Game on December 15, 2024 at 09:18, 9 players
1. 266 pts Chelsea
2. 236 pts LongJump22
3. 148 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


8H 77 103 


9K 44 147 


10L 43 190 


6F 62 252 


L1 22 274 


4B 76 350 


3G 42 392 


J1 22 414 


C3 36 450 


B8 97 547 


1L 27 574 


A12 41 615 


13A 62 677 


A5 48 725 


14F 53 778 


12H 62 840 


15J 35 875 


E6 86 961 

Remaining tile: 
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 9:19 -695 266 1.7179 Chelsea 1 9:19 -695 266
LongJump22 4 3:57 -725 236 2.7636 Mycophot 1 1:22 -813 148
Mycophot 1 1:22 -813 148 Group: novice
4. -
NNNNNN1144 1 1:57 -899 62 1.5519 LongJump22 4 3:57 -725 236
LLLLLL1112 0 1:21 -914 47 2.5581 LLLLLL1112 0 1:21 -914 47
MMMMMM1112 0 1:50 -914 47 3.5541 MMMMMM1112 0 1:50 -914 47
7. -
LLLLLL1144 1 1:58 -925 36 4.5596 NNNNNN1112 1 1:09 -934 27
NNNNNN1112 1 1:09 -934 27 5.5483 OOOOOO1112 1 1:31 -934 27
OOOOOO1112 1 1:31 -934 27 Group: not rated
1. - NNNNNN1144 1 1:57 -899 62
2. - LLLLLL1144 1 1:58 -925 36
On 1st draw, VISED H4 26 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v]
Other tops: VIRED H4 26
Other moves: DIVED H4 24, DIVED H8 24, DIVERS H4 24, DRIVES H4 24, VIERS H4 24
On 2nd draw, DIA(S)TOLE 8H 77 --- DIASTOLE the normal rhythmical dilation of the heart [n]
Other tops: DATOLI(T)E 8H 77, DA(T)OLITE 8H 77, DELATIO(N) 8H 77, DO(V)ETAIL 8H 77, I(S)OLATED 8A 77, TAILO(R)ED 8A 77, (F)OLIATED 8A 77, (P)ETALOID 8A 77, (V)IOLATED 8A 77
Other moves: OATLI(K)E 3G 76, ALOETI(C) 3H 74, (K)EITLOA 3B 74, VOLATI(L)E 4H 72, VOLITA(T)E 4H 72
On 3rd draw, TEXAS 9K 44 --- TEXAS the uppermost structure on a steamboat [n]
Other moves: SEXT 7G 39, TAX 9K 38, TEX 9K 38, ASCITES 5E 36, AX 9L 36
SEXT 7G 39 Chelsea
On 4th draw, DOH 10L 43 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other moves: VOZHD 4H 42, NOH 10L 41, HIZEN I7 40, OH 10M 37, LAZOED N8 36
DOH 10L 43 Chelsea
On 5th draw, ESSONITE 6F 62 --- ESSONITE a variety of garnet [n]
Other tops: ESSONITE 6G 62
Other moves: ESSONITE O8 35, TENSIVE 4C 20, VENITES 4H 20, VENTOSE 4H 20, VOTEENS 4H 20
VEINS 4H 16 Chelsea
On 6th draw, CRIANT L1 22 --- CRIANT garish [adj]
Other tops: CARLIN 3G 22, CATLIN 3G 22, LINAC 5K 22, NICTATED L3 22, TINCAL 3D 22
Other moves: CAIRN 3G 21, LINAC 3E 21, TICAL 3E 21, TRIAC 3E 21, ACTIN 3H 20
VICAR 4H 20 Chelsea
On 7th draw, OUTBRAVE 4B 76 --- OUTBRAVE to surpass in courage [v]
Other moves: TABOURER 2G 74, TABOURER 2E 64, ABORTER 2I 30, ARBORET 2H 30, RUBACE 1H 30
CRAB 1L 24 Chelsea
On 8th draw, PAWN 3G 42 --- PAWN to deposit as security for something borrowed [v]
Other moves: PAW 3G 41, WARPED 2J 40, PAWNCE 1H 39, DAWN 3G 38, DAW 3G 37
WARPED 2J 40 Chelsea
On 9th draw, LAND J1 22 --- LAND to set down upon land (solid ground) [v]
Other tops: LEND J1 22
Other moves: AND J2 21, CADE 1L 21, CEDE 1L 21, CLAD 1L 21, CUED 1L 21
CLAD 1L 21 Chelsea
On 10th draw, QUILTER C3 36 --- QUILTER one that quilts [n]
Other moves: QUIET C3 30, QUILT C3 30, QUIRE C3 30, QUIRT C3 30, QUITE C3 30
QUILTER C3 36 LongJump22, LLLLLL1144
QUITE C3 30 Chelsea
On 11th draw, B(E)FOAMS B8 97 --- BEFOAM to cover with foam [v]
Other moves: B(E)FOAMS 11F 81, B(E)EFS 8A 39, FOEMA(N) 8A 39, B(U)MFS N2 37, AMEB(A)S 8A 36
B(E)FOAMS B8 97 LongJump22
FAM(E)S N2 33 Chelsea
On 12th draw, CIVE 1L 27 --- CIVE a chive [n]
Other tops: VENTIL 1E 27
Other moves: ERVIL D8 26, LEVIN D8 26, VAINER 12A 26, VALINE 12A 26, VARLET 12A 26
On 13th draw, DEAW A12 41 --- DEAW dew [n]
Other moves: DECO A5 36, DAWEN D8 32, DEACON D8 32, DEAN A12 32, DEWAN D8 32
DEAW A12 41 LongJump22
On 14th draw, EMPERIZE 13A 62 --- EMPERIZE to play the emperor [v]
Other moves: ZEP D8 50, ZEIN D8 49, ZEE D8 48, EMPRIZE 13A 42, ZEL 1H 36
EMPERIZE 13A 62 LongJump22
On 15th draw, YUKO A5 48 --- YUKO an award of five points in judo [n]
Other tops: KAYO A5 48
Other moves: MAKO A5 45, YEUK H12 45, MAYO A5 42, MANKY 12H 41, KENO H12 39
MANKY 12H 41 Mycophot
On 16th draw, FATLY 14F 53 --- FATLY in the manner of one that is fat [adv]
Other moves: FAMILY 14F 52, FAMILY 12H 45, FILMY 12H 43, FLAMY 12H 43, TAMELY H10 42
FAMILY 12H 45 Mycophot
On 17th draw, JOMON 12H 62 --- JOMON (Japanese) a particular era in Japanese history. No -S [n] --- JOMON pertaining to a Japanese cultural period [adj]
Other moves: JETE H12 57, JOMO 12H 39, JEON 12H 37, JOE 12H 36, JO 12H 35
JOMON 12H 62 Mycophot, NNNNNN1144
On 18th draw, URGING 15J 35 --- URGE to drive forward [v] --- URGING the act of urging [n]
Other moves: RUG 12D 21, CRIT D1 20, CUIT D1 20, UREIC D11 20, GINGER D9 19
On 19th draw, HUNGRIER E6 86 --- HUNGRY having a craving desire [adj]
Other moves: HUG 12D 33, JETE H12 33, HINGER E6 32, HUNGER E6 32, BUHR E4 30
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