Game on December 14, 2024 at 02:17, 1 player
1. 35 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 24 24
2. I6 31 55
3. H11 39 94
4. 11D 98 192
5. 14H 74 266
6. O10 48 314
7. N4 73 387
8. 10I 35 422
9. E8 61 483
10. O1 30 513
11. 8A 21 534
12. 2J 34 568
13. 1H 37 605
14. 8L 66 671
15. F9 38 709
16. D10 45 754
17. 15A 30 784
18. L4 30 814
19. 15J 39 853
20. A4 78 931
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7070 GLOBEMAN 1 0:54 -896 35 1.7070 GLOBEMAN 1 0:54 -896 35
On 1st draw, JAM H7 24 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other tops: JAM H6 24, JAM H8 24
Other moves: JANE H5 22, JANE H6 22, JANE H7 22, JANE H8 22, JEAN H5 22
On 2nd draw, VAGUED I6 31 --- VAGUE to be indefinite [v]
Other moves: VAGUE I6 29, GANEV I6 28, UNAGED I5 28, VADE I6 28, VANED I6 28
On 3rd draw, AFTER H11 39 --- AFTER behind in place or order [prep]
Other moves: FEUAR J10 34, FANE J10 31, FARE J10 31, F*RTFART J10 31, FATE J10 31
On 4th draw, UPL(O)ADING 11D 98 --- UPLOAD to transfer information from a small computer to a larger computer [v]
Other tops: UPL(E)ADING 11D 98
Other moves: RU(M)PLING 15H 83, I(M)PLUNGE 14A 74, (C)UPELING 14E 64, PURLING(S) 15F 62, (S)LURPING 15E 62
On 5th draw, ESOTERIC 14H 74 --- ESOTERIC designed for a select few [adj]
Other tops: COTERIES 14B 74, COTTIERS 13F 74
Other moves: CITREOUS D5 72, RECTIONS K5 70, COISTREL F4 64, COSTLIER F7 64, COTERIES 14E 64
On 6th draw, ADVECT O10 48 --- ADVECT to convey or transport by the flow of a fluid [v]
Other moves: REDACT O10 33, VERRA 12A 32, VEDUTA D8 28, ARRECT O10 27, DACE O12 27
On 7th draw, LIMPEST N4 73 --- LIMP lacking rigidity [adj]
Other moves: TEMPI 12A 32, PLIM 12A 30, IMPETUS D6 28, PISTE 12A 28, SLIME 12A 28
On 8th draw, EKE 10I 35 --- EKE to supplement with great effort [v]
Other moves: DEEK 8L 33, DOEK 8L 33, EUKED 8K 33, KUDO 13J 33, KUDO O1 33
On 9th draw, DIAPASON E8 61 --- DIAPASON a whole range of musical tones [n]
Other moves: SODAIN O3 44, DANIOS O3 43, ADIOS O4 41, ANOAS O4 37, SAID O5 34
On 10th draw, ORNATE O1 30 --- ORNATE elaborately or excessively ornamented [adj]
Other moves: NEAR O5 28, NEAT O5 28, TEAR O5 28, TOEA O5 28, TUAN O5 28
On 11th draw, ROUND 8A 21 --- ROUND shaped like a sphere [adj] --- ROUND to shape like a ball [v]
Other tops: ALOUD 8A 21, LAUND 8A 21, LOUND 8A 21, NOULD 8A 21, ULNAD 8A 21
Other moves: ANOLE 13K 20, LONER 8K 18, LORAN 15A 18, LUNA 13J 18, LURER 8K 18
On 12th draw, FALSER 2J 34 --- FALSE contrary to truth or fact [adj] --- FALSER a falsifier [n]
Other tops: FLASER 2J 34
Other moves: FEEL 8L 33, FEEN 8L 33, FEES 8L 33, FLEA 8L 33, FLEE 8L 33
On 13th draw, OBEY 1H 37 --- OBEY to follow the commands or guidance of [v]
Other moves: YEBO 13J 33, BOYO 1G 32, QIBLA 4K 32, YEBO 1G 32, OYE F13 31
On 14th draw, ZEE(S) 8L 66 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: G(A)ZUNDER 15A 57, (F)UZED D10 56, H(A)ZED 8K 51, H(I)ZEN 15A 51, (F)UZE D10 49
On 15th draw, OWLY F9 38 --- OWLY owlish [adj]
Other moves: OWE F13 31, OYE F13 31, IONIZE L4 30, OWL F9 29, WYE 7B 29
On 16th draw, HUH D10 45 --- HUH used to express surprise [interj]
Other moves: HUB D10 41, HAHS 9K 40, HOHS 9K 40, HAH 3K 39, HOH 3K 39
On 17th draw, COIGN 15A 30 --- COIGN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other tops: CONING 15A 30, COOING 15A 30, CORING 15A 30
Other moves: COGON 15A 27, CROG C12 26, CIG C12 24, CION C12 24, COG C12 24
On 18th draw, IONIZE L4 30 --- IONIZE to convert into ions [v]
Other moves: TONITE 13H 27, EONS 9K 22, TOES 9K 22, TONS 9K 22, ERINITE 15G 19
On 19th draw, NIX 15J 39 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other tops: RAX 15J 39
Other moves: AX 15K 36, XI 7C 36, LAX K5 35, NIX K5 35, AXE 13M 33
On 20th draw, QUARRIED A4 78 --- QUARRY to dig stone from an excavation [v]
Other moves: QUARRIED A5 70, QUOAD B6 39, QI K4 37, QUOD B6 34, QUOD 14C 32
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