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Game on December 11, 2024 at 17:19, 11 players
1. 246 pts LongJump22
2. 185 pts ArcticFox
3. 157 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acnnoty   H4    28    28   canyon
 2. eioorst  10H    73   101   sootier
 3. ?adortu   5D    82   183   adulator
 4. beeimor   E1    63   246   embodier
 5. defiprs   1A    42   288   deifer
 6. ?agilns   A1    80   368   dealings
 7. adegowy   L1    46   414   wedgy
 8. aeinntv   M7    82   496   venetian
 9. aeiklnr   8J    45   541   alkene
10. aghstux   4D    45   586   hox
11. acdegsu  15H    45   631   cadges
12. ellmoou   6H    26   657   nome
13. abepttt   1L    27   684   wept
14. iloprru  L12    24   708   plie
15. bhlorsu   3I    26   734   hurds
16. aijlrtw   3C    30   764   jab
17. afiotuv   G7    28   792   fou
18. abeeltu   D7    25   817   belate
19. aiioqvw  11I    23   840   iwi
20. aoqrtvz   F9    36   876   tzar

Remaining tiles: ioquv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.5582 FileLongJump22  4  2:35  -630  246     1.9329 Pacific     0  3:10  -734  142 
  2.7123 FileArcticFox   0  4:02  -691  185            Group: advanced
  3.7496 Filequeen66     0  3:21  -719  157     1.7123 ArcticFox   0  4:02  -691  185 
  4.7479 FileVVVVVV1112  2  2:01  -721  155     2.7496 queen66     0  3:21  -719  157 
  5.9329 FilePacific     0  3:10  -734  142     3.7479 VVVVVV1112  2  2:01  -721  155 
  6.5526 FileNNNNNN1112  1  2:42  -816   60     4.7413 sicilianc5  0  0:33  -832   44 
  7.5612 FileOOOOOO1112  1  3:09  -819   57     5.7596 Mycophot    0  0:54  -832   44 
  8.7413 Filesicilianc5  0  0:33  -832   44            Group: novice
  9.7596 FileMycophot    0  0:54  -832   44     1.5582 LongJump22  4  2:35  -630  246 
 10.5587 FileMMMMMM1112  0  0:57  -837   39     2.5526 NNNNNN1112  1  2:42  -816   60 
 11.5635 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:54  -848   28     3.5612 OOOOOO1112  1  3:09  -819   57 
                                             4.5587 MMMMMM1112  0  0:57  -837   39 
                                             5.5635 LLLLLL1112  1  1:54  -848   28 

On 1st draw, CANYON H4 28 --- CANYON a deep valley with steep sides [n]
Other tops: CANNY H8 28, CANTY H8 28, N*NCY H8 28
Other moves: CANNY H4 26, CANTY H4 26, CYANO H4 26, CYTON H4 26, TANNOY H7 26
CANYON H4 28 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 2nd draw, SOOTIER 10H 73 --- SOOTY covered with soot [adj]
Other tops: ROOTIES 10B 73, TOORIES 10B 73
Other moves: OORIEST 10C 71, OORIEST G8 64, OORIEST I8 64, ROOTIES I8 64, SOOTIER G8 64
SOOTIER 10H 73 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 3rd draw, ADU(L)ATOR 5D 82 --- ADULATOR one that adulates [n]
Other tops: OUTRAT(E)D K5 82, (L)AUDATOR 5D 82
Other moves: OUT(B)OARD 8H 77, OUT(T)RADE M3 72, OU(T)TRADE M3 72, AD(D)UCTOR 4D 70, A(B)DUCTOR 4D 70
ADU(L)ATOR 5D 82 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 4th draw, EMBODIER E1 63 --- EMBODIER one that embodies [n]
Other moves: BREEM 6B 36, BERME 4A 35, BIOME 4A 35, BREME 4A 35, BROME 4A 35
EMBODIER E1 63 LongJump22

