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Game on December 10, 2024 at 23:50, 5 players
1. 342 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 210 pts sunshine12
3. 189 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adenst   H8    68    68   standee
 2. aabellt  12A    78   146   ballated
 3. aeegnsu  15H    51   197   senega
 4. dehirrt   E5    98   295   trihedra
 5. aeimnrt   L8    74   369   remating
 6. ?cimouv   8A    48   417   vouch
 7. ?gijotx  K11    66   483   jaxie
 8. aaeqruz  B10    68   551   quare
 9. adenstv   N9    88   639   advents
10. acdeely   O4    48   687   clayed
11. beiootw  A12    28   715   boob
12. aefkmpr   N6    37   752   ka
13. eioopsy   M3    48   800   sepoy
14. eegiiow   L4    24   824   wo
15. eefgint   K2    36   860   nief
16. aiimoot  13J    24   884   axion
17. eghioru   I4    74   958   roughie
18. ioprtuz   F2    35   993   zori
19. filmtuw   H1    40  1033   filum
20. giinptw  J12    35  1068   pawn

Remaining tiles: giint

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7127 FileGLOBEMAN    2 11:17  -726  342     1.7127 GLOBEMAN    2 11:17  -726  342 
  2.6966 Filesunshine12  1  8:00  -858  210     2.7260 roocatcher  2  6:50  -879  189 
  3.7260 Fileroocatcher  2  6:50  -879  189            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  Filechunk88     1  1:47 -1011   57     1.6966 sunshine12  1  8:00  -858  210 
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:56 -1044   24            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     1  1:47 -1011   57 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:56 -1044   24 

On 1st draw, STANDE(E) H8 68 --- STANDEE one who stands because of the lack of seats [n]
Other tops: AD(V)ENTS H3 68, ANS(A)TED H6 68, AST(O)NED H6 68, AT(T)ENDS H7 68, A(T)TENDS H7 68, DAN(K)EST H4 68, DENTA(L)S H4 68, DESTA(I)N H4 68, DES(C)ANT H4 68, DETA(I)NS H4 68, DE(C)ANTS H4 68, D(O)NATES H4 68, ENDA(R)TS H2 68, N(I)DATES H2 68, SAT(I)NED H6 68, SA(I)NTED H6 68, SA(U)NTED H6 68, STANDE(N) H8 68, STANDE(R) H8 68, STAND(E)E H8 68, STAN(G)ED H6 68, STAN(K)ED H6 68, STA(I)NED H6 68, STA(N)DEN H8 68, STA(R)NED H6 68, STA(Y)NED H6 68, STEAN(E)D H6 68, ST(E)ANED H6 68, S(C)ANTED H6 68, S(L)ANTED H6 68, (A)NSATED H6 68, (I)NSTEAD H6 68, (O)NSTEAD H6 68, (P)EDANTS H2 68, (P)ENTADS H7 68, (U)NSATED H6 68
Other moves: AD(V)ENTS H4 66, AD(V)ENTS H6 66, AD(V)ENTS H7 66, AD(V)ENTS H8 66, ANS(A)TED H2 66

On 2nd draw, BALLATED 12A 78 --- BALLAT to make ballads about [v]
Other moves: BALNEAL 11E 36, EATABL(E) 14B 28, ABET G12 20, ABLATED 12B 20, BALLADE 12C 20

On 3rd draw, SENEGA 15H 51 --- SENEGA a medicinal plant root [n]
Other tops: AGENES 15C 51
Other moves: GEANS 15D 48, GENAS 15D 48, GENES 15D 48, GENUS 15D 48, GUANS 15D 48
GENES 15D 48 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 4th draw, TRIHEDRA E5 98 --- TRIHEDRA figures having three plane surfaces meeting at a point [n] --- TRIHEDRON a solid figure with three plane surfaces meeting at a point [n]
Other moves: DITHER(E)R 14B 78, TRIHEDRA M8 76, DITH(E)RER 14D 73, TRIHEDRA 10A 68, TRIHEDRA B5 68
HERN 11E 28 sunshine12, roocatcher

