Game on December 14, 2024 at 23:21, 5 players
1. 371 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 188 pts sunshine12
3. 184 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 26 26
2. 13B 78 104
3. 10B 83 187
4. 12A 47 234
5. 12G 85 319
6. M6 72 391
7. K8 76 467
8. 15H 167 634
9. 5K 30 664
10. O7 68 732
11. 14J 62 794
12. O1 28 822
13. 9C 49 871
14. 8A 58 929
15. 14E 35 964
16. G2 65 1029
17. 15A 42 1071
18. 2J 38 1109
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7069 GLOBEMAN 2 11:31 -738 371 1.7069 GLOBEMAN 2 11:31 -738 371
2.6995 sunshine12 1 3:57 -921 188 2.7084 roocatcher 1 6:27 -925 184
3.7084 roocatcher 1 6:27 -925 184 Group: intermediate
4. - chunk88 0 1:59 -1072 37 1.6995 sunshine12 1 3:57 -921 188
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:50 -1089 20 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 1:59 -1072 37
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:50 -1089 20
On 1st draw, SARNEY H7 26 --- SARNEY a sandwich [n]
Other tops: AYRIES H3 26, RENAYS H8 26, RESINY H7 26, SENARY H7 26, YEARNS H4 26
Other moves: AIERY H8 24, ARSEY H8 24, RAINY H8 24, RENAY H8 24, RESAY H8 24
On 2nd draw, DOOLIES 13B 78 --- DOOLY a stretcher for the sick [n]
Other moves: EIDOLONS 10B 63, SOLENOID 10D 63, DOOLES 13C 26, OLDIES 13C 26, OODLES 13C 26
On 3rd draw, J(O)INTING 10B 83 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other moves: JING(O)IST 7B 68, J(O)INTING 10E 67, J(O)ISTING 7E 67, J(O)NG 12A 48, JIG(S) 12A 46
On 4th draw, HASK 12A 47 --- HASK a fish-basket [n]
Other tops: KESH 12A 47
Other moves: TASKED 12A 46, DHAK 12C 45, ASKED 12B 42, HASTED 12A 42, KHAT 12C 42
On 5th draw, HYALOGEN 12G 85 --- HYALOGEN a substance found in animal cells [n]
Other moves: HALOGEN G2 68, HALOGENS 7A 64, HOG 14A 26, NOH 14A 26, OH 14B 24
On 6th draw, REUNITED M6 72 --- REUNITE to come together again [v]
Other tops: INTURNED N7 72, RETINUED M6 72
Other moves: UNTIRED G2 66, UNTRIED G2 66, INTRUDE G1 63, TURDINE G1 63, UNTRIDE G1 63
On 7th draw, PARVOLIN K8 76 --- PARVOLIN an oily liquid obtained from fish [n]
Other moves: VULN 8L 33, VAIN 14C 28, PATIN 11K 27, PUIR 8L 27, PULA 8L 27
On 8th draw, RAIN(B)OWY 15H 167 --- RAINBOWY like a rainbow [adj]
Other moves: ANY(H)OW 15J 45, (B)RAWNY 15G 45, (B)ROWNY 15G 45, (G)OWANY 15G 45, (U)NWARY 15J 45
On 9th draw, WIPE 5K 30 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other tops: OUP 14B 30, POUPE 8K 30, POW 14A 30
Other moves: W*PWOP 14A 29, W*PWOP 5K 28, W*GWOG 14A 26, GIP 5K 24, GOWPEN E5 24
On 10th draw, FLEXES O7 68 --- FLEX to bend [v]
Other tops: FLEXOS O7 68
Other moves: FOXES O8 65, FOXES O1 58, LEXES O8 56, LOXES O8 56, XI 14J 50
XI J14 50 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 11th draw, QI 14J 62 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI J14 62
Other moves: QUAT 4I 35, QUART F6 34, QAT 4J 33, CURAT 4H 29, QUANT E7 28
QI J14 62 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, TATER O1 28 --- TATER a potato [n]
Other tops: OATER O1 28, OTTAR O1 28, OTTER O1 28, REFLEXES O5 28, TOTER O1 28
Other moves: ROTA 14A 26, ROOT 14D 25, TRAT 14C 22, TROT 14C 22, RATOO 4H 21
ROTA 14A 26 sunshine12, roocatcher
On 13th draw, ZOEA 9C 49 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZA N2 46, ZOA 9C 46, ZA 9C 43, ZO 9C 43, AZO 6I 37
ZA N2 46 roocatcher
AZO 6I 37 chunk88
On 14th draw, BRAME 8A 58 --- BRAME fierce passion [n]
Other moves: BEAM 8A 52, REAM 8A 46, BREAM 4H 37, NAMER 8B 35, RAMEN 8B 35
MABE N2 30 sunshine12
BANE N2 24 roocatcher
On 15th draw, OFT 14E 35 --- OFT often [adv]
Other moves: ORF 6L 29, FETE N2 28, FOOTIE L1 28, IF 14E 28, OF 14E 28
FOG 14A 26 roocatcher
On 16th draw, AUDITEE G2 65 --- AUDITEE one that is audited [n]
Other moves: AUDITEE G1 64, TEAED 15A 25, ADIEU 15A 24, AUDIT 15A 24, ETUDE N1 23
DATE N2 20 sunshine12, BadBoyBen
On 17th draw, GUMBO 15A 42 --- GUMBO the okra plant [n]
Other moves: BUNCO 15A 39, MUNGO 15A 33, COMBI L1 28, COMBING 5C 28, COB 14A 27
On 18th draw, VICUNA 2J 38 --- VICUNA a ruminant mammal [n]
Other moves: VINO H1 32, OVIDUCT 3I 28, OVIDUCT 6A 27, CONDUIT 3I 26, DINO H1 26
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