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Game on December 16, 2024 at 12:00, 5 players
1. 185 pts LongJump22
2. 34 pts NNNNNN1112
3. 34 pts OOOOOO1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ceeinz   H4    52    52   zechin
 2. aeensvx  10D    48   100   vexes
 3. addelrt   E4    90   190   treadled
 4. ?cinuvw   8A    33   223   wived
 5. aejlnot   D1    42   265   jota
 6. efirrst   2B    76   341   frostier
 7. diilort   1H    32   373   doilt
 8. aegmnot   4H    30   403   zonate
 9. acefiou   F5    28   431   ef
10. degiilr   N1    37   468   girdle
11. aahlnno   5K    30   498   holla
12. aabbemn   O5    34   532   ameban
13. acehmps   B8    44   576   impeach
14. einnotu  13B    74   650   continue
15. abiiprs  H12    33   683   pubs
16. aiirsuy  12H    29   712   pyurias
17. aikoqwy  12A    41   753   kayo
18. aeginuw   9E    29   782   lawn
19. aegnoqu   M9    48   830   quean
20. agiooru   1A    45   875   rioja

Remaining tiles: ggiou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5509 FileLongJump22  4  3:40  -690  185     1.5509 LongJump22  4  3:40  -690  185 
  2.5657 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:09  -841   34     2.5657 NNNNNN1112  1  1:09  -841   34 
  3.5564 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:28  -841   34     3.5564 OOOOOO1112  1  1:28  -841   34 
  4.5646 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:04  -851   24     4.5646 LLLLLL1112  0  1:04  -851   24 
  5.5613 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:42  -851   24     5.5613 MMMMMM1112  0  1:42  -851   24 

On 1st draw, ZEC(H)IN H4 52 --- ZECHIN an former Italian gold coin [n]
Other tops: ZINCE(D) H4 52
Other moves: ZE(B)EC H4 50, ZINC(O) H4 50, ZINC(S) H4 50, ZINC(Y) H4 50, ZEIN(S) H4 46

On 2nd draw, VEXES 10D 48 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: AXES 10E 44, EXES 10E 44, SAXE 10H 44, SAX 10H 43, SEX 10H 43

On 3rd draw, TREADLED E4 90 --- TREADLE to work by a foot pedal [v]
Other moves: TREADLED 5B 70, TREADLED 5F 70, TREADLED E8 70, DARTLED E5 36, DELATED E5 36

On 4th draw, WIV(E)D 8A 33 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: VIC(E)D 8A 30, ZINC(O) 4H 30, ZINC(S) 4H 30, ZINC(Y) 4H 30, VI(E)W D3 28

On 5th draw, JOTA D1 42 --- JOTA a Spanish dance [n]
Other tops: JANE D1 42, JOLE D1 42
Other moves: EJECTA 6E 33, CAJOLE 6H 31, JOE I3 31, JOL I3 31, JOT I3 31

On 6th draw, FROSTIER 2B 76 --- FROSTY covered with frost [adj]
Other tops: FIRRIEST B7 76
Other moves: FERRITES 5G 72, FIRRIEST B4 65, ROTIFERS 2C 65, FIRRIEST 8G 62, JIRRE 1D 36

On 7th draw, DOILT 1H 32 --- DOILT crazy [adj]
Other moves: DROIL 1G 29, DROIT 1G 29, ZORIL 4H 28, VIROID D10 27, DOIT 1H 26

On 8th draw, ZONATE 4H 30 --- ZONATE arranged in zones [adj]
Other moves: TOTEM F2 28, ZANTE 4H 28, ZONAE 4H 28, VATMEN D10 27, REGMA C2 24

On 9th draw, EF F5 28 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other tops: FA F6 28, FE F6 28
Other moves: AUF 3K 26, OF G4 26, RIFE C2 24, UFO 3L 24, FAE 3K 23

On 10th draw, GIRDLE N1 37 --- GIRDLE to encircle with a belt [v]
Other tops: GILDER N1 37, GLIDER N1 37, LIDGER N2 37, RIDGEL N2 37, RIDGIL N2 37
Other moves: RIDGE N2 35, GLIDE N1 31, GRIDE N1 31, GELD N1 29, GIED N1 29

On 11th draw, HOLLA 5K 30 --- HOLLA to shout out a greeting [v]
Other tops: HALLO 5K 30
Other moves: HALON O6 29, HONAN O6 29, ALOHA O5 28, HALL 5K 28, AHA 5J 26

On 12th draw, AMEBAN O5 34 --- AMEBA a one-celled animal of ever-changing shape [adj] --- AMEBAN pertaining to an ameba [adj]
Other moves: AMBAN O5 31, AMEBA O5 31, BAM 6J 24, CAMAN 6H 24, RAMEN C2 23
AMEBAN O5 34 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 13th draw, IMPEACH B8 44 --- IMPEACH to charge with misconduct in office [v]
Other moves: MACHES N9 38, H(E)AVES D7 32, CHEEPS G7 31, CHEEP G7 30, RACHE C2 29
IMPEACH B8 44 LongJump22

On 14th draw, CONTINUE 13B 74 --- CONTINUE to go on with [v]
Other moves: ONE O1 22, UTE O1 22, INTONE N10 20, VENIN D10 19, CONIN 6H 18
CONTINUE 13B 74 LongJump22

On 15th draw, PUBS H12 33 --- PUB a public bar [n]
Other tops: BURP H12 33
Other moves: PIRAIS N9 28, BURA H12 27, BURS H12 27, PUIR H12 27, PURI H12 27
BURP H12 33 LongJump22

On 16th draw, PYURIAS 12H 29 --- PYURIA the presence of pus in the urine [n]
Other tops: SAURY J10 29
Other moves: PYURIA 12H 27, AIRY J11 26, ARSY J11 26, ARY J12 25, IVY C7 25

On 17th draw, KAYO 12A 41 --- KAYO to knock out [v]
Other tops: KAWA 12A 41
Other moves: WAKA 12A 40, OAKY 11J 39, QI 1A 38, LAWNY 9E 37, QI 6J 37

On 18th draw, LAWN 9E 29 --- LAWN an area of grass-covered land [n]
Other moves: RAWIN C2 26, REWAN C2 26, REWIN C2 26, WIG 13M 26, WIGAN M9 26

On 19th draw, QUEAN M9 48 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUANGO M10 32, AQUAE M9 30, QUAG M10 28, QUARE K9 28, QUERN K9 28

On 20th draw, RIOJA 1A 45 --- RIOJA a dry red Spanish wine [n]
Other moves: ROUGE 11I 27, OUR N8 26, GOURA J10 23, AGO 11I 21, CIGAR 6H 21

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