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Game on December 12, 2024 at 23:54, 1 player
1. 32 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adegirs   H6    72    72   agrised
 2. ?hlmouv   G9    31   103   humor
 3. adeimsx  14A    98   201   admixes
 4. eegjlnt  F10    61   262   jet
 5. ?bhnoot   A8   185   447   johnboat
 6. aacorsy   B9    27   474   raya
 7. aeilnov  13C    25   499   ale
 8. adefntu  11E    40   539   demeane
 9. adelovw   L8    38   577   waldo
10. ceeegrt   M3    29   606   greece
11. aeiprtv   C3    82   688   private
12. aceinot   K2    74   762   aconite
13. eilnoru   L2    25   787   roue
14. fgilruy   4A    34   821   furrily
15. bgiknot   1H    34   855   knit
16. beilnsu   N8    87   942   subline
17. gioostv   O4    51   993   ovist
18. fginopz   A1    57  1050   ziff

Remaining tiles: gnopqw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7030 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:31 -1018   32     1.7030 GLOBEMAN    0  1:31 -1018   32 

On 1st draw, AGRISED H6 72 --- AGRISE to terrify [v]
Other tops: AGRISED H3 72
Other moves: AGRISED H2 70, AGRISED H4 70, AGRISED H7 70, AGRISED H8 70, AGRISED H5 68

On 2nd draw, HUMO(R) G9 31 --- HUMOR to indulge [v]
Other moves: HOM(A) G9 29, HOM(E) G9 29, HOM(O) G9 29, HUM(A) G9 29, H(O)MO G9 29

On 3rd draw, ADMIXES 14A 98 --- ADMIX to mix [v]
Other moves: DAMES F8 40, EXAM F7 36, MAXI F12 36, DAME F8 35, MAX F12 35

On 4th draw, JET F10 61 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JEAN A12 57, JEAT A12 57, JETLAG A10 45, JEEL 13A 44, JEE 13A 40

On 5th draw, (J)OHNBOAT A8 185 --- JOHNBOAT a narrow square-ended boat [n]
Other moves: (J)OHNBOAT 6B 68, HOON 15A 49, HOOT 15A 49, HO(M)O 15A 45, HO(O)N 15A 45

On 6th draw, RAYA B9 27 --- RAYA a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey [n]
Other tops: SOYA B9 27
Other moves: SARCOMA C9 24, CAREMES 11C 22, CYMA C12 22, RACEMES 11C 22, RAY B9 22

On 7th draw, ALE 13C 25 --- ALE an alcoholic beverage [n]
Other tops: OLE 13C 25
Other moves: VANE C8 24, ANIL 15C 23, LIANE C7 23, ONIE 15C 23, ALIEN I5 22

On 8th draw, DEMEANE 11E 40 --- DEMEANE treatment [n]
Other moves: DAFT C7 30, DEFT C7 30, AFT C8 26, EFT C8 26, FADE C7 26

On 9th draw, WALDO L8 38 --- WALDO a gadget for manipulating objects remotel or WALDOES [n]
Other moves: ADVEW L10 36, ADVEW 12K 34, DOWEL L11 32, DOWLE L11 32, DWALE L11 32

On 10th draw, GREECE M3 29 --- GREECE a step [n]
Other moves: CEE C9 28, GREECE C5 27, GRECE C6 26, ERECT C6 25, GREETE C6 25

On 11th draw, PRIVATE C3 82 --- PRIVATE a soldier of lower rank [n] --- PRIVATE secluded from the sight, presence, or intrusion of others [adj] --- PRIVATE secluded from the sight, presence or intrusion of others [adj]
Other moves: PRIVATE C5 80, PRIVATE K2 80, PRIVATER 4F 78, PRIVATE C4 77, PRIVET K4 30

On 12th draw, ACONITE K2 74 --- ACONITE a poisonous herb [n]
Other moves: ACTIONER 4F 72, CREATION 4B 72, REACTION 4C 72, ENACTION J4 64, ATWEEN 8J 27

On 13th draw, ROUE L2 25 --- ROUE a lecherous man [n]
Other moves: LIEN I6 21, EON 15D 20, HARE 10A 20, HARL 10A 20, HARN 10A 20

On 14th draw, FURRILY 4A 34 --- FURRILY in a furry manner [adj] --- FURRILY in a furry manner [adv]
Other moves: FIRRY 4A 30, FURRY 4A 30, FY J1 30, FURY 4A 28, IF J1 27

On 15th draw, KNIT 1H 34 --- KNIT to make a fabric or garment by joining loops of yarn [v]
Other tops: BIGOT 1G 34, KI J6 34, KNOT 1H 34
Other moves: BEWENT 8J 33, BIONT 1G 31, KOB 3G 31, BOUK B2 30, BINT 1H 28

On 16th draw, SUBLINE N8 87 --- SUBLINE an inbred line within a strain [n]
Other moves: BULSE 13I 30, NEWELS 8J 27, SINFUL A1 27, BIEN I6 25, BLUES I5 24

On 17th draw, OVIST O4 51 --- OVIST a believer that the ovum has the germ of all future generations [n]
Other moves: OVIST 15K 46, GITS O6 41, GIST O5 39, OOTS O6 38, GIT O6 36

On 18th draw, ZIFF A1 57 --- ZIFF a beard [n]
Other moves: FIZ 3G 41, ZINE 6J 38, PIZING E1 36, PIZING E3 36, PING J6 34

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