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Game on December 16, 2024 at 09:04, 1 player
1. 196 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeiopz   H3    90    90   epizoan
 2. ehmnstu   9F    65   155   huntsmen
 3. deillos  10A    71   226   dollies
 4. aeeirtx  A10    66   292   dexter
 5. ?abinrv   3A    74   366   vibrance
 6. aikmnst   L3    88   454   mistaken
 7. aeioprt   D7    76   530   epilator
 8. adeijno   A1    51   581   jived
 9. ainstuy  15D    42   623   satiny
10. aegilnu  14H    77   700   unagile
11. bceortw   8A    33   733   cowp
12. bdegrtu   8L    32   765   kerb
13. aefgiln   5D   102   867   anglifies
14. cefhoqw   6J    44   911   fetch
15. adgoruu  15L    33   944   darg
16. aeoorvy  14A    27   971   every
17. adoqrtu   M1    39  1010   quod
18. aoortuw   1M    36  1046   qua

Remaining tiles: ooortw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7152 FileChelsea     1  4:17  -850  196     1.7152 Chelsea     1  4:17  -850  196 

On 1st draw, EPIZOA(N) H3 90 --- EPIZOAN an animal which lives on the surface of another [n]
Other moves: EPIZOA(N) H2 86, EPIZOA(N) H4 86, EPIZOA(N) H7 86, EPIZOA(N) H8 86, EPIZOA(N) H5 84

On 2nd draw, HU(N)TSMEN 9F 65 --- HUNTSMAN a hunter [n]
Other moves: HUMANEST 8E 64, HUNTSME(N) 9A 64, HUMINTS 5E 48, HUMITES 5E 48, MUSTH 10F 42

On 3rd draw, DOLLIES 10A 71 --- DOLLY to move on a wheeled platform [v]
Other moves: EIDOS I3 32, LIDOS I3 32, OLDIES 8A 29, SEI 10H 29, DEIL 8L 28

On 4th draw, DEXTER A10 66 --- DEXTER a small breed of Kerry cattle [n] --- DEXTER situated on the right [adj]
Other moves: RADIX A8 63, RETAX I3 58, TAXITE I5 53, AXITE I6 50, RETAXED A4 48

On 5th draw, VIBRAN(C)E 3A 74 --- VIBRANCE the state of being vibrant [n]
Other tops: VIBRAN(C)E L2 74
Other moves: VIBRAN(T)S J2 72, BRAVOIN(G) 7D 67, A(M)BIDEXTER A6 57, BIR(D)MAN K5 40, BRA(H)MIN K5 40

On 6th draw, MISTAKEN L3 88 --- MISTAKE to interpret wrongly [v]
Other moves: MANKIEST L4 80, KISMAT 8A 51, MAIK 8L 48, MAKI 8L 48, MAKS 8L 48

On 7th draw, EPILATOR D7 76 --- EPILATOR an agent for removing hair [n]

On 8th draw, JIVED A1 51 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: KOJI 8L 47, JIVE A1 45, JERID D1 42, JADE 6B 40, JAI C13 40
JIVED A1 51 Chelsea

On 9th draw, SATINY 15D 42 --- SATINY resembling satin [adj]
Other tops: SANITY 15D 42
Other moves: KAYS 8L 35, ESTRAY 14A 34, NAY I5 32, SAY I5 32, TAY I5 32
KAYS 8L 35 Chelsea

On 10th draw, UNAGILE 14H 77 --- AGILE able to move quickly and easily [adj] --- UNAGILE not agile [adj]
Other moves: LINGUAE 14G 71, EUKING 8J 41, AKING 8K 36, EKING 8K 36, GENIAL M2 33
AKING 8K 36 Chelsea

On 11th draw, COWP 8A 33 --- COWP to overturn [v]
Other moves: KERB 8L 32, TOW I5 32, OW I6 29, TORC 15L 28, CREPT 8A 27

On 12th draw, KERB 8L 32 --- KERB to provide a street with a concrete border [v]
Other tops: TUBED 13J 32
Other moves: BUDGE 6B 30, REDBUG 11F 29, REDUB 6B 29, TIRED B2 29, TUBER 13J 29
BRED M1 25 Chelsea

On 13th draw, ANGLIFIES 5D 102 --- ANGLIFY to make English [v]
Other moves: FINAGLER N1 78, FINAGLES J2 74, FANG 15L 49, FANE 15L 46, FILA 15L 46
FANG 15L 49 Chelsea

On 14th draw, FETCH 6J 44 --- FETCH to go after and bring back [v]
Other moves: CHEF M1 37, HONE 10J 35, FOH I5 33, HEW 13L 32, HEN 10J 31

On 15th draw, DARG 15L 33 --- DARG a task [n]
Other moves: GAUD M1 23, GOAD M1 23, GRAD M1 23, IGAD E10 23, DURGAH N1 22

On 16th draw, EVERY 14A 27 --- EVERY each without exception [adj]
Other moves: ARY M1 26, AY 4C 26, AYE C12 26, OY 4C 26, RAY M1 26

On 17th draw, QUOD M1 39 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other tops: QUAD M1 39
Other moves: QUOIF J2 37, QUAT M1 36, QUARER N10 35, QUOTER N10 35, QAT M2 34

On 18th draw, QUA 1M 36 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: QAT 1M 36
Other moves: WORT 13C 30, AWE C12 24, WATT I7 22, WAT I7 21, MAWR K9 20

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