On 5th draw, DEIFER 1A 42 --- DEIF deaf (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: DEFIERS 1D 39, FEEDS 1D 39, PREIFES 1C 39, PRIEFES 1B 39, SPEIRED 1C 39

On 6th draw, D(E)ALINGS A1 80 --- DEALING a business transaction [n]
Other tops: DA(R)LINGS A1 80, DIAL(I)NGS A1 80, D(I)ALINGS A1 80
Other moves: LA(P)SING L2 77, LINSA(N)G L2 77, LI(N)SANG L2 77, L(E)ASING L2 77, OA(K)LINGS 8H 77
(P)LEASING M8 68 Pacific

On 7th draw, WEDGY L1 46 --- WEDGY resembling a wedge [adj]
Other moves: WEDGY 6J 44, WADY B3 42, DEAWY L1 40, WADY D4 40, DOGEY L1 36
WEDGY 6J 44 sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66
YEW 6J 32 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, VENETIAN M7 82 --- VENETIAN a flexible window screen [n]
Other moves: INNOVATE J7 63, NAVEW 1H 33, VINEW 1H 33, (E)NTAME 2A 33, VEENA 2J 32
NAVEW 1H 33 queen66
WAVE 1L 30 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, ALKENE 8J 45 --- ALKENE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: AKENE 8K 42, KEEL 8L 39, KEEN 8L 39, KEIR 8L 39, KERN 8L 39
KEEL 8L 39 ArcticFox
KNEEL 2J 38 queen66

On 10th draw, HOX 4D 45 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other tops: AUGHTS 15H 45, GHAUTS 15H 45
Other moves: SAX 15M 42, TAXA D4 37, HASTA D4 35, EX B1 34, HAUNTS 14J 34
SAX 15M 42 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, CADGES 15H 45 --- CADGE to get by begging [v]
Other moves: CAUSED 15J 42, CASED 15K 39, ASCEND 9D 31, SCAND 9E 30, SCEND 9E 30
CAUSED 15J 42 ArcticFox, queen66, Pacific

On 12th draw, NOME 6H 26 --- NOME a province of modern Greece [n]
Other moves: EMO M1 25, MOE G7 24, MOO G7 24, MOU G7 24, OLEO M1 24

On 13th draw, WEPT 1L 27 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other moves: PATTE 11J 26, BATT 11J 22, BEAN 9J 21, PEAN 9J 21, WATE 1L 21

On 14th draw, PLIE L12 24 --- PLIE a movement in ballet [n]
Other tops: PLUE L12 24
Other moves: PERI 2K 22, PURIRI 12H 22, PION 9J 21, POI 11I 20, PRO 11I 20

On 15th draw, HURDS 3I 26 --- HURDS the coarse refuse of flax [n]
Other tops: BOSH 9C 26, BUSH 9C 26, HOLDS 3I 26
Other moves: BLUSH 9B 25, BRUSH 9B 25, HUSO 9C 25, RHOS 9B 25, RHUS 9B 25

On 16th draw, JAB 3C 30 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other moves: TAJ B8 28, JA 14I 25, JA G8 22, WAB 3C 22, JAILER O4 21

On 17th draw, FOU G7 28 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other moves: FAUT B5 23, UFO 11I 23, FOU B5 20, NOVA 9H 20, FA 11J 19

On 18th draw, BELATE D7 25 --- BELATE to make late [v]
Other moves: BEAN 9J 21, BEE 11I 20, ABELE D8 19, ABLET D8 19, ALBEE D8 19

On 19th draw, IWI 11I 23 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other moves: AVOW C12 22, IWI C11 19, WO 11J 19, WO E10 19, WAI C12 17

On 20th draw, TZAR F9 36 --- TZAR an emperor or king [n]
Other moves: ZOA 10B 32, ZA 14I 29, ZO 14I 29, TZAR C12 28, AZO C12 26
ZOA 10B 32 Pacific

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