On 5th draw, REMATING L8 74 --- REMATE to mate again [v]
Other tops: ANIMATER B8 74, MARINATE B7 74
Other moves: ANTIMER(E) 14A 72, TRAMLINE C8 72, ANTIMERE K8 70, ANTIM(E)RE 14C 69, MERANTI I3 69
BARM A12 24 roocatcher

On 6th draw, VOUCH 8A 48 --- VOUCH to give one's personal assurance or guarantee [v]
Other moves: MOUCH 8A 45, VO(U)CH 8A 45, V(A)UCH 8A 45, V(O)UCH 8A 45, MI(L)CH 8A 42
CRUV(E) 8K 27 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 7th draw, J(A)XIE K11 66 --- JAXIE the posterior [n]
Other moves: JIGOT(S) N10 65, JIAO(S) B10 54, JIG K11 45, JOBI(N)G A10 45, (R)OJI K9 45

On 8th draw, QUARE B10 68 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other moves: QUARE D1 50, RAZE 8L 39, QUARER 6B 37, ZERDA 10B 37, AQUAE F1 36
ZEA B10 32 sunshine12

On 9th draw, ADVENTS N9 88 --- ADVENT arrival [n]
Other moves: DAVENS N10 36, AXISED 13J 28, VADES D1 28, VENDS D1 28, DRAVE 8K 27
DRAVE 8K 27 sunshine12
BEAD A12 25 roocatcher

On 10th draw, CLAYED O4 48 --- CLAY to treat with clay (a fine-grained, earthy material) [v]
Other moves: DECAY O5 38, ALEYED O4 36, YCLAD O5 36, YCLED O5 36, LACEY O5 35
CLAYED O4 48 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 11th draw, BOOB A12 28 --- BOOB to make a foolish mistake [v]
Other tops: BOWIE D1 28
Other moves: BOOTIE D1 26, BO N6 25, BOWET K5 24, BOWIE D2 24, BOWIE F2 24
EWE G12 20 chunk88

On 12th draw, KA N6 37 --- KA the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion [n] --- KA to serve [v]
Other moves: KERMA D1 34, KEEF G10 32, BRAKE 15A 31, FA N6 31, BRAK 15A 30
KA N6 37 chunk88, roocatcher

On 13th draw, SEPOY M3 48 --- SEPOY a native of India serving in the British army [n]
Other tops: POESY M3 48
Other moves: PIOYE M4 36, PIOY M4 33, POSY M4 33, OYE M6 32, SYE M6 32
YE M7 24 BadBoyBen

On 14th draw, WO L4 24 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: OW L3 22, EWE G12 20, GI M9 19, GO M9 19, OGEE L1 18

On 15th draw, NIEF K2 36 --- NIEF the fist [n]
Other moves: EFT K4 34, NEF K3 34, TEF K3 34, EF K4 32, FETE K5 32

On 16th draw, AXION 13J 24 --- AXION a hypothetical subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: MUTI C7 21, MOA O12 19, MOI O12 19, MOO O12 19, TOMIA D1 18

On 17th draw, ROUGHIE I4 74 --- ROUGHIE a dry bough [n]
Other moves: ROUGHIE G3 72, ROUGHIE I3 72, ROUGHIE G2 65, BROGH 15A 28, BROUGH 15A 28

On 18th draw, ZORI F2 35 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: TOZI(E) 14D 33, P(A)TZER 12J 32, ZOO B6 32, POZ H3 29, ZORI D2 28

On 19th draw, FILUM H1 40 --- FILUM a threadlike anatomical structure [n]
Other moves: FAWN J12 37, LIFE 13E 35, MAWN J12 35, MILTZ 2B 32, LAWN J12 31

On 20th draw, PAWN J12 35 --- PAWN to deposit as security for something borrowed [v]
Other moves: AWN J13 28, WIN 14J 28, PI J6 23, EWT G12 20, GI M9 19

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