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Game on December 13, 2024 at 12:01, 6 players
1. 324 pts Chelsea
2. 202 pts LongJump22
3. 60 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. alnpuvw   H8    24    24   unlaw
 2. adeemoo  12C    24    48   meadow
 3. aadginr   D8    63   111   gardenia
 4. aepstuz  14B    72   183   spitz
 5. behnosu   8A    36   219   boughs
 6. ?aoqrru   F1    70   289   rorquals
 7. ?deiiot   1A   131   420   dipteroi
 8. aeirstu   2F    64   484   outraise
 9. aeenosv   N2    38   522   seven
10. efilntx   3I    48   570   extine
11. eeiotvy   O6    35   605   yeve
12. ceflnoy  15F    35   640   onely
13. abfilor  14J    52   692   fibro
14. adegilt   K1    72   764   litigated
15. aegjmoo   J6    59   823   jam
16. ehiklop   M9    40   863   kephir
17. egilnor   A4    62   925   ignobler
18. accfotw   L9    40   965   atoc

Remaining tiles: cfw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7178 FileChelsea     0 12:46  -641  324     1.7178 Chelsea     0 12:46  -641  324 
  2.5673 FileLongJump22  3  3:22  -763  202            Group: novice
  3.5583 FileMMMMMM1112  1  2:34  -905   60     1.5673 LongJump22  3  3:22  -763  202 
  4.5651 FileNNNNNN1112  1  3:16  -905   60     2.5583 MMMMMM1112  1  2:34  -905   60 
  5.5507 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:28  -936   29     3.5651 NNNNNN1112  1  3:16  -905   60 
  6.5610 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:47  -936   29     4.5507 OOOOOO1112  0  1:28  -936   29 
                                             5.5610 LLLLLL1112  0  1:47  -936   29 

On 1st draw, UNLAW H8 24 --- UNLAW to annul [v]
Other moves: PAWL H5 18, PAWL H6 18, PAWL H7 18, PAWL H8 18, PAWN H5 18
UNLAW H8 24 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, MEADOW 12C 24 --- MEADOW a tract of grassland [n]
Other moves: MOOED G7 22, WAMED 12H 22, MEAD G8 20, MEAD I8 20, MEED G8 20

On 3rd draw, GARDENIA D8 63 --- GARDENIA a tropical shrub or tree [n]
Other moves: DRAINAGE D5 61, GUARDIAN 8G 61, GARDAI 13B 37, UNLAWING H8 36, RADIAN 13B 35
UNLAWING H8 36 Chelsea, LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112

On 4th draw, SPITZ 14B 72 --- SPITZ a breed of dogs with long hair [n]
Other moves: ADZE 11C 57, ADZ 11C 52, SPAZ C6 52, ZANTES 13B 48, ZUPAS 15A 48
SPITZ 14B 72 LongJump22
SAZ C7 47 Chelsea

On 5th draw, BOUGHS 8A 36 --- BOUGH a tree branch [n]
Other moves: BOUGH 8A 33, SHEA 15A 30, SHOGUN 8A 30, OBES 15F 29, OHS 15F 29
SHEA 15A 30 Chelsea
OBES 15F 29 OOOOOO1112
OHS 15F 29 LLLLLL1112

On 6th draw, RORQUA(L)S F1 70 --- RORQUAL a large whale [n]
Other moves: AQU(A) 15F 47, (A)QUA 15F 46, QUAN(T) 13A 44, QUO(T)HA E4 36, QOR(M)A 10B 35
RORQUA(L)S F1 70 LongJump22
Q(I) 15A 31 Chelsea

On 7th draw, DI(P)TEROI 1A 131 --- DIPTEROS a building with two colonnades [n]
Other moves: IOD(Y)RITE 1B 80, DIORITE(S) 1C 77, RETI(N)OID 1F 77, TRIO(X)IDE 1E 77, DIORITE(S) 3C 70
ODE 15F 23 Chelsea

On 8th draw, OUTRAISE 2F 64 --- OUTRAISE to surpass in raising [v]
Other moves: RURALITES 10D 63, SAUTOIRE B4 62, QUAREST 4F 34, QUARTES 4F 34, QUATRES 4F 34
ARTIES 15F 29 Chelsea

On 9th draw, SEVEN N2 38 --- SEVEN a number [n]
Other tops: SOAVE N2 38
Other moves: AVENS 15F 35, OAVES 15F 35, OVENS 15F 35, SOAVE 1K 34, AVES 15F 32
OVENS 15F 35 Chelsea

On 10th draw, EXTINE 3I 48 --- EXTINE the outer layer of some spores [n]
Other moves: ENFIX O6 47, NIXE 3K 44, NEXT O5 37, EXIT O6 35, ANTEFIX 11H 34
XI 15A 29 Chelsea

On 11th draw, YEVE O6 35 --- YEVE to give [v]
Other moves: MOPY C12 31, TEDY 11B 30, TODY 11B 30, OYE 15F 29, EYOT O5 28

On 12th draw, ONELY 15F 35 --- ONELY standing alone [adj]
Other moves: FELONY N9 33, ONLY 15F 32, MOPY C12 31, FLOUNCY 5C 30, FLUENCY 5D 30
ONLY 15F 32 Chelsea

On 13th draw, FIBRO 14J 52 --- FIBRO a wall board of compressed asbestos and cement [n]
Other moves: FOLIAR 14J 50, FILAR 14J 48, FLAIR 14J 48, FLORA 14J 48, FOLIA 14J 48
FAB 14J 32 Chelsea

On 14th draw, LITIGATED K1 72 --- LITIGATE to subject to legal proceedings [v]
Other moves: TAIGLED M5 69, GLADIATE 6A 62, GLADIATE 6D 62, GEAT 4I 33, GIANT 13A 31

On 15th draw, JAM J6 59 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: G*DJ* 11B 53, G*DJ* 11B 53, JA J6 52, GAUJE C6 41, JEAN 13A 38

On 16th draw, KEPHIR M9 40 --- KEPHIR a drink made from fermented cow's milk [n]
Other moves: EIK 4J 38, KALIPH 11G 36, HOKIER M9 34, OKEH E5 33, KOEL 13K 32

On 17th draw, IGNOBLER A4 62 --- IGNOBLE of low character [adj]
Other moves: REG L6 27, GEL L6 25, GEN L6 25, INGO G4 24, LION 13A 24

On 18th draw, ATOC L9 40 --- ATOC a skunk [n]
Other moves: WAQF 4D 38, WOOF B7 38, CAHOW 12K 34, TWA L7 33, CHAW 12L 32

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