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Game on December 11, 2024 at 20:24, 8 players
1. 451 pts Muincunx
2. 396 pts ArcticFox
3. 167 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eimnpx   H7    48    48   implex
 2. aaehiot   G7    29    77   hao
 3. ?ennuvz   6H    47   124   sez
 4. beelstu  12G    26   150   exults
 5. aenortv   F4    80   230   venator
 6. aeegnrr   4A    78   308   engraver
 7. admoruy   B1    40   348   maundy
 8. abegovy   A1    48   396   abye
 9. beioqrt   A6    29   425   obiter
10. aclorsu   3G    81   506   rucolas
11. deikotw   2J    40   546   keto
12. adefilo   K7    74   620   foliated
13. aceeinw   4L    31   651   wena
14. afiinqr  13C    39   690   faqir
15. eilnotv   8K    36   726   ovine
16. eghlpsu   N7    82   808   engulphs
17. dgiinst   D2    61   869   striding
18. cdiinot  M13    28   897   cid
19. ijnootw   H1    33   930   jour

Remaining tiles: inotw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7734 FileMuincunx    8 13:13  -479  451     1.7734 Muincunx    8 13:13  -479  451 
  2.7145 FileArcticFox   2 16:44  -534  396     2.7145 ArcticFox   2 16:44  -534  396 
  3.5582 FileLongJump22  4  4:42  -763  167     3.7479 VVVVVV1112  1  3:17  -855   75 
  4.7479 FileVVVVVV1112  1  3:17  -855   75            Group: novice
  5.5526 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:36  -882   48     1.5582 LongJump22  4  4:42  -763  167 
  6.5612 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:24  -899   31     2.5526 NNNNNN1112  1  1:36  -882   48 
  7.5635 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:49  -899   31     3.5612 OOOOOO1112  0  1:24  -899   31 
  8.5587 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:40  -905   25     4.5635 LLLLLL1112  0  1:49  -899   31 
                                             5.5587 MMMMMM1112  0  1:40  -905   25 

On 1st draw, IMP(L)EX H7 48 --- IMPLEX a muscle attachment in jointed creatures like centipedes [n]
Other tops: P(R)EMIX H7 48
Other moves: MENI(N)X H7 44, ME(N)INX H7 44, P(H)ENIX H7 44, XENI(U)M H4 44, MI(R)EX H8 42
IMP(L)EX H7 48 Muincunx, LongJump22, NNNNNN1112
PIX(I)E H4 32 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, HAO G7 29 --- HAO a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: TAHA G5 24, AHA G6 23, OHIA I10 23, THE G6 23, THO G6 23
HAO G7 29 Muincunx
THE G6 23 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, (S)EZ 6H 47 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: UNNE(R)VE 11E 36, Z(A) F6 35, EVZ(O)NE 11C 34, EVZ(O)NE 11H 34, (L)UZE(R)N 10H 33
N(A)ZE G11 32 ArcticFox
(R)EZ G11 31 Muincunx, LLLLLL1112
(F)EZ G11 31 OOOOOO1112

On 4th draw, EXULTS 12G 26 --- EXULT to rejoice greatly [v]
Other moves: TELEX 12D 24, BLUEST F8 22, BLUETS F8 22, BEETS G11 21, BELTS G11 21
EXULTS 12G 26 Muincunx
BELTS G11 21 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, VENATOR F4 80 --- VENATOR a huntsman [n]
Other moves: VENATOR 13A 75, RENOVATE 11A 74, TEVATRON K8 72, VENATORS L5 62, VANT F6 31
ROVE F8 25 Muincunx, MMMMMM1112
VALET J10 18 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, ENGRAVER 4A 78 --- ENGRAVER one that engraves [n]
Other moves: ENGRAVE 4A 24, GARNER E9 23, GENERA E9 23, GRAVEN 4C 22, GRAVER 4C 22
GARNER E9 23 Muincunx
RANGER 13B 19 ArcticFox

On 7th draw, MAUNDY B1 40 --- MAUNDY the religious ceremony of washing the feet of the poor [n]
Other moves: MORNAY B1 38, DYNAMO B2 36, OUNDY B2 34, RANDY B2 34, MAYED A1 33
MAUNDY B1 40 Muincunx, LongJump22
ARMY 7J 24 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, ABYE A1 48 --- ABYE to pay the penalty [v]
Other moves: BEVY A6 43, AMOVE 1A 42, BOGEY A6 40, EMBAY 1A 39, BOGY A6 37
ABYE A1 48 Muincunx
BEVY A6 43 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, OBITER A6 29 --- OBITER as a passing remark [adv]
Other moves: BITER A6 28, BOITE A6 28, QAT E3 28, ORBIT A6 26, BIER A6 25
BITER A6 28 Muincunx
QAT E3 28 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, RUCOLAS 3G 81 --- RUCOLA a salad plant [n]
Other moves: CAROLUS E9 78, OCULARS 3H 76, RUCOLAS E9 76, CAROLUS 13A 73, OCULARS 13A 73
ROCS I1 22 Muincunx

On 11th draw, KETO 2J 40 --- KETO of or pertaining to ketone [adj]
Other moves: KED 2J 39, KET 2J 37, DOEK 4L 36, KWAITO L1 36, WOKE 4L 36
KETO 2J 40 LongJump22

On 12th draw, FOLIATED K7 74 --- FOLIATE to hammer into thin plates [v]
Other moves: FORELAID D2 63, FEODAL B10 51, FELID B10 49, AFIELD 4J 46, FIELD 4K 37

On 13th draw, WENA 4L 31 --- WENA you (Zulu) [pron]
Other tops: ENEW 1L 31, WEAN 4L 31, WEEN 4L 31
Other moves: OCEAN 8K 30, CAW 1M 29, WANES L8 27, WEE 4L 27, WEN 4L 27

On 14th draw, FAQIR 13C 39 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: QI 2F 34, QI 10J 31, IF B9 28, FAQIR 7K 27, FARINA O3 27
FAQIR 13C 39 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
QI 10J 31 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, OVINE 8K 36 --- OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n]
Other tops: OVOLI 8K 36
Other moves: VOLANTE O1 30, LIONET 14D 28, ALEVIN O4 27, ALVINE O4 27, LEVANT O1 27
OVINE 8K 36 Muincunx

On 16th draw, ENGULPHS N7 82 --- ENGULPH to swallow up completely [v]
Other moves: SHUL 1L 39, SPUG 1L 38, HELP J10 36, SPUE 1L 35, HEP 1M 31
HELP J10 36 ArcticFox, VVVVVV1112

On 17th draw, STRIDING D2 61 --- STRIDE to walk with long steps [v]
Other moves: GIDS 14D 34, NIDS 14D 32, TIDS 14D 32, DINGS 14D 31, DING 14D 30
GIDS 14D 34 Muincunx
DITS 14D 28 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, CID M13 28 --- CID a chief [n]
Other tops: COD M13 28, NID 14D 28, TID 14D 28
Other moves: DOITED 5B 27, IONIC 14E 27, CIT M13 26, CON M13 26, COT M13 26
TID 14D 28 Muincunx
NID 14D 28 ArcticFox

On 19th draw, JOUR H1 33 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other tops: JOTA O1 33
Other moves: JIN 2F 32, SIJO 2D 30, JIN 12B 29, JOT 12B 29, JO 2F 28
JOUR H1 33 Muincunx, ArcticFox

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