Game on December 14, 2024 at 17:21, 11 players
1. 209 pts Pacific
2. 187 pts ArcticFox
3. 181 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 76 76
2. 9B 69 145
3. 11C 68 213
4. 8A 46 259
5. K6 44 303
6. G1 64 367
7. H1 56 423
8. L1 84 507
9. 13G 74 581
10. M6 34 615
11. 12A 34 649
12. 13A 29 678
13. 2J 68 746
14. 14A 36 782
15. 14D 41 823
16. 15G 36 859
17. 4D 20 879
18. E3 28 907
19. J5 25 932
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.9329 Pacific 2 5:56 -723 209 1.9329 Pacific 2 5:56 -723 209
2.7116 ArcticFox 0 8:58 -745 187 Group: advanced
3.5647 LongJump22 2 2:24 -751 181 1.7116 ArcticFox 0 8:58 -745 187
4.7493 VVVVVV1112 2 3:33 -751 181 2.7493 VVVVVV1112 2 3:33 -751 181
5.5471 MMMMMM1112 1 3:37 -808 124 3.7480 sicilianc5 0 3:24 -830 102
6.7480 sicilianc5 0 3:24 -830 102 4.7636 Mycophot 0 1:38 -894 38
7.5676 NNNNNN1112 1 2:32 -844 88 5.7472 queen66 0 1:53 -894 38
8.5519 OOOOOO1112 1 1:38 -886 46 Group: novice
9.5507 LLLLLL1112 0 0:25 -890 42 1.5647 LongJump22 2 2:24 -751 181
10.7636 Mycophot 0 1:38 -894 38 2.5471 MMMMMM1112 1 3:37 -808 124
11.7472 queen66 0 1:53 -894 38 3.5676 NNNNNN1112 1 2:32 -844 88
4.5519 OOOOOO1112 1 1:38 -886 46
5.5507 LLLLLL1112 0 0:25 -890 42
On 1st draw, ABSE(N)CE H7 76 --- ABSENCE the state of being away [n]
Other tops: ABSE(N)CE H3 76, BEAC(H)ES H4 76, BECAS(S)E H2 76, BECAS(S)E H4 76, BECA(S)SE H2 76, BECA(S)SE H4 76, BECA(U)SE H2 76, BECA(U)SE H4 76, BE(L)ACES H4 76, BE(L)ACES H8 76, E(M)BACES H2 76, E(M)BACES H8 76
Other moves: ABSE(N)CE H2 72, ABSE(N)CE H4 72, ABSE(N)CE H6 72, BEAC(H)ES H2 72, BEAC(H)ES H3 72
ABSE(N)CE H3 76 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
CAB(L)ES H4 24 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, (G)OATFISH 9B 69 --- GOATFISH a tropical fish [n]
Other tops: TOA(D)FISH 9B 69
Other moves: H(A)AF G7 34, H(O)OF G7 34, H(O)OF I7 34, FAITHE(D) 13C 32, FAITHE(R) 13C 32
(G)OATFISH 9B 69 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
CHAFT 12H 26 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, MOTIO(N)ER 11C 68 --- MOTIONER one that motions [n]
Other tops: REMOTIO(N) 11A 68
Other moves: OMITTER E5 36, MOO(N)IER 11E 32, ROOMIE 10A 30, TOORIE 10A 26, MOHR I7 25
REMOTIO(N) 11A 68 Pacific
OMITTER E5 36 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, MMMMMM1112
On 4th draw, WAKE 8A 46 --- WAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: TWEAKER 13C 40, RAKE 8A 37, TAKE 8A 37, KAW 8A 36, REWAKE 13C 36
On 5th draw, HYENAS K6 44 --- HYENA a wolflike mammal [n]
Other tops: HYENAS 12A 44
Other moves: HYENS K7 42, YEAH 12A 42, YEAHS K7 42, ASHY K10 40, HAYS K8 40
YEAH 12A 42 LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
ASHY K10 40 Pacific
On 6th draw, MANNITE G1 64 --- MANNITE an alcohol [n]
Other tops: MANNITE I1 64
Other moves: NEMATIC 12B 40, INMATE L4 35, ETAMIN 12A 34, TINMAN L3 33, TINMEN L3 33
ETAMIN 12A 34 sicilianc5
On 7th draw, YGOE H1 56 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: YGO H1 47, YOWES 12B 40, WEYS 12A 39, YE H1 38, OWE H1 37
YE H1 38 sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66
MOSSY 1G 30 ArcticFox
On 8th draw, CORNEAE L1 84 --- CORNEA a part of the eye [n]
Other moves: CORNEAE L2 83, CORNEAE J2 81, EARCON J3 34, RACON J4 33, RECANE 8J 33
RACON J4 33 ArcticFox
CRANE 12A 30 sicilianc5
On 9th draw, REDTAILS 13G 74 --- REDTAIL a rodent-eating hawk [n]
Other moves: DILATERS 13C 72, LARDIEST 13C 72, ALCIDS 1J 27, DICAST 1J 27, DISTAL J2 27
TRIST E5 22 ArcticFox
On 10th draw, TWIGS M6 34 --- TWIG to observe [v]
Other moves: SWIG M6 33, TWIG M6 33, TWIST E5 28, WIGS M7 27, GLOWS 2J 26
TWIST E5 28 ArcticFox
On 11th draw, PROB 12A 34 --- PROB a problem [n]
Other moves: RAUPO 12A 30, VOAR 12A 30, VROU 12A 30, BARP J3 29, BOA F2 29
CRAB 1L 24 ArcticFox
On 12th draw, AERO 13A 29 --- AERO air [n] --- AERO pertaining to aircraft [adj]
Other moves: RELIANT E3 26, ELAN 13B 25, ENOL 13B 25, EOAN 13B 25, LARINE N1 25
On 13th draw, QUOIN 2J 68 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: QUAINT E4 42, QUANT E5 40, QUINT E5 40, QUAINT 6B 37, QUA(G) B6 32
QUOIN 2J 68 Pacific
On 14th draw, XI 14A 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: RITZ J11 33, ZAG 2F 33, EX 1N 29, ZIG J4 29, DIE 14A 26
On 15th draw, LAZE 14D 41 --- LAZE to pass time lazily [v]
Other moves: L*ZLEZ 14D 38, ZAFTIG F7 33, ZAG 2F 33, L*ZLEZ F5 32, ZAG J4 29
ZAG 2F 33 Pacific
On 16th draw, VIRION 15G 36 --- VIRION a virus particle [n]
Other tops: VIRINO 15G 36
Other moves: IRON 15D 29, VINO 15C 29, NOIR 15E 28, ROIN 15E 28, VINO 15G 27
On 17th draw, VULNED 4D 20 --- VULN to wound [v]
Other moves: FAG 2F 15, TUFT 6D 15, VAG 2F 15, FLA(G) B6 14, FUST N11 14
On 18th draw, JUDGE E3 28 --- JUDGE to decide on critically [v]
Other moves: JAG 2F 27, JEST N11 22, JUD E3 22, JUG E3 22, JUST N11 22
On 19th draw, UP J5 25 --- UP to raise [v]
Other moves: UP 14J 16, FAG 2F 15, PHAT 6J 15, PLUMY 1D 15, FLA(G) B6 14
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