Game on December 16, 2024 at 01:17, 5 players
1. 220 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 167 pts sunshine12
3. 153 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 88 88
2. 14F 38 126
3. G6 22 148
4. 15A 28 176
5. F1 77 253
6. 15I 87 340
7. 4B 76 416
8. 1F 66 482
9. C3 78 560
10. 3I 77 637
11. 2N 47 684
12. 8A 36 720
13. O1 48 768
14. E3 32 800
15. 14L 29 829
16. 12B 28 857
17. 11D 27 884
18. 5I 32 916
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7060 GLOBEMAN 4 7:33 -696 220 1.7060 GLOBEMAN 4 7:33 -696 220
2.7047 sunshine12 4 6:57 -749 167 2.7047 sunshine12 4 6:57 -749 167
3.7189 roocatcher 4 6:33 -763 153 3.7189 roocatcher 4 6:33 -763 153
4. - BadBoyBen 0 1:51 -887 29 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 1:21 -894 22 1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:51 -887 29
2. - chunk88 0 1:21 -894 22
On 1st draw, FI(S)HEYE H7 88 --- FISHEYE a suspicious stare [n]
Other tops: FI(S)HEYE H4 88
Other moves: FI(S)HEYE H3 82, FI(S)HEYE H6 82, FI(S)HEYE H8 82, FI(S)HEYE H2 80, FI(S)HEYE H5 80
On 2nd draw, PO(S)EY 14F 38 --- POSEY adopting poses for effects [adj]
Other moves: Q(U)EY G8 36, Q(U)EP G8 34, Q(U)OP G8 34, E(S)PY 14G 31, POYO(U) G11 31
On 3rd draw, AITUS G6 22 --- AITU a Polynesian demigod [n]
Other tops: SETAE G6 22
Other moves: EAUS G7 21, ETAS G7 21, ITAS G7 21, ASEITY 12C 18, SETAE 13G 18
On 4th draw, RUGOSA 15A 28 --- RUGOSA a variety of garden rose [n]
Other moves: SAVOURY 12B 26, GRAVY 12D 24, SAVORY 12C 24, GOURAS F2 23, GROUSE 13C 23
On 5th draw, OBELIAS F1 77 --- OBELIA a marine hydroid also pl of OBELION [n]
Other moves: ABOLISHES 10B 70, OBELIAS I1 68, ABSEIL 15J 32, OBELIA 15J 32, *B*SABOS G12 29
On 6th draw, LOCATOR 15I 87 --- LOCATOR one who locates [n]
Other moves: COLLATOR 4C 72, COLLATOR 4D 72, CROTAL 1D 33, CLOOT 1D 30, CROOL 1D 30
On 7th draw, BUMALOTI 4B 76 --- BUMALOTI an Indian fish dried as food [n]
Other moves: BIMA 14L 32, BIOTA 1D 30, BAM 14L 28, BAM E3 28, BIMA G1 28
On 8th draw, ORATRIX 1F 66 --- ORATRIX a female orator [n]
Other moves: AXE 3B 46, TAXI 5C 46, RAX 3A 42, TAX 3A 42, AXEL I12 41
On 9th draw, OUTGIVES C3 78 --- OUTGIVE to give more than [v]
Other moves: VOGUIEST C1 76, SOVIET J4 30, VOGIEST M9 30, GIVES 3I 27, SOV J4 27
On 10th draw, DELTOID 3I 77 --- DELTOID a shoulder muscle [n]
Other moves: DELTOID 5I 71, DIVED 8A 33, DOVED 8A 33, DEVIL 8A 30, DEVOT 8A 30
On 11th draw, QI 2N 47 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VIVE 8A 33, DIVE 8A 27, VIDE O1 27, VINED N2 26, DIP 14L 25
VIDE O1 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 12th draw, HAVEN 8A 36 --- HAVEN to shelter [v]
Other moves: HAVE 8A 33, HIVE 8A 33, HIDE O1 27, AAH 14L 26, AHA 14M 26
HAVEN 8A 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 13th draw, KIDDING O1 48 --- KID to tease [v]
Other moves: KIDDIE O1 42, KIDGIE O1 42, KIDGE O1 39, WIDDIE O1 39, WIDGIE O1 39
KIDDING O1 48 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 14th draw, WAAC E3 32 --- WAAC a member of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps [n]
Other moves: DAW 14L 29, DEW 14L 29, WED 13G 28, AWE 14M 26, TRADUCE L3 26
DEW 14L 29 roocatcher, BadBoyBen
AW 14M 22 chunk88
On 15th draw, DAW 14L 29 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other moves: WED 13G 28, ALUDEL I10 27, LAW 14L 26, NAW 14L 26, NAW 14B 24
DAW 14L 29 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, PLUMERY 12B 28 --- PLUMERY plumes collectively [n]
Other moves: RUMPLY 12C 26, LEMEL I11 24, LUMPY 12D 24, PLUME 5I 24, PLUMY 12D 24
On 17th draw, NEF 11D 27 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other moves: ENFREE 5H 24, EF 11E 23, FEEN 5I 21, FEER 5I 21, FERE 5I 21
NEF 11D 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
On 18th draw, NEEZE 5I 32 --- NEEZE to sneeze [v]
Other moves: ZERDA L11 30, EVENER 5H 27, TREZ L3 26, ZIN 7B 25, ENERVE 5H 24
NEEZE 5I 32 roocatcher
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