Game on December 16, 2024 at 11:16, 7 players
1. 275 pts Chelsea
2. 199 pts LongJump22
3. 130 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 48 48
2. 5E 86 134
3. I7 75 209
4. 12G 70 279
5. 13K 33 312
6. 9C 77 389
7. E8 80 469
8. 15A 45 514
9. H11 48 562
10. C6 84 646
11. 4L 34 680
12. O1 33 713
13. B2 29 742
14. 6E 54 796
15. A7 41 837
16. N10 34 871
17. I3 33 904
18. 15J 33 937
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7141 Chelsea 1 10:24 -662 275 1.7141 Chelsea 1 10:24 -662 275
2.5509 LongJump22 3 4:02 -738 199 2.7443 sicilianc5 2 4:53 -807 130
3.7443 sicilianc5 2 4:53 -807 130 Group: novice
4.5613 MMMMMM1112 2 3:27 -875 62 1.5509 LongJump22 3 4:02 -738 199
5.5657 NNNNNN1112 1 1:19 -883 54 2.5613 MMMMMM1112 2 3:27 -875 62
6.5564 OOOOOO1112 1 1:41 -883 54 3.5657 NNNNNN1112 1 1:19 -883 54
7.5646 LLLLLL1112 1 1:59 -883 54 4.5564 OOOOOO1112 1 1:41 -883 54
5.5646 LLLLLL1112 1 1:59 -883 54
On 1st draw, ZANTE H4 48 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: HAZE H5 32, HAZE H6 32, HAZE H7 32, HAZE H8 32, ZANTE H8 30
On 2nd draw, (D)O(N)ATIVE 5E 86 --- DONATIVE a donation [n]
Other tops: O(B)VIATE(D) 5D 86, O(B)VIATE(S) 5D 86, O(P)TA(T)IVE 5E 86, O(P)(T)ATIVE 5E 86, VE(N)ATIO(N) 5E 86, VE(X)ATIO(N) 5E 86, VIO(L)ATE(D) 5D 86, VIO(L)ATE(R) 5D 86, VIO(L)ATE(S) 5D 86, VOTA(R)IE(S) 5E 86, VO(C)ATI(V)E 5E 86, VO(L)ATI(L)E 5E 86, (C)O(N)ATIVE 5E 86, (D)EVIATO(R) 5D 86, (L)O(C)ATIVE 5E 86, (R)OTA(T)IVE 5E 86, (R)O(T)ATIVE 5E 86, (S)TOVAI(N)E 5D 86, (V)O(C)ATIVE 5E 86
Other moves: EVE(C)TIO(N) 8H 80, (C)OVETI(S)E 8A 80, (D)E(N)OTIVE 8A 80, (L)OVE(B)ITE 8A 80, VO(G)IE(S)T 9C 78
On 3rd draw, AMENITY I7 75 --- AMENITY the quality of being pleasant or agreeable [n]
Other tops: AMENITY G7 75
Other moves: (D)YNAMITE E5 74, ANYTIME G7 73, ANYTIME I7 73, AMENITY G8 68, AMENITY I8 68
MAY 6D 30 Chelsea
On 4th draw, ALTITUDE 12G 70 --- ALTITUDE the vertical elevation of an object above a given level [n]
Other tops: ALTITUDE 12E 70, LATITUDE 12E 70, LATITUDE 12G 70
Other moves: UNTAILED 10H 63, DUALIZE 4C 40, EMULATED 8H 36, DEALT H11 32, TULADI J7 28
DATE 4L 18 Chelsea
On 5th draw, AHIND 13K 33 --- AHIND behind [adv]
Other moves: HAND 4L 30, HARD 4L 30, HIND 4L 30, DAH 6D 29, HAND 13L 29
HARD 4L 30 Chelsea
On 6th draw, OBELISES 9C 77 --- OBELISE to mark with an obelus [v]
Other moves: OBELISES L3 72, BO(D)ILESS E3 59, EMBOLIES 8H 39, EMBOLISE 8H 39, L*SB*SLESBOS M3 28
BOILS M1 24 Chelsea
On 7th draw, REJONEOS E8 80 --- REJONEO the art of bullfighting on horseback [n]
Other moves: REJON 8A 55, JEON 10B 35, JOES 10B 35, JONES 6B 35, JONES M1 34
JOES M2 32 Chelsea
On 8th draw, TWAYS 15A 45 --- TWAY a set of two [n]
Other moves: WASTERY 15C 42, OWRELAY F5 41, TAWERY 13B 41, WATERY 13B 41, TWEENY N9 40
WARY 4L 38 Chelsea
On 9th draw, BLAFF H11 48 --- BLAFF a West Indian stew [n]
Other moves: WAKF 4L 46, WAFF 4L 44, BAFF 4L 40, BOFF 4L 40, BOAK 4L 38
BAFF 4L 40 Chelsea
On 10th draw, SHOOGLED C6 84 --- SHOOGLE to shake [v]
Other moves: GOLOSHED C6 78, DOGHOLES C5 65, HEDGY D11 41, DOSEH M3 36, DOSEH 6B 35
SHOOGLED C6 84 LongJump22
HOED 4L 30 Chelsea
On 11th draw, PERV 4L 34 --- PERV one who has been perverted [n] --- PERV to look at lustfully [v]
Other moves: PRIVET 4A 31, PREVENT N8 28, PRIVET L1 28, PRIVIES J3 28, TERPENIC N8 28
PRIVET L1 28 LongJump22
On 12th draw, GROVED O1 33 --- GROVE a small forested area [adj] --- GROVED covered with a grove [adj]
Other tops: VOGUED O4 33
Other moves: DROME 3J 31, MORGUE B2 31, VOGUER O4 30, VOMER O4 30, DOME 3K 29
GROVED O1 33 LongJump22, Chelsea, MMMMMM1112
On 13th draw, COTEAU B2 29 --- COTEAU the higher ground of a region [n]
Other tops: CLEAT 3I 29
Other moves: CAUTER 2J 28, COALER 2J 28, COATER 2J 28, COLTER 2J 28, COUTER 2J 28
On 14th draw, OXEN 6E 54 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other tops: EXON 6E 54
Other moves: EX F13 52, EX 6E 51, OX 6E 51, EXO 8A 46, OXO 8A 46
EXON 6E 54 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 15th draw, PIKAU A7 41 --- PIKAU (Maori) a rucksack [n]
Other tops: PALKI A7 41, PIKUL A7 41, PULIK A7 41, PULKA A7 41
Other moves: PAIK A7 38, PIKA A7 38, PUKA A7 38, PULK A7 38, KLAP 3J 33
KLAP 3J 33 sicilianc5
On 16th draw, WIENIE N10 34 --- WIENIE a frankfurter [n]
Other tops: WIENER N10 34, WINIER 2J 34, WIRIER 2J 34
Other moves: AWE G12 28, RENY D12 26, AW G12 22, WAY 13G 22, WE C3 22
WIENER N10 34 sicilianc5
On 17th draw, QAT I3 33 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QUAI J2 33
Other moves: GUNMEN 15J 30, GAM 3K 25, MAG 4D 25, MUG 4D 25, QUAT I2 25
QUAI J2 33 sicilianc5
On 18th draw, LIMNER 15J 33 --- LIMNER one that limns [n]
Other moves: RIMY D12 32, MINGER 15J 30, GIMEL 15K 27, MIEN 15L 27, RULY D12 26
MINGER 15J 30 sicilianc5
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