Game on December 13, 2024 at 08:12, 11 players
1. 366 pts Chelsea
2. 206 pts LongJump22
3. 111 pts babsbedi
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


10G 37 67 


L10 26 93 


H8 48 141 


I2 60 201 


5H 74 275 


O1 48 323 


N5 31 354 


15A 74 428 


14D 55 483 


15K 36 519 


12A 88 607 


A6 39 646 


B4 85 731 


A1 42 773 


C2 43 816 


D2 57 873 


E9 36 909 


L1 28 937 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 8:29 -571 366 1.7213 Chelsea 1 8:29 -571 366
LongJump22 3 4:04 -731 206 Group: intermediate
babsbedi 0 5:18 -826 111 1.6880 babsbedi 0 5:18 -826 111
NNNNNN1112 1 3:08 -839 98 2.6681 ShotPut22 0 0:52 -905 32
OOOOOO1112 1 3:50 -839 98 3.6623 Javelin22 0 1:19 -905 32
MMMMMM1112 0 0:37 -882 55 4.6603 Hammer22 0 1:44 -905 32
LLLLLL1112 0 1:12 -882 55 Group: novice
8. -
LLLLLL1144 1 1:57 -895 42 1.5673 LongJump22 3 4:04 -731 206
ShotPut22 0 0:52 -905 32 2.5651 NNNNNN1112 1 3:08 -839 98
Javelin22 0 1:19 -905 32 3.5507 OOOOOO1112 1 3:50 -839 98
Hammer22 0 1:44 -905 32 4.5583 MMMMMM1112 0 0:37 -882 55
5.5610 LLLLLL1112 0 1:12 -882 55
Group: not rated
1. - LLLLLL1144 1 1:57 -895 42
On 1st draw, EVERY H8 30 --- EVERY each without exception [adj]
Other tops: VEERY H4 30, VEERY H8 30
Other moves: VERTUE H4 26, EVERY H4 24, VERTU H4 24, EVERY H5 22, EVERY H6 22
VERY H7 20 babsbedi
On 2nd draw, PEAZES 10G 37 --- PEAZE to weigh [v]
Other tops: PEIZES 10G 37
Other moves: PAIREST 11E 36, PATZERS 11C 36, PEAZE 10G 36, PEIZE 10G 36, TEAZES 10G 35
ZEES 10F 33 babsbedi
On 3rd draw, SARNEY L10 26 --- SARNEY a sandwich [n]
Other tops: SENARY L10 26
Other moves: AIERY 11E 25, AIERY 7E 25, AYRIE 7F 25, REAN 11H 25, REAR 11H 25
REAR 11H 25 Chelsea
YEARN 12H 16 babsbedi
On 4th draw, EVERYMAN H8 48 --- EVERYMAN the typical or ordinary man [n]
Other moves: JANTY 15H 45, MINARET K5 40, RAMJET K6 34, AMAIN 11J 33, NARTJIE 14F 32
JANTY 15H 45 Chelsea
YARN 15L 21 babsbedi
On 5th draw, (B)OTONEE I2 60 --- BOTONEE having arms ending in a trefoil -- used of a heraldic cross [adj]
Other tops: (B)OTONEE G2 60
Other moves: E(C)OTONE G2 59, E(C)OTONE I2 59, (B)OTONNEE 15C 58, (R)OTENONE 15B 58, ET(H)ONONE 15B 57
YONT 15L 21 babsbedi
On 6th draw, VOGUIEST 5H 74 --- VOGUEY modish [adj]
Other tops: VOGUIEST 3H 74
Other moves: GYVES 15K 36, GYTES 15K 27, GIVERS 11D 26, MEVING 13H 26, STUIVER 11B 24
On 7th draw, GRAFTED O1 48 --- GRAFT to unite with a growing plant by insertion [v]
Other moves: DRAFT O1 39, FAGOTED O1 39, GRAFT O1 39, FAGOTER O1 36, AFAR 11J 35
FREED 14J 34 Chelsea
On 8th draw, SWAT N5 31 --- SWAT to hit sharply [v]
Other tops: SWOT N5 31
Other moves: CAW H1 30, COW H1 30, RIATA 11H 27, CARTA 11F 24, CORIA 11F 24
CAW H1 30 Chelsea
On 9th draw, AR(T)ESIAN 15A 74 --- ARTESIAN type of well [adj]
Other tops: (C)ESARIAN 15A 74
Other moves: AS(P)ERMIA 13C 72, SA(P)REMIA 13C 72, SEA(T)RAIN 15A 71, AIR(B)ASE(S) 2F 60, AIR(B)A(S)ES 2F 60
YEAR 15L 21 Chelsea
On 10th draw, REX 14D 55 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other tops: RAX 14D 55
Other moves: AX 14E 52, EX 14E 52, OX 14E 52, AXAL 11J 51, TAXOR 4I 42
REX 14D 55 Chelsea
On 11th draw, KYLOE 15K 36 --- KYLOE one of the small long-haired Scottish cattle [n]
Other moves: BOK H1 34, YELK 15L 33, YLKE 15L 33, YOKE 15L 33, YOLK 15L 33
BOK H1 34 Chelsea
On 12th draw, CLOWNERY 12A 88 --- CLOWNERY clownish behaviour [n]
Other moves: CROWER B10 34, CREOLE M3 31, ORACLE 11J 31, COW H1 30, CLONER B10 28
On 13th draw, BIOPTIC A6 39 --- BIOPSY to examine tissue from a living body [adj] --- BIOPTIC relating to biopsy [adj]
Other moves: BIOPIC A7 36, BIONTIC A6 33, BIONIC A7 30, BIOTIC A7 30, NIOBIC A7 30
BIOPTIC A6 39 LongJump22
BOP H1 26 Chelsea
On 14th draw, ATISHOO B4 85 --- ATISHOO sound of a sneeze [n]
Other moves: ATISHOO B1 82, AHA 11J 33, HAO 13C 33, HOI 13C 33, HOO 13C 33
ATISHOO B1 82 LongJump22
ATISHOO B1 32 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Hammer22
On 15th draw, LITH A1 42 --- LITH a joint [n]
Other moves: LITH C4 30, HI 13C 27, HILT A1 27, HINT A1 27, THIN A1 27
LITH A1 42 LongJump22, LLLLLL1144
On 16th draw, FUJI C2 43 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: JAB H1 41, JAM H1 41, JA 14N 38, JAI 11C 38, JAB C4 34
FUJI C2 43 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
JAM H1 41 Chelsea
On 17th draw, AMIDO D2 57 --- AMIDO containing an amide united with an acid radical [adj]
Other moves: AMID D2 55, MICA D3 53, MICO D3 53, MIC D3 51, MID D3 48
AMID D2 55 MMMMMM1112, Chelsea, LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 18th draw, QUINCES E9 36 --- QUINCE a fragrant, acid fruit [n]
Other moves: LIQUID L1 34, QUID L3 28, QUIN E9 26, QUA 3M 24, QUOD 3G 24
On 19th draw, BUNDING L1 28 --- BUND to make an embankment [v]
Other moves: UNGLUED K5 24, UNGULED K5 24, BEDU K9 22, BLUED K7 22, BUD M7 22
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