 28, AAHING N1 28
AAH 12D 28 HollyIvy
On 17th draw, FIND 12C 30 --- FIND to come upon after a search [v]
Other tops: FAND 12C 30
Other moves: TIFF K10 29, YAFF L10 26, DAFF 2G 25, DIFF 2G 25, FI(L)A M2 24
On 18th draw, FAIK 2G 29 --- FAIK to abate [v]
Other moves: KO(L)A M2 27, KU(L)A M2 27, TOUK 11J 25, AKA 13A 24, FI(L)A M2 24
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