Game on December 15, 2024 at 01:35, 5 players
1. 198 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 34 pts sunshine12
3. 34 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 36 36
2. 12H 24 60
3. 8A 83 143
4. J10 33 176
5. E5 48 224
6. 13A 74 298
7. F2 45 343
8. 15H 37 380
9. K7 29 409
10. 8J 39 448
11. N2 74 522
12. F10 37 559
13. G2 39 598
14. A11 39 637
15. D1 33 670
16. 1A 45 715
17. O1 36 751
18. M1 23 774
19. H1 46 820
20. O8 88 908
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6994 GLOBEMAN 0 7:39 -710 198 1.7004 sunshine12 0 1:04 -874 34
2.7004 sunshine12 0 1:04 -874 34 2.7129 roocatcher 0 1:38 -874 34
3.7129 roocatcher 0 1:38 -874 34 Group: intermediate
4. - chunk88 0 0:27 -878 30 1.6994 GLOBEMAN 0 7:39 -710 198
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:07 -884 24 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 0:27 -878 30
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:07 -884 24
On 1st draw, SNOWKS H8 36 --- SNOWK to prowl or sneak about [v]
Other tops: KNOWES H4 36
Other moves: KNOWE H4 34, KNOWS H4 34, SNOWK H8 34, WOKEN H4 32, WONKS H4 32
KNOWS H4 34 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 2nd draw, KYRIE 12H 24 --- KYRIE a religious petition for mercy [n]
Other tops: G*YGOY I7 24
Other moves: OYE I8 23, GOEY G7 21, GOEY I7 21, GOOEY 10F 21, GOOEY G6 21
On 3rd draw, E(P)AGOGES 8A 83 --- EPAGOGE argument by logical induction [n]
Other moves: E(P)AGOGES 13A 70, E(P)AGOGE G2 62, GA(S)OGENE 9B 62, GA(Z)OGENE 9B 62, GASOGE(N)E 8F 59
On 4th draw, JERID J10 33 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: MEJLIS 13C 32, HELM 11K 30, HEID 11K 28, HELD 11K 28, HEM 11K 28
On 5th draw, HEBONAS E5 48 --- HEBONA anything with a poisonous juice [n]
Other moves: BELAHS 15E 47, BHELS 15F 44, BLAHS 15F 44, BLASH 15G 44, HANSEL 15G 44
On 6th draw, VARIANTS 13A 74 --- VARIANT a variable [n]
Other moves: VARIANT C7 30, VARIA D1 29, VARNA D1 29, NAGARI F6 27, VARAN F2 27
On 7th draw, ZORIL F2 45 --- ZORIL a small African mammal [n]
Other tops: ZAG 12B 45
Other moves: ZOA 12B 41, ZOL 12B 41, ZORIL D10 41, ZORI D10 39, ZORI K9 39
On 8th draw, WI(S)P 15H 37 --- WISP to twist into a wisp (a small bunch or bundle) [v]
Other tops: POW(S) 15G 37, W*P(S)WOP(S) 15G 37
Other moves: PO(S)IT 15H 34, W(A)TAP B10 34, PIVOT A11 33, W(E)PT G3 33, POW G1 32
On 9th draw, TULADI K7 29 --- TULADI a freshwater fish [n]
Other tops: AWNED 11G 29, DUALIN K8 29
Other moves: RANID K9 28, ADIT K10 27, ARID K10 26, ALIT K10 23, DALI K9 23
On 10th draw, FUGLED 8J 39 --- FUGLE to lead [v]
Other tops: FUGUED 8J 39
Other moves: GULFED 8J 36, FLUATE B10 34, FUGAL B10 34, DUEFUL 8J 33, GUTFUL 8J 33
On 11th draw, POSTTEEN N2 74 --- POSTTEEN a person older than 19 years [n] --- POSTTEEN occurring after one's teenage years [adj]
On 12th draw, BORNYL F10 37 --- BORNYL an alcohol used in perfumes [n]
Other moves: BOY O1 33, BOY G1 32, BOYAR B10 32, BOYAU B10 32, BY 14E 32
On 13th draw, AMENT G2 39 --- AMENT a mentally deficient person [n]
Other moves: AMEN G2 35, MENTA O1 35, MANENT G1 34, MAVEN A11 33, VANT O1 33
MENT O1 30 chunk88
VAN O1 24 BadBoyBen
On 14th draw, VIVDA A11 39 --- VIVDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: CADI O1 34, VIDUAL 15A 33, VAUDOO 3I 28, VID O1 28, AVID A12 27
On 15th draw, MANIC D1 33 --- MANIC one that is affected with mania [n]
Other moves: CHINAMEN 5D 30, ENCOMIUM 3C 30, MANI O1 30, AMNIC D1 29, CAM O1 29
On 16th draw, QUIM 1A 45 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: QI O1 37, FIQUES 4I 36, QUOIFS 4I 36, QUASI 4K 30, FA H4 29
On 17th draw, FEH O1 36 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FOH O1 36
Other moves: HERO O1 33, FOH M1 32, CERO O1 30, FRESH 4K 30, FROSH 4K 30
On 18th draw, ROO M1 23 --- ROO a kangaroo [n]
Other tops: TOO M1 23
Other moves: OO M2 21, IT 2A 19, DIET 14A 18, DOTIER 14J 18, DOUTER 14J 18
On 19th draw, EX H1 46 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AX H1 46
Other moves: AX 12C 38, EX 12C 38, RAX 9A 38, REX 9A 38, AX 9B 35
On 20th draw, DECORATE O8 88 --- DECORATE to adorn [v]
Other moves: RECRATE 4F 24, CARETS 4I 20, ERECTS 4I 20, REACTOR 4F 20, REACTS 4I 20
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