Game on December 13, 2024 at 08:58, 7 players
1. 255 pts Chelsea
2. 166 pts LongJump22
3. 71 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 76 76
2. 2B 36 112
3. 3A 25 137
4. A3 83 220
5. B9 74 294
6. 15A 51 345
7. 14F 66 411
8. H10 36 447
9. 15K 58 505
10. 13J 43 548
11. 11G 70 618
12. D1 30 648
13. G1 43 691
14. 6F 36 727
15. B6 52 779
16. C10 43 822
17. 8G 63 885
18. 3G 36 921
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7224 Chelsea 1 9:26 -666 255 1.7224 Chelsea 1 9:26 -666 255
2.5673 LongJump22 3 4:21 -755 166 2.7585 Mycophot 1 1:56 -850 71
3.7585 Mycophot 1 1:56 -850 71 Group: novice
4.5507 OOOOOO1112 1 1:42 -878 43 1.5673 LongJump22 3 4:21 -755 166
5.5610 LLLLLL1112 1 1:13 -885 36 2.5507 OOOOOO1112 1 1:42 -878 43
6.5651 NNNNNN1112 1 1:35 -885 36 3.5610 LLLLLL1112 1 1:13 -885 36
7.5583 MMMMMM1112 1 1:57 -885 36 4.5651 NNNNNN1112 1 1:35 -885 36
5.5583 MMMMMM1112 1 1:57 -885 36
On 1st draw, DOCILER H2 76 --- DOCILE easily trained [adj]
Other moves: DOCILER H4 74, DOCILER H3 72, DOCILER H6 72, DOCILER H7 72, DOCILER H8 72
On 2nd draw, Q(U)OINED 2B 36 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: Q(A)DI 2F 33, CINQ(U)E 4H 32, Q(U)INCE 4D 32, Q(U)INIE 5D 28, Q(U)INIE 5F 28
On 3rd draw, GIRO 3A 25 --- GIRO a European mechanism for transfer of funds [n]
Other moves: RIG 3A 23, IRE 3B 21, CIERGE 4H 18, GOER 1D 18, GOOIER D1 18
RIG 3A 23 Chelsea
On 4th draw, GA(M)ESMAN A3 83 --- GAMESMAN one who plays games [n]
Other tops: GAMES(M)AN A3 83, GAME(L)ANS A3 83
Other moves: MANAC(L)ES 4D 82, CAMS(T)ANE 4H 74, MAENA(D)S G7 72, MANA(G)ES G7 72, S(P)ACEMAN 4E 72
GAME(R)S A3 27 Chelsea
On 5th draw, TOUTIER B9 74 --- TOUTIE petulant [adj]
Other moves: TOUTIER G7 65, TROUTIER 8G 59, TOUTER B6 26, ROUTE B6 25, EROTIC 4C 24
TIER B6 18 Chelsea
On 6th draw, FRAYED 15A 51 --- FRAY to wear off by rubbing [v]
Other tops: DRAWLY 15A 51
Other moves: AREFY 15A 45, FRAY 15A 42, LIFEWAY 13A 40, DRAWL 15A 39, DRAW 15A 36
FRAYED 15A 51 Chelsea
On 7th draw, OUTSEEN 14F 66 --- OUTSEE to see beyond [v]
Other moves: OUTSEEN G7 65, TOLUENES 6F 62, OUTSEEN G8 61, TONES C9 27, ONES C10 19
STONEY D10 18 Chelsea
On 8th draw, DACITE H10 36 --- DACITE a fine-grained volcanic rock [n]
Other moves: ACUTE H11 30, DUGITE H10 30, AIDE 15H 28, ACED 15L 27, ACID 15L 27
CATE H12 27 Chelsea
On 9th draw, MYOID 15K 58 --- MYOID resembling muscle [adj]
Other moves: DUOMI 15K 33, MYOID 13J 33, TUMID 15K 32, DIMITY 13A 31, MUTINY L10 30
MY 15K 24 Chelsea
On 10th draw, WHATEN 13J 43 --- WHATEN what [adj]
Other tops: WHATNA C10 43
Other moves: HWAN 13J 39, WHAE 13J 39, WHAT 13J 39, WHAT C10 37, WHEN C10 37
WHAT 13J 39 Chelsea
On 11th draw, NAUPLIAL 11G 70 --- NAUPLIAL pertaining to nauplius [adj] --- NAUPLIUS a form of certain crustaceans [adj]
Other moves: PANIC 4D 28, PAULIN O8 27, PLAINLY D9 24, PAIN 1D 23, PLAN 1D 23
PANIC 4D 28 Chelsea
On 12th draw, FOOBAR D1 30 --- FOOBAR ucked Up Beyond All Repair [adj]
Other moves: FAB 4D 28, FUB 4D 28, RUBACES 4D 28, RUBEFY D10 28, SAFER G5 28
On 13th draw, SEZ G1 43 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: GAZED 10D 38, GLAZES 6G 36, GLOZES 6G 36, GLAZE 6G 35, GLOZE 6G 35
SEZ G1 43 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112
On 14th draw, JELAB 6F 36 --- JELAB a Middle Eastern hooded cloak [n]
Other tops: JALOP 6F 36, JALOPY D10 36
Other moves: CAJOLE 4H 30, JELLO 6F 30, JOEY D12 28, JAB 10M 27, JAP 10M 27
JALOPY D10 36 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112
On 15th draw, XI B6 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AX B5 51, HEX 7G 51, OX B5 51, HOAX I4 48, AXE 7F 44
XI B6 52 LongJump22
On 16th draw, WHATNA C10 43 --- WHATNA what [adj]
Other moves: WHAT C10 37, WHIN C10 37, WHIT C10 37, HEW 7G 35, ANEW 7F 33
HEW 7G 35 LongJump22
On 17th draw, GROOVERS 8G 63 --- GROOVER one that grooves [n]
Other moves: GROVES K1 35, VEGOS K2 33, GOVS K3 31, OVERS K2 31, ROVES K2 31
GROVES K1 35 Mycophot
On 18th draw, ZORGITE 3G 36 --- ZORGITE a metallic copper-lead selenide [n]
Other moves: KILERGS N2 28, KILTERS N2 26, KIRTLES N2 26, KI C7 23, CLEIK 4H 22
ZORGITE 3G 36 Mycophot
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