Game on December 14, 2024 at 15:47, 6 players
1. 215 pts LongJump22
2. 155 pts MMMMMM1112
3. 151 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. 5E 78 108
3. M3 76 184
4. 4B 34 218
5. J3 72 290
6. L9 70 360
7. 15G 36 396
8. G7 44 440
9. L1 52 492
10. C2 70 562
11. 1K 45 607
12. 8A 36 643
13. 11D 83 726
14. 12A 48 774
15. 13B 53 827
16. 2A 44 871
17. B6 32 903
18. 14A 36 939
19. O1 92 1031
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5647 LongJump22 3 3:34 -816 215 1.7493 VVVVVV1112 1 2:35 -880 151
2.5471 MMMMMM1112 1 4:54 -876 155 Group: novice
3.7493 VVVVVV1112 1 2:35 -880 151 1.5647 LongJump22 3 3:34 -816 215
4.5676 NNNNNN1112 1 1:59 -963 68 2.5471 MMMMMM1112 1 4:54 -876 155
5.5507 LLLLLL1112 0 0:27 -992 39 3.5676 NNNNNN1112 1 1:59 -963 68
6.5519 OOOOOO1112 0 1:56 -998 33 4.5507 LLLLLL1112 0 0:27 -992 39
5.5519 OOOOOO1112 0 1:56 -998 33
On 1st draw, HAVIO(R) H4 30 --- HAVIOR behavior [n]
Other moves: HAVO(C) H4 28, HOV(E)A H4 28, WAHO(O) H4 28, WAH(O)O H4 28, WAIV(E) H4 28
HAVIO(R) H4 30 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, INTARSI(A) 5E 78 --- INTARSIA a decorative technique [n]
Other tops: TRIA(Z)INS 5E 78, (V)ITRAINS 5D 78
Other moves: HISTRI(O)N 4H 72, NITRI(D)S 10B 72, NITRI(L)S 10B 72, TIRIN(G)S 10B 72, INH(E)RITS 4F 70
INTARSI(A) 5E 78 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 3rd draw, ENSEARS M3 76 --- ENSEAR to dry up [v]
Other moves: ENSEARS 10B 73, ENSEARS 10F 73, ENSNARES F2 62, ENSNARES F4 62, NEARNESS F1 62
ENSEARS 10F 73 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, JIMP 4B 34 --- JIMP natty [adj]
Other moves: PRAM 8L 33, PRIM 8L 33, JARP 4B 30, PANIM 4K 30, RAJ 8M 30
JIMP 4B 34 LongJump22
On 5th draw, DESYATIN J3 72 --- DESYATIN a Russian measurement of land [n]
Other moves: DEITY 6B 39, DENAY 6B 39, TYRED 8K 39, DAINTY 6A 38, AYRIE 8K 36
On 6th draw, ALNAGER L9 70 --- ALNAGER cloth inspector [n]
Other moves: ALNAGER G9 63, GARJAN B1 32, GANJA B1 26, EARL I3 24, LAAGER L7 23
On 7th draw, TWOFER 15G 36 --- TWOFER something that is sold at the rate of two for the price of one [n]
Other tops: FEWTER 15G 36, WEETED 14J 36
Other moves: WOF M12 34, DEFE(A)T L1 33, FEWER 15H 33, TOWERED 15H 33, WEETE 14J 32
On 8th draw, QI G7 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 14F 33, QAT G3 27, QAT N1 26, EARL I3 24, EORL I3 24
QI 14F 33 OOOOOO1112
On 9th draw, ZOAE(A) L1 52 --- ZOAEA a larval stage of crabs, pl ZOAEAE or ZOAEAS [n]
Other moves: DIAZO 14F 46, AZIDE 14H 43, AZOTED 14H 43, AZOTE 14H 41, AZIDE 6A 40
ZEA 14F 39 LLLLLL1112
On 10th draw, TRITONIA C2 70 --- TRITONIA a South African plant [n]
Other moves: ANTIRIOT C1 68, ROTATING 13E 61, TROATING 13E 61, ZATI 1L 39, ZONA 1L 39
On 11th draw, AZIDO 1K 45 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [adj] --- AZIDO relating to azide [adj]
Other moves: ZILA 1L 39, MODAL B6 33, AMIDOL B9 32, VALGOID 13I 32, AMIDO 8A 30
On 12th draw, FLIM 8A 36 --- FLIM a five pound note [n]
Other moves: FE N6 28, MELL B6 28, MOLE B6 28, MOLL B6 28, MOOL B6 28
On 13th draw, BORDARS 11D 83 --- BORDAR a cottager subject to a lord [n]
Other moves: BORDARS 14A 76, BORDARS F8 69, BODS M12 40, ADORERS 14H 37, BOAS M12 37
On 14th draw, WHEY 12A 48 --- WHEY the watery part of milk [n]
Other moves: HOLEY 6B 45, HOOEY 6B 45, COWY 12A 44, HOLEY B6 44, HOLLY B6 44
On 15th draw, OXEN 13B 53 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: EX 13B 41, EXON M11 41, EXUL M11 41, OX 13B 41, DUX M12 40
On 16th draw, GUTLIKE 2A 44 --- GUTLIKE resembling guts [adj]
Other moves: KILD B6 40, KELL B6 38, KILL B6 38, KLUDGE N9 35, KLUGED N9 35
On 17th draw, PULED B6 32 --- PULE to whine [v]
Other moves: PUGGED 13I 28, PODGE 6B 27, EPHOD B10 26, PELT B6 26, PULE B6 26
On 18th draw, ECO 14A 36 --- ECO ecology [n]
Other moves: VIOLET K4 29, CEORL I2 27, TO 14B 26, VOUGE 13I 26, VULGO 13I 26
On 19th draw, OUTBULGE O1 92 --- OUTBULGE to surpass in size [v]
Other moves: BEG 1G 22, BETEL 14I 22, BUG 1G 22, BULGE 13I 22, BUT M12 22
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